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In youth - we learn,
In age - we understand ~Marie von Ebner

**SEE TRADE BLOG about my Trades before mailing me** My name is Jennifer.
Originally known as Poppi, currently known as .....who knows what my Username might be.

How I price my trades
This always is an issue, because everyone sees me undercut trade prices every so often. I dont do it to be mean and ruin your game. I'm sorry.

1st I am a hoarder, so many times I price low because I have 30+ of the same item. It is not wise business to sell things at extremely high prices when my supply is so high. This is why I drop prices of things you might consider valuable.

2nd. I take into consideration how much someone will spend getting said items via temples or missions or goal, or rewards. If it takes 15million to complete a temple, why would someone buy the item for 50 million? Its just common sense to sell at affordable prices that is advantageous to the buyer.

I do look at the trades and see what prices are, i check other ways one might acquire items before I price. Im not malicious by any means. I just have the ability in my game play to offer decently prices items. Again I apologize if you think what I do is unfair to you. It is not intentional nor personal. Its just best selling practice for my game.

Yes, this is yours truly.
  1. Completion charts
    28th Feb 2023 06:39
    1 year, 11 months & 20 days ago
  2. Drew stats
    8th Feb 2023 04:58
    2 years & 9 days ago
  3. **Trade Blog**
    6th Jan 2021 23:53
    4 years, 1 month & 13 days ago
  4. List of 181 Plate making Avatars
    19th May 2020 17:09
    4 years & 9 months ago
  5. Missing/accomplishmets Record
    4th May 2020 07:39
    4 years, 9 months & 15 days ago
  6. in memorial of Kat, Absolutnormal..
    7th Jul 2019 07:32
    5 years, 7 months & 13 days ago
  7. Goodbye My sweetpea, mrpeaboddis.
    22nd Apr 2019 07:48
    5 years, 9 months & 28 days ago
  8. Addicted to Mara rises again
    11th Jan 2019 14:59
    6 years, 1 month & 9 days ago
  9. So far I survived
    30th Dec 2018 20:22
    6 years, 1 month & 21 days ago
  10. Wonderful banners made in honor of my husband
    25th Aug 2018 22:00
    6 years, 5 months & 26 days ago

Drew stats
2 years & 9 days ago
8th Feb 2023 04:58

Every 100 Quest Im writing my stats for that 100
Started at 5amMST

100- 286,928 mp 13 voucher (96)
200- 314,020mp (600,948) 6 vouchers. (102)
300- 290,488mp (891,436) 2 vouchers (105)
400- 299,018mp (1,190,454) 5 vouchers (110)
500- 296,103mp (1,486,557) 5 vouchers (115)

Total Mp 1,486,557...... 31 vouchers

Started at 7am Mst

600- 308,559mp (1,795,116) 7vouchers (122)
700- 281,861mp (2,076,977) 5 vouchers (127)
800- 284,627mp (2,361,604) 2 vouchers (129)
900- 288,492 (2,650,096) 4 vouchers (133)
1000 281,087mp (2,931,183) 4 vouchers (137)

Total 1,444,626...... 22 vouchers

Total for 1000 Drew Quests (completed in 4 hours, not steady questing. I homeschool my kid)

2,931,183 marapoints. And 53 vouchers.

Next 1000 quests (188). = 51 vouchers

Used 7 vouchers (181)

Next 1000quests (229) 48 vouchers

Used 7 vouchers (222)

Next 1000 quests (264) 42 vouchers

**Trade Blog**
4 years, 1 month & 13 days ago
6th Jan 2021 23:53


I hope you are reading this because you are interested in something in my trades. This is just to help you so we both have a pleasant experience and we can both achieve our goals.

Before I start. ONLY CONTACT ME BY Maramail. NO Mara Talks please. MTs are for my really close friends and my club staff. Thank you!

Also, Many times you will see me change my prices of the trades. Often the start market is way over priced. I start with a start point just to see how the market is working, then I adjust my pricing. I am trying to help people complete their goals.

If I do not respond to your trade alert please send a mail. If I still do not respond, check my profile page, If I am away on vacation/holiday I will post that somewhere on my profile along with the date of my return.

