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  1. HUGE giveaway
    14th Nov 2013 05:18
    10 years, 6 months & 30 days ago
  2. Memorable Portals
    7th Sep 2013 00:25
    10 years, 9 months & 9 days ago
  3. Congratulations! You managed to pick up a King Bas
    21st Dec 2012 05:59
    11 years, 5 months & 23 days ago
  4. Giveaway! (up to 3mil+ worth of prizes!)
    24th Nov 2012 18:17
    11 years, 6 months & 20 days ago
  5. Thanks for collecting the Enchanted Plushie Instru
    16th Nov 2012 03:28
    11 years, 6 months & 29 days ago
  6. Zaqs changed into a Minipet Daisy!
    11th Nov 2012 01:09
    11 years, 7 months & 3 days ago
  7. Genie!!
    26th Aug 2012 02:48
    11 years, 9 months & 20 days ago
  8. 3 LEs being given away!
    23rd May 2012 02:59
    12 years & 23 days ago
  9. Goals
    4th Apr 2011 23:24
    13 years, 2 months & 11 days ago
  10. lucky breaks
    7th Oct 2010 19:49
    13 years, 8 months & 6 days ago
HUGE giveaway
10 years, 6 months & 30 days ago
14th Nov 2013 05:18

I am giving away most of what I have.

I've finally decided, that I have to quit mara. I will not yet be stating why though.

The following pets are to be given away through apps:
Aeu (pet that I have once planned to become a baby but never had time to finish)
Fullbuster (hihihi, if you watch Fairy Tail or something that's Grey's last name)
Kelpey (gives away 'Sshh..." avvie + one of my first ever pets)
Sassilla (yup, im giving away my basil)

Shiza & Haiyan will be the only ones that will remain in my profile. The rest of my pets have been sent to some deserving people already.

Also, I am giving away 10Mil MP. But I will not give that out as a whole. I will break it into chunks, depending on your apps.

And lastly, my gallery. I have loads of goodies there. State what you want and stuff. I am giving away the PHTM as a WHOLE, you could apply for the ones with spares though. Also, even if you are the only one who applied for a specific item doesn't mean I'll give it to you right away, I'll give them to people who deserve them more.

My shop will be donated to POG as well, I will not tell when though. So keep an eye out. (;

I do have some rules though:
1.) NO POEMS & NO STORIES. Graphics are okay though, that does not guarantee you brownie points. I only want to read your apps. I want content with substance. I do not need to know that you're fish has died or anything, I do not need to know that you've just turned 90 or something. I like seeing effort.
2.) BE HONEST. I want to know what your plans are if ever you received 'x'.
3.) YOU COULD ONLY APPLY FOR ONE PET. But you may apply for my stuff from my gallery & my MP. But take note, I ABSOLUTELY HATE GREEDY people.
4.) POST ONLY APPLICATIONS IN THIS BLOG. You could ask questions through mail though.
5.) In most of my giveaways previously, I've always asked a question. And now, IT IS REQUIRED of you to answer this question:
"What would be the greatest thing you have done to others, what is that ONE act wherein others can consider you a hero?"

The deadline of apps would be on the 21st of November. I will choose the winners on the 25th, my birthday.

I hope you participate in this giveaway. And I wish you all the best of luck! Smile

Hello I'm Kay!:3 I hear you're leaving? Aww hate seeing players leave this site. It's getting so inactive:/ I hear you ask the question 'what makes me a hero?' Well on here I help people reach their dream pets and often do some giveaways! In real life, I helped someone who had collapsed in a phone box and was not breathing,I phoned the ambulance for them. I am here to apply for one of your pets. I don't mind what I get, but I would absolutely love sassilla! I am guessing a LOT of people will be applying for your basil, so I don't mind if I don't get it:3! It should go to the best person!:3 being honest, I would most likely trade, but only for a really good offer (it would be really hard to pry). I hope I am considered, for this and I thank you so much for this chance! Good luck choosing&good luck everyone else<3
110 years, 6 months & 30 days ago 14th Nov 2013 08:01
Hi I'm Jasmine,

I would love Sassilla, I would keep him exactly the same as I receive him, I have pet Rats and love them therefore he would make a perfect edition to my pets!

