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  1. my weird dreams..
    9th Jan 2010 16:40
    15 years, 1 month & 9 days ago
    5th Apr 2009 17:02
    15 years, 10 months & 13 days ago
  3. random survey
    4th Jan 2009 14:00
    16 years, 1 month & 14 days ago
  4. 50 ways to drive your parents nuts!!
    15th Nov 2008 06:16
    16 years, 3 months & 4 days ago
my weird dreams..
15 years, 1 month & 9 days ago
9th Jan 2010 16:40

* I dreamt that I got pregnant but something happened to the baby so I had to mix two scarambled eggs together and inject it through a needle into my vein so I could have the baby. And the father was jimmy the mailcarrier guy from true Jackson vp. And I didn't want to use the needle but my dad told me I should then randomly my grandmother is floating
sideways in her recliner. Then I went to talk to
my cousin who in my dream had a one year
old son..
Then I woke up

* it was like my 8th birthday party rugrats style! It was In some animated place and the rugrats were there and I wondered into another mirror room where one I the rugrats people were sitting in a stool with two heads lookig into the mirror. Then I was at my house and I went into what once was the playroom and someone was beating up angelica from the rugrats and the dad came in screaming
Then everyone went mad and I woke up..

15 years, 10 months & 13 days ago
5th Apr 2009 17:02

post for a name!
names i have made so far:

Me - lexi-pez
TT -
Merry -pop
Lake -
Momo - milkyway
Maggie - tango - mango
White - Razzledazzle
Lexi - Bing-a-ling
Dannie - crackle
Twilight - snap
Zad - Bladezz
Ipod -
wolfghost -
Ghostwolf -
Ony -
Mischief - celray
Jordan - Biscuit
Newt -

random survey
16 years, 1 month & 14 days ago
4th Jan 2009 14:00

[x] You own something from Aeropostale
[x] You own something from Hollister
[x] You own something from American Eagle
[x] You own something from Abercrombie
[] You have blond or brown hair
[x ] You've been called a prep-by someone who was the opposite of one
[] You have converse
[] You wear flats
[] You don't play sports
[x] You straighten your hair

[x] You have guys/girls all over u
[] You know the song 'Lean like a cholo'
[] You listen to Down aka Kilo
[] You usually wear jerseys
[x] You've held a real gun
[] You own nikes
[x] You play basketball or football
[] You never wear pink
[] You've been called a gangster
[] You listen to bay a rea music

[x] You've worn black nail polish
[x] You like 'my chemical romance'
[x]You wear black eyeliner or black mascara
[] You have no friends
[] You usually wear black
[x]You've been called emo
[x] You have ( had ) black hair
[] l8y u rarely talk....sometimes
[] You sit in corners

[x] have at least 5 medals
[x You have at least 2 trophies
[x You have at least 4 jerseys
[] You watch NBA playoffs
[x] you have at one time had something to do almost everyday
[x]You've played on a team
[] You've been called a jock
[x]You have been told your good at a sport
[x]You've played in at least 7 tournaments
[] You've coached young kids in a sport

[] You have at least 4 trophies for academic achievements
[] You play(ed) in band or orchestra
[] You like to watch Jeopardy
[] You have watched the national spelling bee
[] Your favorite game/sport is chess
[] You've been called a nerd
[] You've been told you are very smart
[]You have ENJOYED one or two math tests
[]You've enjoyed one or two science tests
[] You've tutored a kid for fun

How Barbie Are You?
[x] you own curlers
[x] you own a straightener
[x] you have foundation
[x] you have 3 different colored eyeliners
[x] you have mascara
[x] you have a eyebrow brush
[x] you have a nail file
[x] you have heat protection spray
[x] you have a hair dryer
[x]your room is purple or pink
[x] you call yourself Barbie haha
[x]you have blonde hair
[x]you have blue eyes
[] you have brown eyes
[]you have brown hair
[x]you own more than 10 pairs of shoes
[x] your bed is pink or purple
[x] your friends call you dumb
[] people call you barbie
[x] you own a designer perfume
[x] you have designer clothes
[x] you've dyed your hair
[x] you had/have highlites(They're natural)
[x] your hair brush is designer
[x] you have your own bathroom in your bedroom
[x] you look in the mirror at least 5 times a day
[x] you wear a lot of pink
[x] bet you have a lot of stuffed animals in your house
[x] you have pink fluffy lights in your room
[x] you have a pink teddy bear

[x] you have pink photo frames
[] you have a pink nintendo DS/GB
[x] you have a mobile phone
[x] you have had/ have a pink mobile phone
[x] you have a laptop/ computer
[x] you have a tv in your room
[x] you have an ipod/mp
[x] you had to use a calculator to add up this quiz

