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  1. HUGE giveaway
    14th Nov 2013 05:18
    10 years, 7 months & 3 days ago
  2. Memorable Portals
    7th Sep 2013 00:25
    10 years, 9 months & 12 days ago
  3. Congratulations! You managed to pick up a King Bas
    21st Dec 2012 05:59
    11 years, 5 months & 26 days ago
  4. Giveaway! (up to 3mil+ worth of prizes!)
    24th Nov 2012 18:17
    11 years, 6 months & 23 days ago
  5. Thanks for collecting the Enchanted Plushie Instru
    16th Nov 2012 03:28
    11 years, 7 months & 1 day ago
  6. Zaqs changed into a Minipet Daisy!
    11th Nov 2012 01:09
    11 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
  7. Genie!!
    26th Aug 2012 02:48
    11 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
  8. 3 LEs being given away!
    23rd May 2012 02:59
    12 years & 26 days ago
  9. Goals
    4th Apr 2011 23:24
    13 years, 2 months & 14 days ago
  10. lucky breaks
    7th Oct 2010 19:49
    13 years, 8 months & 9 days ago
HUGE giveaway
10 years, 7 months & 3 days ago
14th Nov 2013 05:18

I am giving away most of what I have.

I've finally decided, that I have to quit mara. I will not yet be stating why though.

The following pets are to be given away through apps:
Aeu (pet that I have once planned to become a baby but never had time to finish)
Fullbuster (hihihi, if you watch Fairy Tail or something that's Grey's last name)
Kelpey (gives away 'Sshh..." avvie + one of my first ever pets)
Sassilla (yup, im giving away my basil)

Shiza & Haiyan will be the only ones that will remain in my profile. The rest of my pets have been sent to some deserving people already.

Also, I am giving away 10Mil MP. But I will not give that out as a whole. I will break it into chunks, depending on your apps.

And lastly, my gallery. I have loads of goodies there. State what you want and stuff. I am giving away the PHTM as a WHOLE, you could apply for the ones with spares though. Also, even if you are the only one who applied for a specific item doesn't mean I'll give it to you right away, I'll give them to people who deserve them more.

My shop will be donated to POG as well, I will not tell when though. So keep an eye out. (;

I do have some rules though:
1.) NO POEMS & NO STORIES. Graphics are okay though, that does not guarantee you brownie points. I only want to read your apps. I want content with substance. I do not need to know that you're fish has died or anything, I do not need to know that you've just turned 90 or something. I like seeing effort.
2.) BE HONEST. I want to know what your plans are if ever you received 'x'.
3.) YOU COULD ONLY APPLY FOR ONE PET. But you may apply for my stuff from my gallery & my MP. But take note, I ABSOLUTELY HATE GREEDY people.
4.) POST ONLY APPLICATIONS IN THIS BLOG. You could ask questions through mail though.
5.) In most of my giveaways previously, I've always asked a question. And now, IT IS REQUIRED of you to answer this question:
"What would be the greatest thing you have done to others, what is that ONE act wherein others can consider you a hero?"

The deadline of apps would be on the 21st of November. I will choose the winners on the 25th, my birthday.

I hope you participate in this giveaway. And I wish you all the best of luck! Smile

My app is a bit long
110 years & 7 months ago 16th Nov 2013 22:46
Hello, I'm Mia and I'm applying for Pervs the Old Chibs. I've been on this website since I was about 9 years old, and back then I I've always wanted a chibs to care for. Back when the Cotton Candy AU came along, my parents refused to let me spend any money, so I had to watch it pass me by. If I get Pervs, I would change him into a Cotton Candy Chibs, one of my dream pets, and cherish him forever.

I would also like to apply for the toy costume in your gallery, for I'm about to come in possession of a Porea in the next few days, and a toy Porea is also another one of my dream pets.

The greatest thing I have done for others is listen, no matter what they have to say. Although it may backfire on me one day, I made it my goal to listen since no one else listen to me when I was younger. It's not like I love to use that information against them either, I just really want to hear about their problems and triumphs.

As for the one act I have done that could be considered heroic, I don't know if it could be actually counted as heroic. My older cousin has Cerebral Palsy, and thus can't play or overall interact with my other cousins as much as she wants to, so to make her feel less alone, I helped her learn how to play my DS Lite and try to get some enjoyment out of that. After she mastered the DS, the others started to ask her to play games with her and now she can put up quite a fight in Mario Kart.

