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  1. Elijah the Hero
    31st Jul 2010 11:56
    14 years, 6 months & 21 days ago
  2. My life at Jefferson High School.
    11th Jul 2009 11:20
    15 years, 7 months & 9 days ago
  3. My Little Red Riding Hood Story
    1st Jul 2009 23:49
    15 years, 7 months & 18 days ago
  4. Guest Book
    1st Jul 2009 22:26
    15 years, 7 months & 18 days ago
  5. Graphics
    16th May 2009 19:57
    15 years, 9 months & 4 days ago
Elijah the Hero
14 years, 6 months & 21 days ago
31st Jul 2010 11:56

Once upon a time there was a young boy named Elijah. Elijah was not like other boys, he simply could not fit in. That was until the day he met Luka. Luka was a lot like him and Elijah noticed this, and Luka noticed that he did.

One day at school during recess Luka approached Elijah, he told him to meet him at his cubby after school, after that he hurried inside just as the bell rang.

After school Elijah went to Luka's cubby, he saw Luka gathering his belongings and put them in his backpack. Luka asked Elijah if he would wait a moment and Elijah nodded his head in reply. After all the other kids had left the room and the teacher was leaving the room to talk to another teacher Luka asked him if he was ready, before Elijah had a chance to ask him what he was talking about things started to blur, furniture in the room seemed to stretch and in the next moment he felt himself getting stretched and pulled into a vortex, into Luka's cubby.

The next moments were a kind of a blur to Elijah, he kept going in and out of blacking out. One moment he was going down a twisty-turny slide the next he was plummeting down a waterfall straight into a huge body of water, but right before he hit the surface a huge hand reached out of the waterfall and cushioned his fall, then he was getting pulled into the waterfall.

When he finally awoke he was in areclined chair and he saw Luka and someone in a white lab coat looking over him, they walked a few feet away and started arguing in hushed tones. After a while of listening to this Elijah simply couldn't stand it any more, he blurted out quite loudly "WHAT JUST HAPPENED?"Luka and what seemed to be a professor waked back over to him.
"Well it seems to be that I have made a mistake." Luka replied.
"Yes and quite a big one at that..." The professor mumbled. "Either way" the professor said louder. " If you thought he was one of us maybe he can be."
"But... how do we know if he can... keeping the secret... he may not be physically or mentally prepared"
"PREPARED FOR WHAT?" Elijah asked, getting more annoyed by the second.
"Well it seemed I haven't introduced myself, I am Professor Kilo, and before we can tell you what this is all about we must see if you are ready."

After that Elijah was rushed off through multiple rooms where he saw warriors dressed in black doing kung fu and lots more people in lab coats doing things with computers, chemicals, and animals. Finally they stopped in a room where they sat him down and strapped him in a chair. Then they started to stick things attatched to wires all over him, he tried to resist but the more things they stuck on him the harder it became. He then floated off to sleep.

When Elijah awoke the next morning he couldn't wrap his head around the weird dream he had. Getting sucked through a vortex?
Warriors in black? Weird wires? Either way he headed off to school and started to accept that it was just a dream. When he got to school Luka was waiting for him outside. Elijah said hi and then when he was starting to head in the building, Luka grabbed his arm and said "You are ready", then Luka took out of his backpack what looked to be a weird type of toy gun and shot it toward the sky. Then everything just stopped, Elijah looked up and saw birds frozen in the sky. He looked at Luka and asked, with worry in his voice, "What is that?"
"Time Gun" Luka replied like it was no big deal. Then he started heading inside the school and motioned for Elijah to follow.
"And what does it do?"
"Stops time for a few moments and only those... special ones can resist it. Two of those are you and I."
"But... why me?"
"Ugh... do I have to spell it out, remember yesterday after school when there was the whole big commotion about if you were ready or not and then we tested you mentally and physically? Guess what your ready you are now a spy in training, congradulations!"
"Whhhaaattt? ME?!? But I'm... I'm just... I'm just...""
"Your special", Luka filled in.
"I am?"
"Yes only a special few make it throught the testing."
"Wow, okay."
"Yeah, anyway let me show and tell you the basics. Follow me." Luka started heading toward the classroom and stopped at my cubby. "See this?"
"Yeah it's just my cubby. So what?"
"This" Luka pulled down the coat rack hanger and we started getting sucked into the vortex again. Things went the same as last time; slide, waterfall, hand.

