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  1. HUGE giveaway
    14th Nov 2013 05:18
    10 years, 7 months & 2 days ago
  2. Memorable Portals
    7th Sep 2013 00:25
    10 years, 9 months & 11 days ago
  3. Congratulations! You managed to pick up a King Bas
    21st Dec 2012 05:59
    11 years, 5 months & 26 days ago
  4. Giveaway! (up to 3mil+ worth of prizes!)
    24th Nov 2012 18:17
    11 years, 6 months & 22 days ago
  5. Thanks for collecting the Enchanted Plushie Instru
    16th Nov 2012 03:28
    11 years & 7 months ago
  6. Zaqs changed into a Minipet Daisy!
    11th Nov 2012 01:09
    11 years, 7 months & 5 days ago
  7. Genie!!
    26th Aug 2012 02:48
    11 years, 9 months & 22 days ago
  8. 3 LEs being given away!
    23rd May 2012 02:59
    12 years & 25 days ago
  9. Goals
    4th Apr 2011 23:24
    13 years, 2 months & 13 days ago
  10. lucky breaks
    7th Oct 2010 19:49
    13 years, 8 months & 8 days ago
HUGE giveaway
10 years, 7 months & 2 days ago
14th Nov 2013 05:18

I am giving away most of what I have.

I've finally decided, that I have to quit mara. I will not yet be stating why though.

The following pets are to be given away through apps:
Aeu (pet that I have once planned to become a baby but never had time to finish)
Fullbuster (hihihi, if you watch Fairy Tail or something that's Grey's last name)
Kelpey (gives away 'Sshh..." avvie + one of my first ever pets)
Sassilla (yup, im giving away my basil)

Shiza & Haiyan will be the only ones that will remain in my profile. The rest of my pets have been sent to some deserving people already.

Also, I am giving away 10Mil MP. But I will not give that out as a whole. I will break it into chunks, depending on your apps.

And lastly, my gallery. I have loads of goodies there. State what you want and stuff. I am giving away the PHTM as a WHOLE, you could apply for the ones with spares though. Also, even if you are the only one who applied for a specific item doesn't mean I'll give it to you right away, I'll give them to people who deserve them more.

My shop will be donated to POG as well, I will not tell when though. So keep an eye out. (;

I do have some rules though:
1.) NO POEMS & NO STORIES. Graphics are okay though, that does not guarantee you brownie points. I only want to read your apps. I want content with substance. I do not need to know that you're fish has died or anything, I do not need to know that you've just turned 90 or something. I like seeing effort.
2.) BE HONEST. I want to know what your plans are if ever you received 'x'.
3.) YOU COULD ONLY APPLY FOR ONE PET. But you may apply for my stuff from my gallery & my MP. But take note, I ABSOLUTELY HATE GREEDY people.
4.) POST ONLY APPLICATIONS IN THIS BLOG. You could ask questions through mail though.
5.) In most of my giveaways previously, I've always asked a question. And now, IT IS REQUIRED of you to answer this question:
"What would be the greatest thing you have done to others, what is that ONE act wherein others can consider you a hero?"

The deadline of apps would be on the 21st of November. I will choose the winners on the 25th, my birthday.

I hope you participate in this giveaway. And I wish you all the best of luck! Smile

What would be the greatest thing you have done to others, what is that ONE act wherein others can consider you a hero?

I am going to become a teacher.
I will teach a future priest, nurse, maybe even the chemist who will cure cancer. I will be the one they run too when they trip and scrape their knee. I'm going to be the one that people look to for the next generations to come.

I myself have NOT decide WHAT I want to teach yet. But I want to teach. And I want to be a damn good teacher, and I will be.

I'm applying for either MP or the PHTM.
The PHTM so that I can complete it. And the MP so that I can buy things for my pets. Such as gourmet foods I may need, or more likely, costumes & potions for transformations.

That is all.

I wish you the best, Naruto.
And I hate myself because I don't know Naruto enough to quote something farewell like.

