SeNiOr SuMmEr 2010 :]
14 years, 8 months & 27 days ago
25th May 2010 17:30Tuesday, June 8, 2010. [15]
Woke up at noon30ish. Eating Mickey D's for breakfast;; 10 nuggets, fries, Diet Coke(: Cleanin' house. Doin' laundry. Uh. Shower. Basketball games! :]
Monday, June 7, 2010. [16]
Hmm. Went to bed at 5 in the am. Was talking to my boy. :] Uhm. Woke up at 8. Went to sleep until 1030. Went to sleep until 1245. Went to sleep until 115. Then, finally woke up. Court came by. We talked until 145. Then, went to Braum's. I came home and ate. &&Watched Hannah Montana. Getting ready to do awesome chores! -_-_-_- Hehe. Yupp. Congrats to my BreeBaby on cheer! :] I lubb her and miss her loads! Hmm. After chores, shower then maybe hanging with Shann. Then, brother's games! Hmm. Camp Wednesday. Yaya! I am roomin' with my black girrr! "
Haha. Yuppp. Later homie.
Sunday, June 6, 2010.
Woke up at 930am. Sleepwalking, I swear. Found out that church is a no go today. Went back to sleep until 1pm. Worked outside. Screwed screws. At least 200. Awesome blister on my thumb. Uhm. Went to get my mister, played basketball, took Marc and Tony home then took Tevinnnnn(: home. Came home. 711. Sittin' here. Callin' him later! I miss my friends!!!!!
Saturday, June 5, 2010.
He is buying me a ring!! :]:]:] Yay!! I am so super excited! Haha. Yepp. Uhm. Worked outside all day until 430. Then, went to FC at 6. Still haven't seen my mister. But, talked to him from 1-5(: <3 Wowzers. Uhm. I am sunburned a little. &&I am ex-zosted!
Friday, June 4, 2010.
Phone call at 630 from my love. Went to sleep until 1030. Called Shann. She didn't answer, but called me back at 1036. Went to sleep until 1230ish because she was going to the lake. So, no pool. So.. No seeing my mister. =[ I miss him loads. But yeahh. I cleaned the bathroom and kitchen. Watched BONES. I am on season 2 episode 11(: Heck yes! Uh. Loni Jo.. Man. I hope she comes back to my school;; I neeeeed her! <3 I love my babygirl! :] Uh.. Yeahh.
Thursday, June 3, 2010.
UPDATE;; I.. Went to Bingo. Yay. Then, talked to him for.. An hour or so(: Gosh. Ready to graduate! ;]
Oh em gee. I just remembered.. He is buying me something. Butttt.. It's a surprise! Boo. I hate surprises. But, we'll see(: Uhm. Woke up this morning at 7 because he called me when he woke up for work. Then, I fell asleep until 1. Now, I have to do a few chores. Yap.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010.
Woke up. BONES! BONES! &&More BONES! Uh. Shower. Got ready for church. Church. BK with the friend!! &&Sister. :] Haha you know ;] He told my sister he loves me! Uh. Came home. Talk to my boy for 2 hours! God. I wish I could have talked to him all night long. But, yeahh. I love him(:
Tuesday, June 1, 2010.
Oh happy June(: Woke up, went to practice at 10. Over at 12. Came home.. Uh. BONES! Finished season1(: Shower Left for games around 7ish. Games at 8 & 9. Saw my mister!! :] Gosh, he makes me so happy! 45 seconds left in game 2, I fell flat on my wrist. And, I almost broke it. And the whole left side of my body is screwed. =[ Uhm.. Yepp.
Monday, May 31, 2010.
Woke up. Two episodes of BONES. Worked outside. BONES. Shower. Sister's. Brandon's games. Kisses(: Home.
Sunday, May 30, 2010.