"Wow!" Elijah said when they were finally back in control.
"Oh why hello Luka, I see you have brought our new recruit. Good job!" Professor Kilo said as he started heading toward us.
"Thank you professor" Luka looked toward me and then back toward the professor "I think I will go to my training for today if that is alright with you?"
"Yes, yes. Go on" the professor replied, "And Elijah if you will just come with me..." As Elijah and the professor were walking the professor talked through the basics of becoming a spy and Elijah liked all he was hearing. "However I hope you know that while it sounds like all fun and games... it is not, there are rules that must be followed and I hope you know that this isn't actually the safest path, so I understand if you want to leave right now, do you?"
"No Professor Kilo, I do not."
"Well then before you will be able to do any field work, you must train. There are many classes that spys used to need to take before the growth of technology, but now there are only a few, and they are simply for practice."
"Okay, what classes do I need to take and what do I need to know?" Elijah asked?
"Well the classes are not until later, first we must get to ready for them."
"For the... classes?" Elijah asked confused.
"Yes you see with the growth of technology we have gadgets that help you with most, maybe even all, of the things you need to know." The Professor said. "And here we are." The Professor said as they stopped walking and he motioned to the huge room that opened up around him. Covering the walls were all sorts of Clothes, Watches, Gadgets. ???This is the gadget room, everything around you is a gadget.???
"Everything? Even the clothes?"
"Yes, they serve different purposes." The Professor moved toward the center of the room where a quite a few gadgets were laid out on a table. Elijah followed.
"Now these are the ones you will be needing... for now."
"Okay, cool."
"Let's get you ready then."

"This watch serves as a global positioning system, internet, cell phone, flashlight, and code breaking system. And more things can be downloaded to it. Take it and put it on." Elijah did just that. "Okay now take these shoes and put them on."
"Okay" Elijah replied, "What do they do?"
"They have a secret compartment and also have rocket blasters, which can make you fly while wearing them."
"Yes well I suppose it is, take these." The professor handed him three very small little devices.
"What are they?"
"Okay stick that one in your ear" the professor said as he pointed toward one of them, "and take the other two and stick them to your back teeth."Elijah wasn't so sure but he did it anyway.
"Okay done" Elijah announced when he finished.
"Good those serve as a communicater and a language translater, when needed to it will allow you speak in other languages when you just neturally speak english. There is only one more gadget, this full black spy outfit. It will allow you to do any fighting move on another when needed to. Here take it and keep it under your clothes at all times. Anyway off to your classes, you need to only take a two. Training and Knowledge. Training is to help you control those gadgets and knowledge will help you learn the true art of spying. Off you go." The professor said as he ushered him out of the room.

After classes were over Elijah was exhausted, it seemed to have taken forever. Yet he felt extremely good and thought he had done an amazing job.

After a few more months of these classes Luka and Professor Kilo approached Elijah and told him he was ready for his first mission. It would begin the next day. Elijah was so excited and was as prepared as he could be when he hurried into headquarters the next day and began his mission.

???Elijah it seems that our good friend , Scientist Radium, has just created a chemical mixture that when you drink it you get super hero powers. Your job is to protect this mixture so it does not fall into the wrong hands.??? Professor Kilo told Elijah.
"Okay so I am just supposed to protect it?" Elijah asked.
"Yes, this is very important. Scientist Radium lives up in the mountains so you'll have to take the jet, your normal gadgets will do just fine. Oh and Elijah Scientist Radium prefers to be called Dr. R, don't forget." the preofessor announced the last part as Elijah was climbing aboard the jet. Elijah started the jet and headed toward the mountains.

