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Fan of One Piece, Dragon Ball Z, and Skip Beat! ---

Welcome to my Info Page

I'm currently a university student. I should be studying right now, actually. My activity on Marapets is like playing the Sims. I either binge play the game for several days, or I stop playing it for months. Although, I always get back to it whenever Marapets e-mails me a vault code.
I like to collect clothes for my wardrobe, and gourmet food for LoneLegend.


My Marapets

Alsandair (M)
Adopted from Pet Pound
The King of Transformations.

Adorelle (F)
Created by Ravenette
My very first Marapet. She's a musical genius. If only I had enough money to buy her more instruments.

Birchess (F)
Created by Ravenette on June 16th, 2018
Special thanks to Marauser Poppi! Birchess was created to fulfill one of my dream pets: Earth Fairy Tantua.

Dunsburr (M)
Bought from Pet Auctions (9 April 2016)
Sweet little guy. He collects DVDs.

Grumball (F)
Created by Ravenette
She loves gumballs. Although I've never fed her the gourmet ones. LoneLegend steals 'em all.

HumbleBean (F)
Created by Ravenette
She spends too much time on the Internet. I guess she takes after me. Collects CDs.

Johokan (M)
Created by Ravenette; Banker
Enjoys reading the newspaper. He's the one with his life together.

LoneLegend (M)
Created by Ravenette
My gourmet and food-loving Tantua. He loves exploring Marada for all sorts of delicious and unique meals, snacks, and desserts.

MadamPonyo (F)
Created by Ravenette
She helps me take care of all my other Marapets whenever I'm away.

Morphy (M)
Adopted from Pet Pound
He loves the gym and enjoys training himself for battle.

PrinceThundercat (M)
Adopted from Pet Pound
He's rather mischievous and playful for a prince. Enjoys playing with toys.

Progenerate (M)
Bought from Pet Auctions
Very loyal and proud Tantua. Likes to follow in LoneLegend's footsteps.

Rasolis (M)
Created by Ravenette
A true bookworm. Very cheery personality. He's named after the sun.
  1. Dream Pets
    15th Jun 2018 22:09
    6 years, 8 months & 4 days ago
  2. Remember to Study, Kids
    14th Apr 2016 14:56
    8 years, 10 months & 4 days ago
  3. Gingerbread House
    18th Nov 2015 14:12
    9 years, 3 months & 1 day ago

Remember to Study, Kids
8 years, 10 months & 4 days ago
14th Apr 2016 14:56

I had a final exam yesterday for an environmental studies class. It's worth 30% of my final grade, and you'd think I'd study my butt off for this. But no. I did not study.

I went into the exam blind, and I didn't review any of the material whatsoever because Marapets 2016 Easter event was going to end soon, and I really wanted those gourmet eggs. So yeah, I kind of ditched my studies to complete the Easter Egg Hunt event.

I got to exam room, sat down, flipped the booklet open to the first page, and lo and behold. I did not understand a single word. Like, what on earth was a pingo? Nevertheless, it was a multiple choice scantron exam, so I filled out the sheet like colouring in a lottery ticket.

I walked out the room feeling dazed and unable to process what had happened. I'm pretty sure I flunked that exam, and my cGPA is going to plummet like the Titanic.

Yeah, I got my 40x2 gourmet easter eggs, but at what cost?

Moral of the story:
Nothing is more important than yourself and your own future. The economy in Marapets is absolutely awful, but the global economy in reality is even worse. Play all you want, but remember to study; a degree is valuable, and it can push you into better social and economical position in life. Maybe. Like I said, reality's economy is a heap of trash right now.

And on that note, I should probably start studying for my next exam.

Gingerbread House
9 years, 3 months & 1 day ago
18th Nov 2015 14:12

I learned something new today. If you're rich, instead of spending all your money, you can apparently use the Gingerbread House if you shove all your MP into the bank. Money on hand and in the shop till must be emptied or under 7500MP to use the Gingerbread House.

I lost over 2,000,000MP today because I was unaware of this. Rest in peace, my millionaire status.

  1. Dream Pets
    15th Jun 2018 22:09
    6 years, 8 months & 4 days ago
  2. Remember to Study, Kids
    14th Apr 2016 14:56
    8 years, 10 months & 4 days ago
  3. Gingerbread House
    18th Nov 2015 14:12
    9 years, 3 months & 1 day ago