Thank you for reading all of that.
110 years & 7 months ago 16th Nov 2013 18:21
Hello,I'm Lexie and I am applying for the full premium hair map.Or even just half of it would help,<3 I love dressing up my maradoll and I love every single one of the premium hair styles,unfortunately it is incredibly expensive and I do not make Mp that fast.I play for 3-12 hours on Marapets every day.It would help me achieve one of my goals on marapets,It'd make my whole month.I like participating in fashion shows also.Or the other thing if you decide no premium hair map pieces would be that I'd love the Carnival Wig and galactic boots,you see on my blog here is my progress so far in collecting all of the female wardrobe items<3 and the galactic boots and carnival wig are also on my wish list and are one of my most wanted/favorite clothing items.
So that would be appreciated,either way and even If I get nothing,I'd still be happy for the winners.
Answering the question: I am not sure if you mean on Marapets but if so I gave my Chocolate Zoink I adored to Dookie a fellow person I know who wanted one.
If it's in real life,well I have ADHD and High Functioning Aspergers myself,and even before I was diagnosed I would always and still do stand up for other kids,who have a disorder,such as cerebral palsy,metal ation,autism,etc. and befriend them.I always have felt the need to stand up for them since they don't usually for themselves.Even though I don't stand up for my self and am very shy at school,It is and exception for me,They are just like anyone else except they have a really challenging life that they are living.They should not be judged based on their disorder/condition.
Thanks for this Oppurtunity,
Lexie aka Lexieluna
110 years & 7 months ago 16th Nov 2013 16:20
Hi, my name is Angela and I am applying for your Anime Pearl or Sleepy Pearl, the reason being I'm attempting the Greedy Gertrude mission.
Neither anime or sleepy pearl are in Shop Search so when I eventually attempt to purchase one or both it will cost a lot of mp.

I've completed 11 levels and spent 2,103,137 mp on GG so far (you can check my blog for mission cost and progress - Cost of Greedy Gertrude) and have 94 gourmets (feeding to green figaro Hannee).

Having 94 gourmets is my biggest worry about GG as it means I will be relying on Shop Search and trades. I could fail GG If a gourmet is not in Search Shops or available in trades (either because no one is online or trading the gourmet). I'm expecting GG to cost a lot so a contribution of the anime or sleepy pearl would help me a lot.

Answer to question:
The greatest thing I have done for others is my attempt to watch that I am either kind or neutral towards everyone so that I do not effect someone negatively. I don't know what other people are going through , I don't want to hinder someone, make things worse.
The one act wherein others can consider me a hero would be my attempt including others. Speaking to someone, making sure someone is included and not left out.

Thank you for your consideration
110 years & 7 months ago 16th Nov 2013 15:23
hi, i would like to apply for the Runty trading card in your gallery. i am trying to complete my deck, and it is one of the cards i still need. It would go straight in to my deck, and would certainly help me out.
I have been playing mara for about 8 years (6 on this account) and have no intention to stop playing anytime soon (or quite possibly ever)! so you can rest assured that the trading card would be put to good use, and not left on someones account to rot!

I am not sure that it's particularly a great thing, nor does it make me a hero, because i would like to think anyone else would do the same in my position, but this is something i am proud of;
One day at work, an old lady collapsed near the tills, and i was the only management in! when she fell down she had a fit and hit her head. i had to ring an ambulance, and look after her husband and keep other customers away. i was needed to check her over when i was on the phone to 999. It was thoroughly terrifying, but i stayed calm and the lady was fine in the end.... She came in 2 days later with her husband and gave me a thankyou card for looking after her... its still pinned up on our staff room wall!
As i said, i don't think this is something particularly special, but i am proud of the way i handled it all!
thankyou kindly for reading this.

110 years & 7 months ago 16th Nov 2013 14:20
110 years, 7 months & 1 day ago 16th Nov 2013 02:09
Greetings! I'm Bluestar, and I'm hoping to get a chance to take care of Pervs.
I'm a Chibs lover, always have been. If you're interested, my plan, if I succeed in this application, is to KEEP Pervs, not trade him away for money, or 'better' Marapets. I really don't care for stats, learnies, books, and the like. I'm just hoping to have my page full of adorable Chibs Marapets, my ultimate goal would be to have a family, one of each color.


"What would be the greatest thing you have done to others, what is that ONE act wherein others can consider you a hero?"

I'm still quite young (in high-school), so I have a lot yet to come. Yet, I suppose my most 'heroic' moment was when I stood up for a new student who had just moved to the US from their home country (Vietnam, which I'm also from)
The new student did not speak English very fluently, and a group of people were harassing her. I asked her if she was okay, took her to the office and informed the teachers there of the problem, and translated for them.
I'm usually shy, and I regret all the other times I didn't stand up for bullying, but I'm proud I finally found the courage this time, and maybe future incidences will be easier.