When Elijah arrived at Dr. R's Lab and Home everything was going fine. Elijah protected the mixture and Dr. R and him got along fine. Everything was going okay until that night.

That night while Dr. R and everyone but Elijah was asleep Elijah heard drilling from above and looked up only to find a hole in the ceiling and masked criminals looking down at him. Elijah heard them mutter something about the mixture so he grabbed it and the test tube it was in. He ran down the halls and finally slipped around the corner, he heard them running near, he slipped the test tube into his pocket and did a ninja dive into them just as they were stepping around the corner. Their were two goons and Elijah had sent them tumbling to the floor. Elijah started running back the way he came. Goons were now running towards him from all angles, he was about to fight them off when he heard a male scream, he turned around and saw Dr. R being held hostage by three goons. "Give us the mixture and we'll let him go free, or else." One of the goons yelled.
"Don't do it Elijah, it's much too powerful!" Dr. R screamed. Elijah didn't care, he could get the mixture back, however he could not get a life back. Elijah threw the test tube up into the air and watched as all the goons around him dived into catch it. He did not waste time, he grabbed Dr. R and started to pull him off to where the jet was.

When Elijah and Dr. R arrived at headquaters it was pure panic, but what was most clear was that Elijah was going to have to go back out, track this villian, and get the mixture back

The next day, as Elijah was preparing to go back out and get the mixture, breaking new happened. Apparently someone was flying around the tallest buildings in the world and knocking them over. Elijah no longer could get the mixture back so he would have to get the one who drank it. The one who was reaking havic on the people of the world. However Elijah knew he could not beat a super hero, or in this case super villian, being normal. So he hoped Dr. R could create a copy of that same chemical mixture.

"And here we are!" Dr. R announced as he finished adding the last ingredient to the chemical mixture.
"Okay so I just have to drink this and I'll have super hero powers, then I just have to go stop this super villian from knocking down any more buildings and bring him in?" Elijah asked.
"Yes" Prefessor Kilo stated, "and please do hurry Elijah, you must hurry." At that Elijah drank the new mixture. His body was tingling and he started to feel more powerful. He could do this, he knew he could. He flew off to stop this villian.

Elijah was flying right next to the empire state building, he knew this was where the villian was coming next, how he knew however he did not. Elijah was right, he saw him flying directly at him. Elijah couldn't belive his eyes, it was Luka, but why? "Luka?" Elijah asked very confused.
"Yes it is me, now if you'll just move out of the way I have to continue my work." Luka said motioning towards the still standing building. "Move out of the way Elijah."
"Never." At this Luka flew toward him and knocked him into the building. Elijah founght back. They were fighting and flying. One moment Luka would be winning the next Elijah. Finally Elijah slammed him into the building twisted Luka's hands behind his back and brought him back down to the ground. People were cheering for Elijah. Elijah guided Luka into the cop car which was reinforced with plating Dr. R had designed to take the super hero abilities away from Luka. "Luka" Elijah said. "I just have one question, why?"
"Why? I did it because when you joined the force everyone thought you were the next big thing, but they were wrong it was supposed to be me!" Luka explained.

"Job well done!" the professor congradulated him.
"Yes very good job Elijah!" Dr. R said.
"Thanks" Elijah said with a smile on his face.

There was no more panic or fear, the world was peaceful and people were still shouting Elijah name thanking him for their lives. Elijah was no longer just a boy. He was no longer just a spy. Elijah was a hero!


