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545 Players Online
05:34:35 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly
status: busy with uni :(
click here for more info

24 一 scorpio 一 PH
call me aira — a med student

🍃 hobbies: i love questing, battling, and stats
🪵 pets: not for trade unless in pet trades
🌱 mm/mt: open, feel free to shoot me a msg
🐻 club: i already belong to a club so no club invites

🍄 pet goals: 🍄
🍄 other mara goals: 🍄
- wardrobe count at 3k
- get missing wardrobe gb ✔️ (tysm Taf!!)
- complete whirlpool treasure map ✔️ (11/07/22)
- complete foxfire pond treasure map ✔️ (11/05/22)
- complete unnecessary perfection instructions ✔️

kawaii pixel art dividers by valyria
Player for 15 years, 3 months & 4 daysJoined 16th Nov 2009 02:12
wardrobe count of 4k — 3.1k
progress goal level 40 — 29
Player for 15 years, 3 months & 4 days Joined 16th Nov 2009 02:12

Fangs has pets