"What would be the greatest thing you have done to others, what is that ONE act wherein others can consider you a hero?"

I don't think I'm hero but I do think I'm a good friend.
I have a friend who has battled with eating disorders ever since I've known her we've been friends for 9 years now. she goes through ups and downs and often struggles to talk about them.
She has other friends who don't seem to care and get bored of supporting her.

She's been through times where she's self harmed and starved herself and I've tried to support her with firm but loving words and friendship, tried to steer her in the right direction.

It got to the point where she was throwing up after eating and blood started showing in her vomit and she had kept this from me but decided to let it out and tell me she was scared and it was enough for me to push her to get help, shes now making progress and is starting to get better with weekly councilling and support from health care profesionals, she still struggles but I'm always available to chat when she needs me or to give her a pick me up when she's down by just being her friend and taking her mind off the things she find difficult.

And I'm ever so proud of her and seeing her recover couldn't make me happier!
110 years, 6 months & 30 days ago 14th Nov 2013 08:00
- Application for Confession -

Hello, My name is Keith and I am very fond of Ercuws and, your pet Ercuw, Confession, seems to interest me just like all Ercuws. He has a decent stats and a bewitching costume. Ercuws like Confession must came from a hard-working and dedicated player, which is a very admirable person, making their pets worthy of recognition and very attractive. If i ever receive Confession i would train him and treat him as the same with all of my pets. No neccessary transformations are needed since he already has a decent costume. I am content already for what confession is now, though some improvements must be made with his stats and one thing for sure, I will never trade him for other pets since he will be a huge contribution to my goals, which is to own all kinds of costumed-ercuws. I am happy to be able to apply for your pet, Confession, and I wish you a successful and happy life.

- End of Application -

"What would be the greatest thing you have done to others? What is that one ace wherein others can consider you a hero?"

I think helping others in times that they wouldn't expect is the greatest things I had ever done. You must have the ability of "Tact" which is being able to walk on other's shoes to sense their needs. I honestly can't recall those things. It could be helping your troubled friend with homeworks, picking up things for the other person or saving a homeless cat or dog in the street. Doing these little acts made me realize my own self-worth and purpose. Realizing my own value seems to bring motivation to help more people, because of this question I can now call myself a "Small Time Hero" for all the things i'd done, and when the time comes that I am the one that is in need of help, I'm pretty much sure there would be other Heroes that will help me in my needs.
- Little acts that could turn you into a Hero -
110 years, 6 months & 30 days ago 14th Nov 2013 08:00
Sad to see an old player go; best of luck on your future endeavors!

I'd like to apply for Haneru. I'd most likely never trade her, Latis are my favorite pets. I had one on my old account, which I can't get into anymore because it's been 5 years and I don't remember my information, so I had staff freeze it and started over.

I'd also like to apply for one of the bug costumes in your gallery. I'm working on the Trunx missions and think the bug phanty is adorable.

"What would be the greatest thing you have done to others, what is that ONE act wherein others can consider you a hero?"
I don't know that I've ever done anything I would consider heroic. I'm a good person - I give money when I see a homeless person, volunteer time at the animal shelter, try to raise my kids to be gentle and loving, but I've never saved a life, at least not to my knowledge.

Thank you for this opportunity!

110 years, 6 months & 30 days ago 14th Nov 2013 07:53
Hey im max. I would love to get Isolate because of a few reasons. I've been after an ercuw for quite some time now, i've been trying to trade my dakota & sindi for one but no success. I do plan on turning him into a bug ercuw because as soon as i saw the costume released i knew i NEEDED it, so i bought a bug costume, in the hope that someone would trade with me.
If i didn't do that, my plan would be to most likely combine my chibs with the ercuw and ATTEMPT to trade it for a Lorius. One of the reasons for the Ercuw & Lorius is on the facebook page for marapets, they showed the pictures of the NEW upcoming 'Fire & Ice' costume which the ercuw looks great in, then thought that with the new lorius its bound to look great with that costume on! So yeah, thats basically my plans if i were to get Isolate! They are my honest plans, so theres around a 50/50 chance that i'd keep him. Plus he's adorable.
I'd love it if i could have the Drowsy Minipet, he also looks adorable! He would stay attached to my pets and I would find the best yarn and change it's colour!