My life at Jefferson High School.
15 years, 7 months & 9 days ago
11th Jul 2009 11:20

Of course it happened again. I was the new girl in the class, at Jefferson Junior High. I didn't have any friends even though I had been there for two weeks. A few girls had come up to me, and tried to make conversation, but I just looked down at my feet and only said a few words. I was sitting by myself at lunch. Just thinking about how my dad promised that he wouldn't make us move again. So I was stuck at this school with no friends. After lunch I had math, history, and then to top off the day I had music class. Through my thoughts I heard "Hey Artemis" I looked up only to find Aaron, a guy who was one grade higher than me. He was a Junior. I guess I was looking pretty shocked because he said "Weird huh?" I just nodded
"So where did you used to live?" he asked me through a sly smile.
"Which time?" he looked pretty confused so I added "I have been to a lot of different schools, my dad's job has us move around a lot."
"So what does he do?"
"He's a doctor, and he is one, I guess, of the top doctors in the U.S., so I have been to schools in a lot of different places. Moving at least once a year. My dad says this is where we're going to stay though"
"Wait... so where's your mom in all of this?" that got to me. I looked down at my feet, toeing the ground.
"Oh, wow I'm sorry"
"It's okay." I choked out.
"So what's your next class?" he asked, changing the subject.
"Math" I blurted out
"Oh, that's mine too, what math class do you have?
"Pre-Calculas"I told him.
"Same with me. Can I walk you there?"
Now this was a little new to me, so I just nodded and went along with it. We talked all the way to my math class and then finished up our conversation in the doorway. Our conversations were mostly about how I was liking Jefferson and how I dealt with moving so often. Then it bounced to boys, and that got me a little nervous. I didn't like anyone here yet, and I didn't really plan on liking anyone right now. Soon enough, thank god, we changed the subject, then the warning bell rang and we went to our seats. Math was... interesting. I've always loved math, but today we had to go around and choose partners we would have through out the year, and put it on a chart. Now I may love math, but this I hated. I'm shy, and going around and asking people to be my partner is not my favorite thing to do. Luckily though some people came up and asked me, these people included Gaby, Madeline, and Katie, little did I know these people would come to be my best friends on Earth for my entire life. One person I left out who asked me to be my my partner was, surprisingly, Aaron. Other than that we had a pretty normal class, and soon enough I headed to history and music and then school was finally over. I was heading out the building, skateboard and backpack in hand, I heard someone calling my name. I turned around and saw Aaron calling my name. When he finally got to me He asked "What?" most likely because I probably had I pretty surprised look on my face.
"Nothing" I quickly said.
"Can I walk you home?" he asked. I nodded yes and we began our walk, me not riding my skateboard as much as I was dying to do so. We talked about books, music, and I found out that he was in a band. We were about halfway to my house when he nervously said:
"Do you want to go to the movies tonight?" I thought about it, about how I really wanted to focus on my grades, and school work, but then I thought about that I actually liked this guy and that I did want to go out with him. I told him "Sure, that would be fun."
"Okay I'll pick you up at 7:30" he said smily that sly smile again. When we got to my house we said our good byes and he left. I went inside my house and up to my room. Now, I'm not obsessed with style or even close to it but I knew that I did not want to look stupid. I quickly decided I would wear a sanguineous long sleeved shirt under a black t-shirt I got from a concert(that had the same color red writing on it,) a pair of black skinny jeans, and My normal black hi-tops. I did my homework, listened to music while I read, and soon enough I got dressed. I brushed through my long red hair and looked at the time, the clock read 7:08. I sat down in the living room and read my book a little bit more, I got to the ending of the book and found out that, once again, the couple lived happily ever after. Then I unsucked myself out of the book and heard the doorbell ringing. I got up, grabbed my black shoulder bag, and leather jacket and headed out the door. He was standing there a single with a single white rose in his hand, he gave it to me while saying: "For you." I smiled there, truly, happily smiled, for the first time since I moved there. We headed down my walk talking about...everything, me smiling the entire time. We got in his car and heaeded to the theaters. We got the tickets, popcorn, soda, some candy, and headed into the theater. The movie was... different. It included comedy, romance, and some horror, so over all I thought it was pretty good. I had read the book and it did an okay job of transferring it into a movie, unlike a lot of other movies. Now, Aaron and I had an amazing time, cracking up at the hilarious ways people were dying, litterally dancing in the theater at the cheesy romance scenes, and screaming out loud when it ended.
While he was driving me home we listened to some amazing punk rock music. Then we arrived at my house, no lights were on so I know my father was working late... again. Anyway, Aaron walked me up to my door, smiling that sly smile again, and kissed me good night. Fireworks were exploding, butterflys were fluttering, and it felt truly amazing.