RESELLERS Please read
I am a hoarder of extremes. Buying all I have up in trades may not be profitable for you. I have large stocks of items. If you buy what I put up thinking you may make mp. I will be putting another set up. Dont waste your MP
I make lower prices to give everyone a chance to achieve their goals.

1. If a Trade is RSVD - That means it is not up for sale or negotiations. It is already been bargained for. **Please note: Who or What it is RSVD for is my business, not yours. Yes I had an issue with this.**

2. I am currently working on (re)pricing all my trades. Please feel free to browse trades at leisure. I am always adding more items. Note** m = million(s) k = thousand(s) in MP

3. I will accept all currencies BP, RP and AU in the following exchange rates:
RP = 1:18mp
AU = 1:2,500,000
FDC = 1:400 (Fake Dukka Coin)
DC = 1: 20,000 (Dukka Coin)

4.I will be willing to exchange for items HOWEVER those items must be on my wishlist. The reason for this is because I am a hoarder, I probably already have that item (multiples) and I have enough to sell. I don't need more to sell lol. However, I will consider Enchanted LE/Restricted plushies, and some costumes even though they are not on my wishlist.

5. Please for the love of all that is good, do not ask me to price match. I will not respond. If you want it that cheap please contact the person selling the item that cheap.

6. My prices are not always fixed. Feel free to make an offer that reflects near the price I posted. I may or may not accept. But I never bite your head off.

7. I will not separate Sets. I will clearly mark which lots are sold as a set with 1 of 3 as an example. Don't ask.

8. I am not a fan of bulk sales. I feel my prices are low already. See #6.

9. If you are offended by my prices, My apologizes. But I dont want to hear about how offended you are. LOL.

10. Dear Junk item offerers. If you do this I will block you. I am not a charity giver.. Yes I give but on my own terms. Begging and please, please, please will do nothing to help your case.

I may add or delete from this blog in the future as things arise.

Thank you for reading.

Have fun playing!
Aka~ Happy New Year MaraMom, Poppi, BrB, Dracul, Freaky, HarleyQuin, JellyBeans, Jennie, Jennifer, Jingle, Luckie, Michonne, MrsPoppi, Myth, Romantic, Taz, Turkie, PoppiPopsicle, MayThe4thBeWithYou, RevengeOfThe5th,

List of 181 Plate making Avatars
4 years & 9 months ago
19th May 2020 17:09

Complete List of as of 05/19/2020
of all minis that will give you an Avatar when making plates. Some are Random

This is a copy and paste checklist to your own page or Blog

ATM 2.0 Club Members may Maramail Poppi to borrow any of the Minipets on this list.

