Just to say thankyou : )

14 years, 11 months & 18 days ago
17th Mar 2010 05:55Hey, well I'd like to say that most of u know that alerts are down and well by checking my inventory have noticed some items I am assuming I have got these couple of items sent to me by some kind people on mara, out of these people some might be my friends however I do not know this without the notification so I would like to apologise and say sorry that due to this I have not been able to thank u personally but would like to let u know that ur gifts are much appreciated

If u are one of the people of whom has sent me any of the gift/s, it would be quite nice to know so u are welcome to notify me if u want....... please feel free to either post on this blog or mail me to let me know, I would be glad however its not necessary

Although regardless of if u do notify me or not I would like to thank all of u for being kind and generous

wish u all good luck

take care and thxxxx again