Anyway, thank you!
110 years, 7 months & 1 day ago 14th Nov 2013 17:58
Hi! I'm Lauren and I'm applying for any amount of mp

I have a few million saved up from years of trying not to spend it all xD
I'm trying to save enough mp for a snookle potion. I'm not sure why honestly, I could just trade for a snookle but I think it's the satisfaction of buying the option and creating the pet yourself. The snookle would be ice cream eventually. It's one of my favorite pets. That's basically all there is to my application, any amount would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much

One thing I've done in my lifetime that somebody may consider me a hero for is my five year dedication to the special Olympics. My cousin was diagnosed with severe autism and asbergers syndrome at the age of four, so it's difficult for him to communicate and get ideas and feelings across. The special Olympics has taught me a lot about compassion, patience, diversity and love. Every person that participates in the special Olympics is unique and themselves in their own way. They have such a drive and zest for life it's unreal. They don't care what rude people say to or about them because they love their life the way it is. I don't think this makes me a hero honestly, but others may.
110 years, 7 months & 1 day ago 14th Nov 2013 16:52
Hello Aristo,
I would like to own Haneru, i need a Lati to continue my pet theme of fire pets, i have a lot of the pets but im costuming them through the temple, so it is slow. Latis have become hard to find lately because they are a retired au...i really would like him. however give him to whoever you feel is best!

PS: My Brothers bday is the same as you!
110 years, 7 months & 1 day ago 14th Nov 2013 15:44
Hey! I was going to apply for Isolate, but instead I think I'd like to apply for a costume I collect pet costumes (in gallery) and I see you have a few which I haven't been able to obtain yet I would love to get the Autumn, Bug, Light, Pinata, Summer, Toy, or Winter costume I do not have any of these in my gallery, and it would help a ton just to get one new addition! I've been working on this collection for about two years, and I must admit it is probably the most proud I am of something on this site. And lastly for your question. My friend was in the hospital, and she was rather weak (blood disorder, she's fine now ) She was walking to a counter when she passed out. I luckily was close enough to catch her before she hit the ground. This I don't think is extraordinary (or really heroic), but it is the first thing that came to mind. So thanks for reading!
110 years, 7 months & 1 day ago 14th Nov 2013 15:37
Hi my name is Mel

I would like to apply for the Easter potato as it is one that i need to feed hennigan and it would be or step closer to completing the gourmet food which seems to be an everlasting challenge hehe.

Now for the question, saving my best friends little cousin from drowning in a river and resuscitating her would have to be the one act where I could be considered a hero, although i don't like to be thought of as a hero as im just a normal person.

Thanks for hosting

110 years, 7 months & 1 day ago 14th Nov 2013 15:35
Hey there! My name is Beans, and I'm here to apply for Pervs, your hobo chibs!

I've been here since October 2005, and Wylie was my first pet. I created him on the same day that I joined. When the hobo AU came out, I knew I wanted him to be a hobo chibs. Since then, I've loved hobo chibs. I figured, hey, this is the perfect chance to get another beauty!

If I became the lucky owner of Pervs, I would leave him the way he is, appearance wise. I would work more on his stats, as I see that you've already gotten baby stats on him. I've always wanted a battle pet, so I'd like to work on that for him. I'd love to build up his learnies as well, just like I have for Wylie.

The greatest thing I feel that I have done for others is talk a friend out of hurting herself. I've struggled with depression for the past five years, and I've become close friends with a couple of people who suffer in similar ways as I do. My friend Keegan struggles with family issues, and I spent a night overnight just talking to her and listening to what she had to say. I offered my input during a moment of silence, and helped her see all of the things that she still had to live for. That is the one act that I'm truly proud to say I've done.

Anyway, thank you for hosting this giveaway and for giving us all the opportunity to apply!

110 years, 7 months & 2 days ago 14th Nov 2013 15:24
Bio: My name is Alex, and I'm a girl of 17 years. I've been part of mara since this summer, and enjoy meeting and talking to a variety of different people here.

What I'm Applying for: Sissilla

Why I want her: My dream pets have always been sports pucu, angel justin, emo kujo, and alas, Toddler Basil. I can assure you that Sassilla would remain on my account as long as I am part of Mara.

Question: What would be the greatest thing you have done to others, what is that ONE act wherein others can consider you a hero?

Theres a large number of special needs students at my school. And they get bullied. A lot. But whenever I see this happening, I always intervene and make sure it stops. Sometimes its hard to tell if what I'm doing for Matthew, and Keith, and Brittany, and Alyssa is making a difference for them because of their lessened ability to understand whats happening, but no matter who it is, no one deserves to be treated the way that they are.

Thank you! May the odds be ever in your favor, goood bye!
110 years, 7 months & 2 days ago 14th Nov 2013 15:18
Hi! My name is Anna and I'm super excited to apply for Sassilla!

