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587 Players Online
18:38:42 MST
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These are the 587 Players that are currently online and playing right now. The most players online yesterday was 630 and most so far today is 643. There have been 4,908 Players online in the past 24 hours. Did you know that the Queen Eleka loyalty rewards you for each unique day you play?
587 Players Online
Ian Hunnie 75 TazLuvr, Debbie, Jinxes, spez, Kyreecie, nicecat2, dull, 4evryoung, Minnwild_07, Firinx, momof1angel, Behappy, Trisk, TheMIL, wintergreen555, AuroraCopernicus, DayravenB, Stressful, SuzySnowflake, MommaCats, Maureen, jello_quean, Findamber, Airie, Cappygirl, wittelsbach, Fruitycake, SwanSong, Furship, Aballard, bebbs, freakytrekker, Plum, mymysweetiepie, neha007, Amberlynn, DW, Monica, Zariani, Lovelovexx, Kit, Maramis, KarenLostAngel, perfectplayer6, Sweetangeleyes, Tromax, Hatshepsut, Anthy, Patrick, SandStorm181, Quaxly, mummyfi, koborikun, pinkzoink, cheerfulbaby, Anamya, fluffynkacy, Ephemeral, Bulma, Bakura, Claire, Confectionery, Fairy, Owlet, sumin9358, Jami, Natskiddo, Psych, ShockWave, Rin, Brigand, Gummi, stephy4554, Wriothesley, Wednesday, Esurient, Momofdoctors, law, Debra, Nativenancy, Jazziness, shoujo, Raisinbran, chy1994lyd, Joanne, Maths, Azaura, Scott, JesusFreak, Asgard, Nitewalker, Ruzek, ellen44dugas, 25, turashu, Hime, Mccandles, Spearmint, SK, delloyd, seekerofmps, ThorGodofThunder, Kam, Aimee, Violotta, flipsahoy, Dianne, ruminator, September, Anasazi, ActuallyTheDog, Lockheed, luigilula, DebiJ
72 Peeps13, Musicalitea
71 Kat, colleenmurphydevlin, kattrillium, Ka
69 Dangelica, Batzy, La, venukid, TheWrongSide, ZanderKnight, thedawgdays, filly6, Dream51296, littlerstar, r2roarthuro
68 curleebirdee, AprilDecember, Rightmeow, grandmaof9, Azulura
67 Bummer, Unsullied
66 Deathpact, Supernatural, Steph3518
65 midnight989, fungoh
64 GiratiBoo, Hiyaa, shad0wcat
63 AthenaLove
62 tenshijanai05, shastahoney, meowria, Jurassic
61 Gummgumm, shan4408, Vegan, swtrvng9, Lanming
60 sunshinelollipop, jack8290, Cannibals, GoddessOfKaos, spookycouch, acadiaz, Baz, asirpa
59 angelication, Lizzyful, reikotsu, Badger
58 Zygoma, pashnugala, Wellesandra, Starlingwood, irritate, Lemongrab
57 Eevell, Kashh, Wishfully, moflowr, Flre, shyhoney05, Cramp, Dough, Tlaloc70, PURPLE232, mightywatermelon, lilmouze, RainbowGemstone82, jbabie347, henbane, LindsayRae
56 MassPanic, Darkrai, Hallmark, Iz, VelvetStar, nysomind, Soleo, 1987rx7, Noelle, cappyqueen12, misswildebaby
55 JessisJoking, Ghirahims, Scylla6, Tingi1, Spanishmusicfan, Binary, SuccubusHorror, JahLove, Siofra, RhythmTA, SlayerWolf, Yuto, uptown943
54 lovelykamikaze, UnholySinner, Stockmon, cn, Jeweller, KR, kelli, Tarot
53 AzureIce, kilat
52 AngelgirlnCT, Sakurshi, Jin, lovelyreader, Menalippe, twilite88, Trap
51 crisscrossy, likeTurbo, Gi, Motorhead
50 AyumiSan, TheSayTin, Tazzi
48 Jakari, Elenlin
46 IwonderasIwander
45 j3ss, cagedmike, denzelle
44 BabyMaggot, mattfox, crystal_flower, TitanicHeart
43 Nimskrt, Houdina, Hairs, emilypop123, Teng, Syndra, Flirtea
42 GilmoreGirlz
41 sako, macaslaacool, michelle2373, seiksoon, CandiiCat, iammom, Chevelle75, Chord, Wylan, Toukagen
40 Nadidi, TwiceBaked, Pumpkin, Shiverburn
39 Wiild
38 na
37 noperopenoodlepope