I hope you consider. Even if I don't get him, I'm glad you're having applications, so hopefully Pervs will go to the person who will appreciate him the most.
110 years, 7 months & 1 day ago 15th Nov 2013 22:35
Hello there! My name is Ainah. I am 20 years old. I'm a big One Direction fan. I wanna marry Zayn and have his babies. Ugh I'm a sucker for beautiful things. Heh I live in the Philippines. I love football and volleyball. Yea ainahnah so sportyyy. I have been playing marapets for 5 years now.

Okay enough about that. Let's get straight to the point. I would love to receive a chunk of money in order for me to finish temple. So I just put Hullen in the temple of transubstantiation to make him Angel and that's because Angel Lorius are amazing and breath taking and I'm dying to have one. I changed Hullen a few days ago into a Lorius and I'm so happy because it was like my first goal to finish this year hihi. I will also be using the money to put Hullen in the gym and stat him up. Those 2 will be my goals for now but hopefully I can also give Hullen books and stuff. I made Hullen and changed him, he's very precious to me so I want him to be something that's going catch people's eyes when they visit my profile.

"What would be the greatest thing you have done to others, what is that ONE act whrrein others can consider you a hero?"

Well, I'm still young and still have a long way to go to become a doctor and save lives and that's the time that I can call myself a real hero. But for now I can call myself a little hero because I have helped a lot of people who were victims of the typhoon here in the Philippines. Heard about it? Well, my family. We're active volunteers on those stuff. We buy canned goods and all. Well this time it was different, I decided to donate my savings that I have been saving for 2 years. The money was for my future clinic that I will be putting up when I become a doctor someday. It was really a hard thing for me to do but the fact that Tacloban City (the city that was hit) was completely washed away, made me want to do it. My savings are not enough but it could at least buy materials to build houses.

Thank you for this big opportunity, I wish you the best of luck and advance Happy Happy Birthday! ???
110 years, 7 months & 1 day ago 15th Nov 2013 19:21
Hi I am Joe and would like to apply for
Isolate the Emo Ercuw cos I really love the name.

Greatest thing done to others: I donate monthly to school fund to help poor students. Not in big sum but I do it regular and hope the less fortunate can be taken care of.

One act that others consider heroic: my grandpa nearly got a stroke one day. I was the only one with him and noticed he couldn't speak properly and looked restless. He didn't respond to my question and I remembered the symptoms mom told to me. I sent him to hospital and doctor told me he was safe because I sent him in within 3 hours. I felt relieved and glad I acted calmly.

Thanks for your consideration and Happy birthday to you in advance.
110 years, 7 months & 1 day ago 15th Nov 2013 17:42
Hi Im Karen and I would like the easter potato from your gallery to feed to my pet Bellamei. Bellamei is the first pet I made for my account and is my main mission pet. She only needs 58 more gourmet foods to eat and the easter potato is one of them. Thankyou for the chance to apply for something from your gallery and good luck in the real world.

Something I have done for other people volunteer at my local school listening the kids read as practice. This improves their reading skills

something heroic. Im not a hero. I dont fight crime or fight for my country. My mum is my hero she has fought and won against breast cancer. I have supported her and my dad through that
110 years, 7 months & 1 day ago 15th Nov 2013 14:50
  1. HUGE giveaway
    14th Nov 2013 05:18
    10 years, 7 months & 3 days ago
  2. Memorable Portals
    7th Sep 2013 00:25
    10 years, 9 months & 12 days ago
  3. Congratulations! You managed to pick up a King Bas
    21st Dec 2012 05:59
    11 years, 5 months & 26 days ago
  4. Giveaway! (up to 3mil+ worth of prizes!)
    24th Nov 2012 18:17
    11 years, 6 months & 23 days ago
  5. Thanks for collecting the Enchanted Plushie Instru
    16th Nov 2012 03:28
    11 years, 7 months & 1 day ago
  6. Zaqs changed into a Minipet Daisy!
    11th Nov 2012 01:09
    11 years, 7 months & 6 days ago
  7. Genie!!
    26th Aug 2012 02:48
    11 years, 9 months & 23 days ago
  8. 3 LEs being given away!
    23rd May 2012 02:59
    12 years & 26 days ago
  9. Goals
    4th Apr 2011 23:24
    13 years, 2 months & 14 days ago
  10. lucky breaks
    7th Oct 2010 19:49
    13 years, 8 months & 9 days ago