Adult player. Pets: No ~ Clubs: No ~ Mail: Sure ~ Maratalk: For trades or friends only please :) ~ Friend requests: Only if I know you.
Fix all broken (Thank you loyalty) stats 14/26
School 5 in all subjects 10/26
University 1 in all 20/26
Jobs on all 12/26
Welcome. I am Kuronue or Kuro depending on whichever you prefer.
I am an adult adult player.
All the basics of what you might need to know Are in my profile header.
I have been playing on on this sight since August 2007 when I was an older teenager.
I still have my very pet and my very first dream pet.
A lot has changed since I first joined, mostly for the better :]
I sometimes go on hiatuses due to work or family issues.
I will try to remember to take down any trades when I do so.
I don't want to cause cause issues for those who are questing or collecting in their search.
Sorry if I forget ^^;
If you need a photo of one of my pets, just drop me a message. I'll happily help you out with your collection. :]
I recently saw someone super high stat pet ( less than 10 shy of 1000+ regular gym and a little shy of 500+ in elites ) .
I now have a totally impossible goal. Of seeing Obscurest with stats like that. 85+ - 1000+ , now THAT is seriously dreaming! XD
@Nicnevin I know how you feel one of my close friends had 2 pets like that. I'm slowly but surely making my way up that ladder with Nafre, She's almost to a complete 500 stats she's 45 more health stats from hitting 500 stats total and she's so worth it and My main pet Amaira Goal is to get 400 stats on her and getting closer every day, they both are. plus i'm working on finishing her book collecting and she needs less then 70 books to complete have them all.. I can't wait to have that goal complete.
15 years, 1 month & 5 days ago 15th Jan 2020 14:39
Every dream can became reality so do`t give up
112 years, 5 months & 30 days ago 20th Aug 2012 12:57
Yes, the pet I saw was a figaro. ^^
Rebornray's Sanda :]
113 years, 6 months & 19 days ago 2nd Aug 2011 09:09
You can do it
113 years, 6 months & 19 days ago 1st Aug 2011 23:36
Was it a figaro XD?
113 years, 6 months & 19 days ago 1st Aug 2011 20:12