RolePlayS -- Intros, Plots, Characters
15 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
29th Jun 2009 19:04::INTRO TO VAMPIRE ROLEPLAY::
Luna, the Silver Diamond on a black cloth, hung high above the sleeping, unaware town. She shone her light to the streets, but ancient law, set down from times before man, kept her from the alleys.
But, that was just perfect for those that thrived in such Dark paths. Those whose eyes shone with a Hellish Fire, and whose mouths shined like glinting iron. They did not need the light, they only needed the ones that stayed in it. The Food. The Prey. The Humans.
But, what is this? The shadows, on the east side of the Town's Square, stirred. Slowly, as if the shadows laid chains on the figure, it separated from its rightful home. The figure kept their face hidden from sight, using a tattered Black hat as shield to Luna's light.
Stopping in the Dead center of the Square, the hat tilted backward. With a Silence that rang with danger, a face became apparent.
A face, with features evident of good Heritage, started with a pair of lips set in a proud smirk. Just barely to be seen, was an odd Canine tooth, seeming more like an iron Razor. Above the mouth, High cheek bones and a nose. Set in skin like marble, Eyes that flowed and held depth like a Blood Stained River. Hair, as dark as the Heavens, fringed the forehead.
These features, clearly male, were striking. A perfectness shone from the Man, not a blemish to be seen. And this perfectness, was only one reason why this Man, this creature, was the perfect Predator.
A voice rang out, breaking the dangerous Silence, cutting through like a knife. "Hello Luna, have you came once more to wish Your Pitiful Children luck? You know so many will not survive the Night, so why do you continuously try to show them what danger it holds? You should honour their death with No Light, for it shall be an honour for them to die at My, at /Our/, hands and Fangs. Say your good byes, Luna, for Anthony is on the Hunt."
Hundred of years ago, the Lycans and the Vampires were at war. Both sides thought they were the superior species, wishing to wipe out the Other, permenantly. But as the War was waged, it took many lives. Werewolf, Vampire, and Human alike. So the Elders of the 3 Species met, and signed the Treaty of Blood, to keep peace between them.
It's been years, almost a century, since the Great War, since the Treaty of Blood was signed. But now, there are ones that believe the Treaty has out lived its purpose. Each side, Vampires and Werewolves alike, are gathering supporters, building heavy armies.
However, a small group of Resistance is thriving in the back Forests of Earth, stretched far and few. They work together, Lycans and Vampires, to protect the World from War.
How far will they go to try and keep peace? Will history repeat itself, push all living things to the brink of extinction? Or can the small Resistance show the Others that blood shed is not needed? That peace can be reached and Harmony rule over all?
Only time will tell...
The year is 3010, and Humanity is at the prime of its history. All nations united under the control of one government, The Society of Harmony. Everything in the world is at peace and is perfect. No wars, no famine, no poverty. At least, not that the common person knows of.
In truth, there is a secret only the highest members of the Society of Harmony know; there are people with extra abilities that walk among normal citizens. People that threaten the Society of Harmony, people that must be hunted and killed in order to keep humanity under the Society's control.
But these people, these Gifted people, do not plan to go away peacefully; an underground organization only dubbed the Discord is reaking havoc and causing chaos in the world, trying to gather sympathy and supporters to overthrow the Society. It would be a difficult and deadly act: many normal humans are willing to turn a blind eye to the genocide of the Gifted in return of the peace and comfort the Society provides.
So, it is time to decide. Are you Discord, are you Society, or are you just trying to survive?
(OOC// If you would, please rate these. I would appreciate it very dearly. Thank you.)