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  1. HUGE giveaway
    14th Nov 2013 05:18
    10 years, 7 months & 3 days ago
  2. Memorable Portals
    7th Sep 2013 00:25
    10 years, 9 months & 12 days ago
  3. Congratulations! You managed to pick up a King Bas
    21st Dec 2012 05:59
    11 years, 5 months & 26 days ago
  4. Giveaway! (up to 3mil+ worth of prizes!)
    24th Nov 2012 18:17
    11 years, 6 months & 23 days ago
  5. Thanks for collecting the Enchanted Plushie Instru
    16th Nov 2012 03:28
    11 years, 7 months & 1 day ago
  6. Zaqs changed into a Minipet Daisy!
    11th Nov 2012 01:09
    11 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
  7. Genie!!
    26th Aug 2012 02:48
    11 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
  8. 3 LEs being given away!
    23rd May 2012 02:59
    12 years & 26 days ago
  9. Goals
    4th Apr 2011 23:24
    13 years, 2 months & 14 days ago
  10. lucky breaks
    7th Oct 2010 19:49
    13 years, 8 months & 9 days ago
HUGE giveaway
10 years, 7 months & 3 days ago
14th Nov 2013 05:18

I am giving away most of what I have.

I've finally decided, that I have to quit mara. I will not yet be stating why though.

The following pets are to be given away through apps:
Aeu (pet that I have once planned to become a baby but never had time to finish)
Fullbuster (hihihi, if you watch Fairy Tail or something that's Grey's last name)
Kelpey (gives away 'Sshh..." avvie + one of my first ever pets)
Sassilla (yup, im giving away my basil)

Shiza & Haiyan will be the only ones that will remain in my profile. The rest of my pets have been sent to some deserving people already.

Also, I am giving away 10Mil MP. But I will not give that out as a whole. I will break it into chunks, depending on your apps.

And lastly, my gallery. I have loads of goodies there. State what you want and stuff. I am giving away the PHTM as a WHOLE, you could apply for the ones with spares though. Also, even if you are the only one who applied for a specific item doesn't mean I'll give it to you right away, I'll give them to people who deserve them more.

My shop will be donated to POG as well, I will not tell when though. So keep an eye out. (;

I do have some rules though:
1.) NO POEMS & NO STORIES. Graphics are okay though, that does not guarantee you brownie points. I only want to read your apps. I want content with substance. I do not need to know that you're fish has died or anything, I do not need to know that you've just turned 90 or something. I like seeing effort.
2.) BE HONEST. I want to know what your plans are if ever you received 'x'.
3.) YOU COULD ONLY APPLY FOR ONE PET. But you may apply for my stuff from my gallery & my MP. But take note, I ABSOLUTELY HATE GREEDY people.
4.) POST ONLY APPLICATIONS IN THIS BLOG. You could ask questions through mail though.
5.) In most of my giveaways previously, I've always asked a question. And now, IT IS REQUIRED of you to answer this question:
"What would be the greatest thing you have done to others, what is that ONE act wherein others can consider you a hero?"

The deadline of apps would be on the 21st of November. I will choose the winners on the 25th, my birthday.

I hope you participate in this giveaway. And I wish you all the best of luck! Smile

Hi there I'm Kel, and I would adore to be the new owner of Aeu. She is adorable and would help me achieve my goal of owning a Quell. My plans would be to recossie her Valentine & work on building up her stats. I am slowly building up my account, and plan to stick around on Mara. Aeu would definitely be a permanent pet, and she would be a dream come true.

" What would be the greatest thing you have done to others, what is that ONE act wherein others can consider you a hero?"

I would have to say that being a swim instructor for special needs children and adults has forever changed my life, as well as others. I worked with a young boy in the water, who was deathly afraid to try to do a back float. I worked with him for about 8 sessions, and he finally became confident in himself and trusted me enough that he did a back float. He hugged me for over 3 minutes after this. I have learned alot from that experience, and the kids I have helped are forever grateful. The feeling you get when you see others achieving something they have been working so hard for, is absolutely heart warming.

Thank you for this opportunity (:
110 years, 7 months & 2 days ago 14th Nov 2013 09:46
Hello. I am oldly new to Marapets, but I really do enjoy my time on here. I am not at all governed by having the best pets or items, so I've decided to apply for Fullbuster. I do watch Fairy Tail, and I am a big fan of it! Although I do like your other pets, I've decided to only apply for Fullbuster so others will have a chance.

Hope you consider me.
110 years, 7 months & 2 days ago 14th Nov 2013 09:15
Hey, I'm Sam
Ill be here to apply for Yeffa!

Ive been on ,mara for some time now and have recently come back from a bit of break.
My new goals were:
To get Zydare to 100 stats (which I have now completed!
And to start an army of sleepy pets!

My friend thought I should have a profile to match my username and I loved the idea. So now I am trying to build up an army of sleepy pets!
I have already acquired a sleepy murfin!
My next stage of the plan is to swap Xerneas for a sleepy vitto and to get all the non-les.
Having Yeffa would really help me along with this goal and he would fit in with all my other sleepy pets.

"What would be the greatest thing you have done to others, what is that ONE act wherein others can consider you a hero?

I guess I could possibly be considered a hero for the work I did in Ecuador. When I had a gap year a few years back. I traveled to Ecuador with a group of other volunteers and we spent two weeks there helping to build a local school near the province of Chimborazo.
I know I never saved a life but I hope to those children we helped and everyone in that community who finally got the opportunity to go school that we are considered heroic.

Now I feel almost bad for apping for two things but it would be lovely if I could have either the Zombie Figaro Tail or the Easter potato from your gallery.
As they are two gourmets that Zydare has not yet eaten and would be a great help.

Thank you for reading and I wish you the best of luck in real life.
Good luck to all that have entered.
110 years, 7 months & 2 days ago 14th Nov 2013 09:10
Hi Aristo, I'd like to apply for Pervs.

In all honesty, if I do have him, I will not consider doing anything with him - except let him sit on my profile and look pretty. I could train him at the gym, but I really don't want another deadly pet on my hands After all, the only thing a hobo chibs would need is loving care and a nice warm place to call home. And that's what I can give him, so rest assured, he will only stay on my account. I don't think I can ever bear to part with such an adorable pet that is so evidently in need of a good home.

Ever since hobo chibs have been released, I have been chasing after them - but ever so evasive, they manage to slip from my grasp....I suspect that my pets simply did not measure up to the trade, oh well. Nonetheless, I just wanted to use this opportunity and see where that takes me.

As for the greatest thing I've done would be shaving my head and donating all my hair to Locks of Love. I shaved my head to show support for a friend who got cancer. Not sure if that is actually heroic, but I guess it shows how much I am willing to do to help a friend.
110 years, 7 months & 2 days ago 14th Nov 2013 09:08
Hello, my name is Kevin but some people call me Mar. I am a typical college student who is selfishly selfless, if you can understand that. Although I do try to forge my own future and I'm still curious where this will lead me, I still do participate in my community to serve the well-being of it. I am a Science major but somehow, I was blessed analytical and literary skills -- which are quite polar opposites. I am very goal-oriented, as I have achieved many of my goals in under the few months that I have been on Marapets. According to King Baspinar, I joined on "August 25, 2013, 7:58 am", although somehow many do not seem to believe me. I live my life by an agenda, but I'm open to spontaneity -- and this is where you quitting somehow added to that. Although I was planning to aim for a Basil next, your giveaway is now penciled into my agenda and I will be able to achieve that goal. I do really like Toddler Basils; however, I plan on costuming Sassilla Pirate, as that is my main pet goal. As seen on my profile, I rarely do not trade any pets listed on my Pet Goal blog, and although many would say this, I rather would not trade Sassilla -- not only from my own ethics but because it will hold some sentiment. That is all that I am applying for, I always like seeing one good (in this form, your giveaway) benefiting MANY people (such as in the community), rather than one person alone.

I've decided to answer your question through a graphic:
"What would be the greatest thing you have done to others, what is that ONE act wherein others can consider you a hero?"
Link below:
110 years, 7 months & 2 days ago 14th Nov 2013 09:05
Hi! My name is Farrah and I've been on Marapets for almost 7 years (which explains the terrible username). When I first started out I didn't really know what I was doing or relative values for anything. I didn't get into pet trading until a couple of years ago, but ever since I started it has been my dream to have a Chibs. I've accomplished that goal, but I love them so much that I'm still trying to trade for them. This is why I'm applying for Pervs. I'm very careful with pets I care a lot about, so I doubt I would ever trade him away, nor would I want to.
I'm 17, homeschooled, and to be honest I don't consider anything I've done to be heroic. If there is one thing I'm proud of though, it is preventing one of my best friends from committing suicide. About a year ago he was going through a terrible, depressed period. Even though I was there for him the entire time, nothing I did was ever enough to help. One night he called me crying and threatening to kill himself. It took about 20 minutes, but I calmed him down and I was able to pick him up.
I'm so glad I have the opportunity to apply, but I'm sorry you're leaving Marapets. Thank you for considering my application! (:
110 years, 7 months & 2 days ago 14th Nov 2013 08:54
Hello, my name is Eme, I'll be applying for Sassilla.

You asked for honesty and substance, so I'll try to deliver that today. (-:

I've been playing mara for 5-6 years through a few accounts, and have kept this one for 5 this coming March. For the most part, I've attained pets and given them away to people I deemed were genuinely nice and might like a little surprise, but now I'm focused on building my profile before I continue doing that.