Aaron and I were officially a couple, we loved being around each other. Also during that two weeks, I found my three best friends, Gaby, Katie, and Madeline. They treated me right, and annoyed me a lot, but that's just the way I like it. What ended my amazing life was that my father came home one day. ON TIME! He said he had some news. I would be getting a new step-mother, and she was a total witch, and so were my three new step-sisters.

Life is like a Rollar Coaster. One minute your spinning through loops, enjoying cork screws, and having the time of your life with your friends right there beside you. The next minute the ride is over. You wish it had lasted longer or that you could ride again, but then you look at the unending line and realize that the rollar coaster is just there to distract you from life's true ups and downs.


The day after I found this out was a friday. I had amazing weekend plans with my friends and Aaron, but now they were all turned into dust and blown away because I had to help "the Witches" move in. Thank god, though, that I got it through their heads that I should not have to share a room, but that, rather, they should. When I told Aaron and my friends about this they agreed with me. It was fraudulent! The fact that my father failed to mention that he had a girlfriend, much less that it was this serious. It was approved by five out of five teenagers, thus making it official, adults are highly confusing! Anyway I ditched helping my father and "the witches" this weekend, he would now truly understand how it felt, instead I went to thus with Aaron: Party on Friday, his concert on Saturday, and the Carnival on Sunday. The rest of the time that weekend I hung out with my friends, and even slept over at their houses. I refused to go home to see any of them, that way I couldn't let them think, for even an instance, that I approved of this.


Aaron and I were doing great. When I was with him I truly did feel like I was walking on air. He saw through the gossip and rumors of high school. We have been together for about a month now and still nothing seemed to get us down. Sure we each had our own weights on us, but when we were together it felt as if they had been lifted. You would expect that we would have had a fight by now but we truly have not. He got along perfectly with my friends and I got along just as much with his. Everything with hime and my friends was going... unbelievably! I loved him and my friends, they were truly amazing. At home... things were not going as well. "They" had moved in. The wedding was set for February and I was to be a bridesmaid. As if that wasn't enough, I had to wear a pink frilly dress! I hate the color pink, it symbolizes the fact that even though girls now have the freedom not to stay home and take care of the kids and men that they still think the man is boss and macho... UGH! The good news was though that I would have perfect freedom to do what I was going to do. Because I hated the wedding I could, how do I state this, redo my dress. I am talking cut off the bows and lace, cut it to be shorter, make it strapless, and best of all dye it black. Wonderfully Joyous! Do you not think? When I told my friends this they thought it was a little extreme, but agreed that my father did this to himself by not telling me he was dating much less that it had gotten that serious.

My Little Red Riding Hood Story
15 years, 7 months & 18 days ago
1st Jul 2009 23:49

While flipping through TV I came upon the weirdest show I had ever seen. It was about people stalking sheep into places like New York, Chicago, and L.A.. Then like it could get any weirder the camera crew(the stalkers) found out that all the sheep were debating with wolves about hunting territory. The stalkers waited around bit listening to ech and every word the animals said, still not believing they could actually talk much less debate. They waited a little longer. The sheep started to leave and so did the wolves, they followed the sheep, I mean why take you chances with a wolf. Then it got creepy weird. They started going places I recognized, to places I'd been much before, to places I sw everyday.

I clicked the T.V. off, this ws getting a little too weird. So I went into the kitchen to ask my mother what was for dinner. Thats when it happened.

The whole red riding hood thing interogating the grandmother, only this time it ws me, and this time it was my mother.