Agatha [ ]
Aphid [ ]
Aristocorn [ ]
Autumn[ ]
Aviv [ ]
Bablah [ ]
Baline [ ]
Banalphin[ ]
Baylien [ ]
Belle[ ]
Bellerina [ ]
Bonbon [ ]
Booty[ ]
Bop [ ]
Bouncer [ ]
Broken[ ]
Camelot[ ]
Camofog [ ]
Candipeed [ ]
Cantoo [ ]
Caribow [ ]
Centaur[ ]
Cerberus [ ]
Chawmp [ ]
Checkmate [ ]
Chickle [ ]
Chidder [ ]
Chubular [ ]
Cirroc [ ]
Clover [ ]
Coal [ ]
Corny [ ]
Cremul [ ]
Crumbs [ ]
Cubby [ ]
Cupcake [ ]
Dandylion [ ]
Dapple [ ]
Dapurtle [ ]
Deeko [ ]
Derriere [ ]
Devilray [ ]
Dragoth [ ]
Dumdo [ ]
Egbert [ ]
Edgy [ ]
Elf [ ]
Flitter [ ]
Flurso [ ]
Flutter [ ]
Forte [ ]
Freedom [ ]
Fritzi [ ]
Frolic [ ]
Frosty [ ]
Future [ ]
Fwidman [ ]
Gamma [ ]
Gargrunt [ ]
Gator [ ]
Gazelle [ ]
Gladie [ ]
Gleam [ ]
Gobbled [ ]
Goop Avatar [ ]
Gruff [ ]
Gummi [ ]
Halloweenie [ ]
Happilo [ ]
Harmoni [ ]
Hearty [ ]
Helloth [ ]
Hethe [ ]
Houlab [ ]
Houo [ ]
Irkette [ ]
Jason [ ]
Jinnie [ ]
Juju [ ]
Kaburi [ ]
Kade [ ]
Keech [ ]
Kirikoo [ ]
Kitto [ ]
Krampling [ ]
Kumbha [ ]
Lafter [ ]
Leaflit [ ]
Leafy [ ]
Leon [ ]
Lightbug [ ]
Lindsey [ ]
Lolzbra [ ]
Lucy [ ]
Maft [ ]
Makara [ ]
Manticore [ ]
Meepo [ ]
Midoat [ ]
Minibot [ ]
Minti [ ]
Misti [ ]
Mizu [ ]
Moofle [ ]
Mr Rabbit [ ]
Naga [ ]
Nebbi [ ]
Neemi [ ]
Neil [ ]
Nimble [ ]
Nuttler [ ]
Nyuchan [ ]
Oley [ ]
Parpy [ ]
Partridge [ ]
Pellet [ ]
Plap [ ]
Plugged [ ]
Poani [ ]
Puffnut [ ]
Pumpkin Wiz [ ]
Quiln [ ]
Reginald [ ]
Rejected [ ]
Rigatoni [ ]
Rock [ ]
Rupper [ ]
Ryan [ ]
Ryno [ ]
Safari [ ]
Salvus [ ]
Sassy [ ]
Scarfy [ ]
Scavange [ ]
Schoot [ ]
Shamrock [ ]
Shmancy [ ]
Shnuggle [ ]
Shyee [ ]
Silkie [ ]
Skramp [ ]
Slig [ ]
Smartdo [ ]
Snixie [ ]
Snowel [ ]
Snowy [ ]
Solaroo [ ]
Sooty [ ]
Spark [ ]
Spectra [ ]
Spinner [ ]
Spoopy [ ]
Spootli [ ]
Spurkle [ ]
Starcub [ ]
Stingler [ ]
Succubus [ ]
Sue [ ]
Sunny [ ]
Tako [ ]
Tea [ ]
Tearex [ ]
Tefty [ ]
Terra [ ]
Toff [ ]
Topplin [ ]
Totette [ ]
Toxic [ ]
Tropeck [ ]
Tubby [ ]
Turdle [ ]
USB [ ]
Valentine [ ]
Vampider [ ]
Verano [ ]
Waffelo [ ]
Weep [ ]
Wisp [ ]
Yeti [ ]
Yolk [ ]

Missing/accomplishmets Record
4 years, 9 months & 15 days ago
4th May 2020 07:39

As of this day July 31 3023 This is where Im at
Pet collections is under GrantPutnam

Shop size 4110
Gallery 4110
Avies missing 189
Trading cards missing 14
Glowing eggs missing 1
Wardrobe missing 6
Photos missing 2
Plates missing 0
Plushies missing 498
Stamps missing 1
Maps missing 0
Giftboxes missing 0
Expeierces missing 0
Books missing 0
Newspapers missing 0
Magazines mssng 21
CDs missing 0
DvDs missing 1
Gourmet foods missing 8
Spells missing 0
Toy missing 602
Plushies missing 1083
Instruments missing 0
Transformations 2810

  1. Completion charts
    28th Feb 2023 06:39
    1 year, 11 months & 20 days ago
  2. Drew stats
    8th Feb 2023 04:58
    2 years & 9 days ago
  3. **Trade Blog**
    6th Jan 2021 23:53
    4 years, 1 month & 13 days ago
  4. List of 181 Plate making Avatars
    19th May 2020 17:09
    4 years & 9 months ago
  5. Missing/accomplishmets Record
    4th May 2020 07:39
    4 years, 9 months & 15 days ago
  6. in memorial of Kat, Absolutnormal..
    7th Jul 2019 07:32
    5 years, 7 months & 13 days ago
  7. Goodbye My sweetpea, mrpeaboddis.
    22nd Apr 2019 07:48
    5 years, 9 months & 28 days ago
  8. Addicted to Mara rises again
    11th Jan 2019 14:59
    6 years, 1 month & 9 days ago
  9. So far I survived
    30th Dec 2018 20:22
    6 years, 1 month & 21 days ago
  10. Wonderful banners made in honor of my husband
    25th Aug 2018 22:00
    6 years, 5 months & 26 days ago