Happy birthday, Bannah Boo. Woke up early to take socks to cheer girlies. Came home, got ready fro church and went to church. Came home and changed then went back to church for hot dogs and played basketball. Then came home. Did chores. Watched BONES!<3 Helped Daddy outside. Went to basketball for a couple hours. Came home. Watched BONES! again. Went to Wendy's then Mickey D's;; Frappe, ten nuggets, fries &&Diet Coke. I am stuffed! =/ Now talking to Duncan. Kinda sleepy. Yapp!
Saturday, May 29, 2010.
Happy birthday, Afton! &&Mrs. T. Hmm. Woke up about 1130. Took a shower. Laundry! Tev got here about 230. Left for FC at 3. Stayed there until 8. Love my beau! :] Took him to Aft's. Court and Jimmy's apartment for them to change. Home. Computer. Textinggg!
Friday, May 28, 2010.
Woke up at 1230. Went to the gym at 145ish. Stayed and hooped until 345. Saw my boyyy. (: Uh. Came home. Got ready for Frontier City. Stayed there till 11. Came home. Had a breakdown. My parents. Brandi smile. Oh joy. One more year, babygirl, one more year. Blah! -_- Went to bed crying. Yay.
Thursday, May 27, 2010.
First day of summer!! :] Oh sorry. Too obnoxious? ;] Woke up around 10. Ate cinnamon rolls and drank some tea. Got ready to go to the pool. Drove to Del City pool, but it was closed. So.. We drove to Sonic. We sat there for like 30 minutes for two freaking drinks! We coulda sworn our carhop was Mrs. Hofeld.. Haha. Nope! Hmm. When we went to start her car, it died twice. Then, started again. So, we got onto the main road and it went a max of 5 mph. So, we pulled across from DCHS. We called her dad. Tried starting her car 5 times.. No luck. Her dad came and got us and took us back to her Gramma's. From there, we walked to TB. Her Grampa Raines picked us up, took us to her car and worked his magic on her car. Shann drove us to his house. &&He took us to school. I played basketball until 4. Sort of. I didn't have shoes. But, I got to see my boy(: Took Kameron home. Then, sister hit a car that wouldn't start and we sat there for 45 minutes. No damage on either car. Just my pinky hurts a little bit. Hmm. Went to sister's house. Watched part of some scary movie. &&Ate ramen noodles! Went to Bingo about 630. Stayed there until midnight. Came home and cleaned my room until 3am(:
Wednesday, May 26, 2010.
LAST DAY OF JUNiOR YEAR BABYY! Hello Senior summer(: I.. Had a wonderful day hanging with my class, playing Squares. Jordan B. thinks I was too obnoxious about being a senior.. Because it's "not that biga deal." Baha. Okay! Grow some and say that to my face instead of always talking stuff behind my back(: Kthnx. Uhm. Went to church with Shannon. Went to Pizza Hut and Walgreens. Watched Dear John. Went to sleep.. Btw, I stayed the night with her.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010.
Dude. I am officially a Senior.. TOMORROW! Heck yes! Here, I will tell you all about my last summer as a high school student. It shall be very interesting and full of new and crazy adventures. Pops! Picnics! Concerts! You will not want to miss out. So, catch me here every day. &&&&&&I was stoked to finally hear from my Ashley today! Baylie is out of the hospital for good! Tomorrow is the last day of school! I aced my Anatomy final;; 171 terms in 25 minutes=100% correct! I also aced my English vocabulary final and my Spanish 2 final. Bree is getting her license this week;; I shall get mine next week. Seniors graduated and I just might miss them. Summer league ball starts next week. Savannah's birthday is Sunday. Loni Jo is my best friend.. Still! &&Bree baby of course.. Which, I finally got to hang with her. Because, I went to JSB alone. But, she stayed the night and we had a freaking great time. We bowled like death. I love herrr. Hannah is still my BG! Shannon kicked me in the face): But, I love her. Ryan and I have befriended again. Tevin is my beau. Kyle is freaking out of my life! :] I miss Duncan oh so much. I hope that this summer will be a blasty blasty;; I need Mara this summer! Hmm. That was a quick update on my life at the moment. Hit me upppppppp(: