A note to consider !
15 years, 1 month & 17 days ago

16th Jan 2010 23:36
hey all,

This message needs to get across, as it not only needs to be said & told but heard & understood.

Like all players remember that u all were once a newbie too, so be fair to them & giv dem a go for goodness sake, & about pets' names well if u don like it tuff, don't need to trash it, sum1 might hav thought of it for sum particular reason, & liked it, &/or dey weren't able to find names dat dey were lukin for cos dey were already taken so if u r not happy with the trade, well simple.......don't trade, do not try to make players accept ur underoffers if dey don want to especially by sayin u wudn't get a better offer cos of the names bcos am sure sum1 else mite be interested ....
plus perhaps sum1 wudn't really hav a likin to ur pets names, does dat mean u r goin to take dere word for it ? probably not,

so put urselves in dere shoes & think wat u wud do, then ask urself is wat I'm doin fair ? It jus takes a lil note of reminder which makes it easier for evry1 on mara & evry1 benefits

so be nice & fair & play nice & fair

gud luk

take care all


This is the same note for the people who don't understand chat speak and/or prefer the written version without it

hey all,

This message needs to get across, as it not only needs to be said and told but heard & understood.

Like all players remember that you all were once a newbie too, so be fair to them & give them a go for goodness sake, and about pets' names well if you don't like it tough, don't need to trash it, someone might have thought of it for some particular reason, and liked it, and/or they weren't able to find names that they were looking for because they were already taken, so if you are not happy with the trade, well simple.......don't trade, do not try to make players accept your under-offers if they don't want to especially by saying you wouldn't get a better offer because of the names as am sure someone else might be interested ....
plus perhaps someone wouldn't really have a liking to your pets names, does that mean you are going to take there word for it ? probably not,

so put yourselves in there shoes and think what you would do, then ask yourself is what I'm doing fair ? It just takes a little note of reminder which makes it easier for everyone on mara and everyone benefits

so be nice and fair and play nice and fair

good luck

take care all