36 draconianlore, Infinite, Cain, Zalfenior, Syloqui, Languoreth, Desmodontinae, Clasper, FlowerGirl98, Brie, rcr2cwr1hlr1, Goanna, Chaoticdreams, Bella94, lowcow, Lanesy, samcutejhunix, melkid, TheBellJar, BriMarie, PackratShiloh, candywifee, Pershy, MissyAnne, BabeBritney, dori7816, katnightshade, AlphaGreyWolf, Kura96, corruleum, Mulberry, knitty1121
35 Jas9890
34 MissFudge, NayTheBabe, koriandr, scorbert, NewCassalla, LunarOrchid, Nicnevin, Glamour, Lexni, FeralStarfish, Cryable
33 jacksonavery, cheesepoof, Dadtea, Beelzebul, puppydog540, kastalaesi
32 lilblu2, Shaele, Elephant
31 Charmozie, Snooky740, Cocoboot, SnotSlime, Muerto, EbilJellyBean, Zealous, Fasorogirl33, Layne, CatchingClouds, webkinzxo
30 Monaanduno, Justin
29 phixaxion, OmgitsJess, Decadork, Lilacbreeze76, Vanalden, Bexu, money123444, OneWhosN, Andz000
28 Casseopiax, oyamu, Gengar, lisimnjawjr, Natalieroks, missfiona393, Cosmological, Bobbye, spotlee
27 dryless, Kasumi2222, xoemmy
26 BeeArt, Plaguepanther, Supabudgie, VioletSkies96, cev88
25 daphne1747, mandylee84, mwppreturns, Pipperton, Odditea, tingleyone01, Duckdancer, Panic, pokachufan1, FullMoonHime, cadencexfoxy
24 Explorer2025, Mental1018, Oofy404, RVT, Ladytandio
23 Akumasfate, Creril, PianoLover755
22 Roseofthefirefox, MothFairy, GhostTheToast, thecagedsong, HustlerBaby, maritzabaez
21 Iriel, karissaaaa, myra131, Iva, mari32123, Memoria, pegumin, RiceBallo, mc24, n0tS, Rigel, doggyzoe, Everythingslayer, Shinzoku, KriketS, kapee, llllllllllllll, poppop44, Dustyshoes24, unicorn51333
20 doggydogs5, purplewitch13, Fuzzyprophet, justin242, Plusha, Beauty, ellameno
18 ldyinkr, Azinae, gerbor, Benjamin2016, madaamgigglez, Cotdogsweet, Guitar, kidgame2001, Raque2002, RavensInk, Oceanfront, Divulge, Chanilee, LuxNoir
17 kayleekat11, zyrese, Rosefire, bubbIegum, JennyLungbarrow, Fuzzball89, Treaklefurs, loradream, lexingtondavid, Charlockle
16 italianmobsta, flashy48, Rainfire, ssss23, windmouse, Jewelz, RoundDaddy, klemys, schnozfish, reesesking, augustvhope, glindaella, HiddenLight, Zerrahki, correctoraline, meesha9980, bohoheather, Aury, Butchers, jennycat02, pelpet, uyyu, shezza1979, Dantalion, Farindale, Goldfishgirl119, azncutie33, lukedj, SmileyChains, ArcaneStego
15 cromergar13, Keiiro, vhtm, fangsdrip, shrekiscool, 1andonlyspacecat, Jadey, Boxel, Marapetspencil, right500, Narutolaststand, Alishkah, IceCoffee2024, SavageDamsel, mamasand, Druanna, FiraFirePrincess, HollowHearted, slexelance, RaeTheBird17, NevermoreSteed, sjhhawwehq, tenytinypancake, Raistlen, Cottonpuff, skreamingninja, PitBullet, VioletteOrb, Vylynett, matt9999, Whysmyusernamesolong, Ruins, chocolumi, PebbleStar, katie2296, TrueCrimeFan, Wasabi, simpleplanbouvier, nootix, Elim, MangyUnicorn, LukeHemmingworth, MrDenshi, Thunderdog, maripi, GreenEeveeSoup, DuskDreamer, Lorrania, The_Ramones, popee, torch94, Zupp, BreadButt, waffleflinger, Hades3, Manyuta, Crowstiel, ann49, Kingston, cow8moo, Vallium, Nicky748, SaffrynEpheria, spanishpenguin
14 Pandalerium, kipp, THEDAD, Specialist, BlueMermaidKittens
13 Chrissie74, fyret1ger, Emmaan, LilyMoonstone2008
12 zanzibubz, loganlee
11 woof600, candygirl1200, speedforce44, pippydelafleur, Ellyssindrea, Vxxn
10 Prinzillaya, Stylerforever
9 delila7, bluelam, zimmygirl
8 manulittle, MargareeeeT
7 mdmsea
5 Ryuthan, bunnyjenna613
4 ermine1227
2 joanhung, razorcallahan, bellalovezzzyou, wappatappa36
1 Halloween2011, ember2222, lucianalucianinha
0 sims2025, embrystarr, heckrodt8, Ruuh01, 1christmaskarma2025, veronica0819, EvelynnXx, HaZel3333, NikolasSantos, bingabonga, osoroshidesu, DiztyCarillon, OT8, RavenHeart89
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