In all, I'm looking for high valued pets to keep. This may or may not be important to you, but I thought I'd just let you know the chances of me trading him are minimal.

Ah! I love questions!

What would be the greatest thing you have done to others, what is that ONE act wherein others can consider you a hero?

Well, I'd never want to be considered a hero. Maybe just a good person, but I think the thing I find myself most proud of is preventing the suicide jump of a stranger. He thought nobody could ever care about him. Sometimes all you have to show is genuine kindness and respect when you talk to people, it does wonders.

I know many people will be applying for Sassilla, with great applications! So on a side note, looking through your gallery, I saw you had a One Hundred Fifty Dukka coin. I'm 21/30 on Pirate Mafia for a Pucu and that would help immensely! Last time I spent 1.4 million on level 21. *gag*

Anyway, thank you for reading, and enjoy the real world! Best of luck to you! (-:
110 years, 7 months & 2 days ago 14th Nov 2013 08:53
Hello, I am Aiko! I will be applying for Yeffa! (He's so adorable)

Anyways, the greatest thing i have done to others, which I believe considers me a hero, is i have prevented someone from committing suicide. He has been my best friend for over a year now. He has always been a really sensitive, depressed person. One day, he was threatening to kill himself. He called me and was crying his eyes out. I told him that I loved him and it wasn't worth it. I needed him on this earth and many other people do too. After maybe two hours of talking and cheering him up, he promised me he wouldn't do it. I was so happy and proud of both him and myself.

That is my app. I don't really expect to win, but i tried

Oh, and I'd also like to apply for the Galactic Boots in your gallery, but i care less about those than the adorable Yeffa.

Thanks for being a kind person and giving away things! I'm sorry to see you leave mara. Have a nice day
110 years, 7 months & 2 days ago 14th Nov 2013 08:37
Hi I'm Nikki and I am apping for Pervs. I have been on Mara for about 6 years now. Before getting started, I would like the answer the question. I like the idea of everybody answering a question, it's definitely something I haven't seen before. What is the greatest thing I have done, where others can consider me a hero? Of course I can't think of any now and I know I'll think of a great one after posting this. Sometimes it is the little thIngs that mean the most and can change a persons life. One act of kindness can make a difference, not in the world, but in that person's life. Always being there for my friends and family is something I try to do- through the good and bad. I know I have helped my one friend many times through personal problems and in accidents when she went to the hospital. It is not much, but I know she is a great friend to me and I to her. I doubt she considers me a hero but considers me a true and noble friend. One thing I remember is making a blanket with my sister and giving it to a homeless man known as Penndel Bob a couple years back. But we don't consider ourselves the heroes, he is. Instead of keeping the blanket for himself during winter, he gave it to another homeless man who had less then him. One act of kindness can cause a chain reaction to affect multiple people and make their day enjoyable.

Anyways I would love to add Pervs to my chibs army, the only thing is I'm not too fond of his name. As you can see if you take a moment to look at my pets, I LOVE z named pets. I am trying to trade my non z named pets for z named ones but with no luck so far. Therefore since I love z names, I would either swap for a z named hobo chibs, which will be nearly impossible since it took me a couple years to find Zaekan, or use a name certificate on him so he can be next to Zaekan. They can be twins! That would be my ultimate goal, have an army of hobo z named chibs. Maybe I will try one day to accomplish that but I must take it one step at a time.

Thanks for the chance for getting another hobo chibs. Good luck in the real world and reading all these apps.
110 years, 7 months & 2 days ago 14th Nov 2013 08:28
I'm aping for sassilla btw!:3
110 years, 7 months & 2 days ago 14th Nov 2013 08:06
  1. HUGE giveaway
    14th Nov 2013 05:18
    10 years, 7 months & 3 days ago
  2. Memorable Portals
    7th Sep 2013 00:25
    10 years, 9 months & 12 days ago
  3. Congratulations! You managed to pick up a King Bas
    21st Dec 2012 05:59
    11 years, 5 months & 26 days ago
  4. Giveaway! (up to 3mil+ worth of prizes!)
    24th Nov 2012 18:17
    11 years, 6 months & 23 days ago
  5. Thanks for collecting the Enchanted Plushie Instru
    16th Nov 2012 03:28
    11 years, 7 months & 1 day ago
  6. Zaqs changed into a Minipet Daisy!
    11th Nov 2012 01:09
    11 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
  7. Genie!!
    26th Aug 2012 02:48
    11 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
  8. 3 LEs being given away!
    23rd May 2012 02:59
    12 years & 26 days ago
  9. Goals
    4th Apr 2011 23:24
    13 years, 2 months & 14 days ago
  10. lucky breaks
    7th Oct 2010 19:49
    13 years, 8 months & 9 days ago