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  1. mara buddehs~
    19th Aug 2008 19:01
    16 years, 6 months & 1 day ago
mara buddehs~
16 years, 6 months & 1 day ago
19th Aug 2008 19:01

Monkeh- BUDDEH!!!<33
You brighten up my day. I really can't explain at all how much of a funkadelic person you are... Your epicness can not be put into words. wub.gif

Sox- PAR-TAY!!!
WoooooOOOooooo!! Sox,you are one of my happeh-spasm buddeh. :33
You can make me laugh even when I'm down! SHANK YOU! wub.gif

Haku- I don't know what did happened to you, buddeh. It seemed when I got back from my break from Mara, you just weren't there... Well where ever you are thanks for being a great friend, come back on so we can talk again!! <33

MaximumCullen- Haahaa, I remember reading your profile and was "OMG PARAMORE AND NARUTO! I'VE GOTTA EFFING TALK TO HER!"
Meeting from a Twilight RP board all the way up here, it's been a joy RPing with you! biggrin.gif

Commotion- DOODE, where do I begin? Gosh, it seems like forever since we first met. Well I do know, you're one of my 'special' franns (in a good way). tongue.gif
You're freaking awesome and no one can change that!

Ahh, if I left you out please comment to remind me! SHANK YOOHS!

  1. mara buddehs~
    19th Aug 2008 19:01
    16 years, 6 months & 1 day ago