I clicked on your forum out of curiosity and when I saw that part of your giveaway was a toddler Basil you have no idea how excited I was! Truthfully I've never been a huge fan of Basil's but oh my gosh I can't even handle the cuteness of toddler Basil's they melt my heart

Sassilla would make an amazing addition to my mara family he would fit in perfectly and I plan to keep him because seriously how on earth could I ever trade someone so amazingly cute.

To tell you a little bit more about myself, I've been playing mara since about 2007 and had this account since 2009. I'm just super excited for this opportunity to add to my mara family even though they're just pixels I just love them haha.

And to answer your questions "What would be the greatest thing I have done for others and what is one act where I would consider myself a hero.":

Well I can truthfully say that I'm no hero. I'm in high school and can say I've never done anything outstanding. However I do volunteer regularly and every year I go to this thing called the Santa breakfast where I play with the children and make them balloon animals while them and their families get a free meal and winter coats. But that doesn't really make me a hero and trust me I know this sounds like I'm being a kiss-up or whatever but I'm not going to make up a story so sorry I couldn't really answer your question!

But overall I'd just really love Sassilla so please consider me for receiving him and thank you so much
110 years, 7 months & 2 days ago 14th Nov 2013 15:10
Hey my name is Wolfie and id like to apply for the Winter costume you have in your gallery ^^

I just want it to put in my gallery until more pets are able to wear it, I've been hoping a Winter Chibs would be released because in my head it looks sweet haha. I know you said you accept graphics in this give away but if I draw a Winter Chibs it won't look like its supposed to in my head c:

So yeah, that's about it. Thank you for considering me and good luck reading through all the apps :3
110 years, 7 months & 2 days ago 14th Nov 2013 14:49
Hey, my name is Vie.

I would like to apply for either a chunk of MP (4-5mil or lower depending on what others need/want) or the whole PHTM.

If I got a share of the MP I would put it towards buying all of the AU's that I need to change my pets names to re-order them and to buy the missing extra pet giftboxes I need so that I can get all of my dream pets. Also if I did win the PHTM, I would honestly just sell it to buy AU with also.

If I did win either it would help me be on my way towards getting these pets on my profile:
- Baby Vlad
- Digital Oglue
- Midnight Oglue
- Halloween Troit
- Chocolate Troit
And others too.

And now for your question:
"What would be the greatest thing you have done to others, what is that ONE act wherein others can consider you a hero?"

I don't even need to think of this one.

In January where I live it was snowing on one of the mornings that I was walking to college. It was already thick with snow on the ground and was icy. Because of it, I was running late for class so was rushing. I was just closing a road which is a bus route and has heavy traffic, when I happened to look behind me. I saw these two elderly ladies waiting for another break in the traffic so they could cross. One had a walking stick and the other didn't. The one without managed to cross the road after a few minutes. The other wasn't fast enough to cross and her friend just kept walking with out her. I ran back across the street and literally stood in the middle of one side of the road and stopped the traffic. I then helped her cross half way, and did the same on the other side. I was so late that day that I missed half of my second lessen.

But I will never forget how grateful she looked though.

Thank you for reading, and good luck to all.
110 years, 7 months & 2 days ago 14th Nov 2013 14:10
  1. HUGE giveaway
    14th Nov 2013 05:18
    10 years, 7 months & 2 days ago
  2. Memorable Portals
    7th Sep 2013 00:25
    10 years, 9 months & 11 days ago
  3. Congratulations! You managed to pick up a King Bas
    21st Dec 2012 05:59
    11 years, 5 months & 26 days ago
  4. Giveaway! (up to 3mil+ worth of prizes!)
    24th Nov 2012 18:17
    11 years, 6 months & 22 days ago
  5. Thanks for collecting the Enchanted Plushie Instru
    16th Nov 2012 03:28
    11 years & 7 months ago
  6. Zaqs changed into a Minipet Daisy!
    11th Nov 2012 01:09
    11 years, 7 months & 5 days ago
  7. Genie!!
    26th Aug 2012 02:48
    11 years, 9 months & 22 days ago
  8. 3 LEs being given away!
    23rd May 2012 02:59
    12 years & 25 days ago
  9. Goals
    4th Apr 2011 23:24
    13 years, 2 months & 13 days ago
  10. lucky breaks
    7th Oct 2010 19:49
    13 years, 8 months & 8 days ago