"What would be the greatest thing you have done to others, what is that ONE act wherein others can consider you a hero?"

This is hard for me because i wouldn't really say that i've done anything heroic?
There was a time at school when my friend had got a tennis racket thrown at the side of his head. and to be honest, it was not a pretty sight. there was blood everywhere and he was unconscious but the only heroic type thing i did was phoning 999 to get the ambulance, told the head teacher, and also run next to the ambulance guiding it to my friend. Luckily he was alright and his mum was there by the time i was back and he was back at school the week after.
So i guess thats me being helpful, but im not sure about 'heroic'?

So i thinks thats everything you required in the apps, so thanks and good luck to other people!
110 years, 6 months & 30 days ago 14th Nov 2013 07:49
Hello there. So I'm not very good at this app writing. But I'm not gonna sit here and give you some sob story. I'm just going to be honest. I want to apply for Sassilla. Having a basil has always been my dream pet. I would turn Sassilla into a pirate. I have a thing for pirates and the basil pirate is just too cute not to have. I wish you luck on picking someone. Thank you for taking my app into consideration.
110 years, 6 months & 30 days ago 14th Nov 2013 07:42

Hi Im Aqua. Id love to have it, Its so sweet. I promise to take real good care of it, and it would be a welcome new member of my Mara family and the greatist thing I ever done on Mara is join it. And I would love to have the Premium Hair Map set. This will be the only way I ever get to have it And Ill give my Daisy away to a new member here on Mara and send the CE for them to except it
110 years, 6 months & 30 days ago 14th Nov 2013 06:51
I would love to own Aeu or Haneru i would never tradr them as would be my permanent pets thanks for considering sad to see you leave another good person to leave mara you will be missed thanks hepp12 hope its in the rules
110 years, 6 months & 30 days ago 14th Nov 2013 06:50
Hi my name is Joshua. I guess the greatest thing I did for someone was buy a plane ticket from Texas to Ohio so I was around for a really good friend before she went into surgery and was there to help her as she recover.

I would like to apply for Isolate I love the name and the costume. My dream pet is a gothic sindi but I love the emo ercuw and the name. I would never trade or give him away I want to create a family of Ercuws.

I would also like to apply for some mp. My goal is to turn cicisbeo into a love mordo to give to a really great friend I met on here for Christmas and she would go great with her family of Mordos
110 years, 6 months & 30 days ago 14th Nov 2013 06:47
To those who haven't complied with the rules. I am giving you a chance to change your apps.


110 years, 6 months & 30 days ago 14th Nov 2013 06:44
  1. HUGE giveaway
    14th Nov 2013 05:18
    10 years, 6 months & 30 days ago
  2. Memorable Portals
    7th Sep 2013 00:25
    10 years, 9 months & 9 days ago
  3. Congratulations! You managed to pick up a King Bas
    21st Dec 2012 05:59
    11 years, 5 months & 23 days ago
  4. Giveaway! (up to 3mil+ worth of prizes!)
    24th Nov 2012 18:17
    11 years, 6 months & 20 days ago
  5. Thanks for collecting the Enchanted Plushie Instru
    16th Nov 2012 03:28
    11 years, 6 months & 29 days ago
  6. Zaqs changed into a Minipet Daisy!
    11th Nov 2012 01:09
    11 years, 7 months & 3 days ago
  7. Genie!!
    26th Aug 2012 02:48
    11 years, 9 months & 20 days ago
  8. 3 LEs being given away!
    23rd May 2012 02:59
    12 years & 23 days ago
  9. Goals
    4th Apr 2011 23:24
    13 years, 2 months & 11 days ago
  10. lucky breaks
    7th Oct 2010 19:49
    13 years, 8 months & 6 days ago