This is for your entire life
() Smoked a cigarette
() Drank so much you threw up
() Crashed a friend's car
() Stolen a car
(x) Been in love
(x) Been dumped
(x) Shoplifted
() Been laid off/fired /dormant company
() Quit your job
(x) Been in a fist fight
(x) Snuck out of your parent's house
(x) Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
(x) Been arrested(Almost. Had the police on me.)
(x) Gone on a blind date
() Been married
(x) Lied to a friend
(x) Skipped school
(x) Seen someone die
() Been to Canada
() Been to Mexico
(x) Been on a plane
(x) Been lost
(x) Been on the opposite side of the country
() Gone to Washington, DC
(x) Swam in the ocean
(x) Felt like dying
(x) Cried yourself to sleep
(x) Played cops and robbers
() Recently colored with crayons
(x) Sang karaoke
() Been divorced
(x) Paid for a meal with only coins
(x) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't
(x) Made prank phone calls
(x) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
() Caught a snowflake on your tongue
(x) Danced in the rain
(x) Written a letter to Santa Clause
(x) Been kissed under mistletoe
(x) Watched the sun rise with someone you care about
() Blown bubbles
(x) Made a bonfire on the beach
(x) Crashed a party
(x) Gone roller-skating
(x) Ice-skating

Any nicknames? Ana
What is your favorite drink? coke
Tattoos? yes
How much do you love your job? don???t have 1
Birthplace: Cali
Favorite vacation spot? Hawaii
Ever been to Africa? no
Ever steal any traffic signs?yes
Ever been in a car? duh.
2 Door or 4 Doors? 3
Salad dressing? depends
Favorite pie? idk
Favorite number? 0
Favorite movie? twilight
Favorite holiday? xmas
Favorite food? sushi
Favorite day of the week? Saturday
Favorite brand of body soap? idk
Favorite TV show? The secret life of the American Teenager
Favorite smell? Gasoline, perfume
What do you do to relax? Walk in the rain
How do you see yourse;lf in 10 years? Professional hobo
What time is it now? 4:58

50 ways to drive your parents nuts!!
16 years, 3 months & 4 days ago
15th Nov 2008 06:16

1.follow them around the house everywhere.

2. Moo when they say your name.

3. Pretend to have amnesia.

4. Say everything backwards.

5. Run into walls.

6. Say that wearing clothes is against your religion.

7. Go into their room at 4 in the morning and say "Good Morning Sunshine!"

8. Snort loudly when you laugh and then laugh harder.

9. Say all of the words in a film.

10. Pluck someone's hair out and yell "DNA!!!"

11. Wear a sticker that says "I'm a retard!"

12. Talk to a pen.

13. Have 20 imaginary friends that you talk to ALL the time.

14. Try and climb the wall.


16. Put straws up your nose

17. Switch the light button on and off for awhile. Then say "Oh...I get it!"

18. Eat your hair.

19. Hold their hand and whisper to them "I see dead people."

20. When you shower or bath yell "I'm drowning!!!!"

21. At everything they say yell "LIAR!!"

22. Pretend to be a phone.

23. Try to swim in the floor.

24. Tap on their door all night.

25. When they say a word from a song you know...burst into that song.

26. Look through magazines and shout loudly "BRITTANY IS MARRIED TO A CAVE MAN!" and other random things.

27. Take all of the toilet paper from the bathroom and try to sell it to your parents!

28. Pass out bananas

29. Ask how much is 1 Hershey kiss

30. Skip down the aisles singing "I???ve been working on the railroad......"

31. Hand out missing person fliers of yourself

32. Say "that???s hot!" after EVERY thing you say.

33. Camp out in the frozen food section.

34.Ask someone where the cereal is when you're standing right next to it.

35. Give random old people your number

36. Go around asking people if their mother knows what they're doing.

37. Go up to someone and tell them their face is funny and run away.

38. Yell mango

39. Stand in front of a store, not letting anyone in

40.Call yourself nicknames like tree. into doors for a while and say "Oooooh,I get it now"

41.bang your head off the table at supper.

42.beat up yourself

43.Squeeze lemons and throw the juice in their eyes

44.Take a tall lamp and pretend your on a horse with a sword

45.Eat your teddy bear, then say "Whoops I thought It was a gummy bear"

46.Throw knives at doors until someone opens it, then QUICKLY stop, or keep throwing, what ever floats your boat.

47.Take a video of them when they are being "them selves" then post it live on the internet.

48. Try to snorkel in your fish tank

49. Jump off the roof trying to fly

50. Lay face down and chant like an Indian tribe

  1. my weird dreams..
    9th Jan 2010 16:40
    15 years, 1 month & 9 days ago
    5th Apr 2009 17:02
    15 years, 10 months & 13 days ago
  3. random survey
    4th Jan 2009 14:00
    16 years, 1 month & 14 days ago
  4. 50 ways to drive your parents nuts!!
    15th Nov 2008 06:16
    16 years, 3 months & 4 days ago