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Kamilah Desert
There are many different types of item, avatar or experience sets for you or your pets to collect. Once collected they cannot be removed. The more that you collect, the more you will be Rewarded.

Visit the Sultan daily to pay taxes. Loyal tax payers will be rewarded. There are many other Collections that you can complete for even more Rewards.
Sultan Loyalty Prizes

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Only 2 Days for
7 Days
21 Days
45 Days
90 Days
150 Days
210 Days
270 Days
330 Days
390 Days
450 Days
510 Days
570 Days
630 Days
690 Days
750 Days
810 Days
870 Days
930 Days
990 Days
1,050 Days
1,110 Days
1,170 Days
1,230 Days
1,290 Days
1,350 Days
1,365 Days
Level Stats for all pets
(max 50 pets)
1,380 Days
1,410 Days
4 Years
Strength, Defence & Speed Stats for all pets
(max 50 pets)
1,460 Days
Coordination, Stamina & Balance Stats for all pets
(max 50 pets)
1,480 Days
1,500 Days
1,520 Days
1,550 Days
1,590 Days
1,600 Days
Level Stats for all pets
(max 50 pets)
1,620 Days
1,630 Days
Health Stats for all pets
(max 50 pets)
1,660 Days
Coordination, Stamina & Balance Stats for all pets
(max 50 pets)
1,700 Days
Magic Stats for all pets
(max 50 pets)
1,710 Days
1,720 Days
Charisma Stats for all pets
(max 50 pets)
1,730 Days
1,740 Days
Level Stats for all pets
(max 50 pets)