"Why mother what big ears you have" I said through a gasp
"The better to listen to you blab, my dear, dear, Kelsi" mother said with a strange look in her eye.
"What big feet you have"
"The better to follow yo-I mean take you places"
"But mother what sharp teeth you have"
"The better to EAT YOU MY DEAR"

With that I ran screaming out of the house, but I didn't get very far I ws stopped, by the sheep.
"Follow us" I did just that, I would rather take my chances with sheep rather than a wolf. I followed them until they took me somewhere I would have never expected- the mall. I mean how could they just walts right in THEY WERE SHEEP! I just keep following. First they making get new clothes, apparently my "scent" was covering these clothes. So picked out random shirt and pair of shorts. Second they made me buy tent, sleeping bag, and food to get me throught the night. So I did just that. Then they took me to the basement of the mall, and out an exit. Then we walked right into the mountains surrounding our little town. We walked all day, and when the sun was starting to set we found camping spot and rested there for the night.

While I am trying to get to sleep I am thinking about everything that happened that day, running it all back in my head. The wolf, the sheep, the- the stalkers. Then it hits me these are no real sheep, and it ws no real wolf. This is just a dumb T.V. Show. And I'M the victim of the embarassing prank.

So I am thinking of a wy to get away from the camera crew fake sheep people, and then it hits me I sneak out. So thats exactly what I did, I packed up all my stuff then started walking and while I am walking I decide to turn around, I go straight back lay out my sleeping bag, grab fake blood out of my pocket, cover my sleeping bag with it and lead a trail of it in the other direction. Then I start to walk away feeling pretty good about the prank I just pulled on them, but then it hits me!

Where am I supposed to go for the night? I can't go back home that would be too obvious, I am certainly not going to spend the night in the woods with the sheep nearby, so I decide to go to my best friends house-Sydneys House. When I got there we went up to her room and I told her everything that hppend that day. By the time it was over she had an evil grin on her face. The thing is I felt the exact same way. No one dares to pull a prank on me! So we lay out our plans for catching the camera crew fake sheep and get some rest.

We woke up at 8:00a.m. the next mornign smiling our evil grins through a breakfast of donuts and milk. We didn't have to worry about Sydneys parents calling my mom or anything like that because they are never home, they work from 6:00a.m.-8:30p.m. each day and even after 8:30 they are in there office working until 10:00. Sydney even says thay have alarms set for different times in the night to talk business with people in the different time zones. But anyway no problem there. At around 10:00a.m. we watched the news and sure enough it said a had gone missing with traces of blood left behind. so at 11:00 we went into the woods right where I had camped and sure enough no one was there, but soon enough they would be.

So we set up the trap. Attaching a net to four trees and the covering it with leaves. Then we went to the mall to get our disguises, wolf disguises. We also got a c.d. player with speakers and a soundtrack of wolf howling. Then we went back to Sydneys House put on our costumes, got the speakers and c.d. player ready and headed downstairs, only we weren't alone. Sitting there waiting in the chair was my archenemies older brother, Ryan, only by a year but still older, and when he saw us he busted up.

So I am standing there feeling like an idiot when I ask, "Hey how did you get in here?"
"Sydneys little brother let me in"Ryan said
"Crap, what the heck I thought he was out of town for the weekend Sydney?"I said
"Oh, sorry forgot he came back today"Sydney said
"Okay well why did you come anyway?"I asked
"I had to give you ack your skatebord"
"Oh, right forgot about that"I said quietly
"I also came because I saw the news and wanted to ask Sydney if she knew where to were but I guess I got my answer"he said
So then we had to tell him the whole story and when we are all finished what does he say, "Can I help?"he asks
I roll my eyes and ask"Do you have a wolf suit?"
"Yeah, back from a halloween"
"Okay, then you can help, but DO NOT tell anyone"I commanded
"Okay, okay, I won't"

So then me and Sydney sat a ate some lunch while he ran home to get his wolf suit.
When he got back he was already wearing his wolf costume and I couldn't help it he looked like a crab to big for his shell and apparently Sydney and him were thinking the same thing because they both started laughing. Fifteen minutes later off we go into the woods to pull a counter-prank.

When we get to the trail leading up to the campground we stay in the trees along it. Then when we get there what do we find. A camera crew fake sheep group hanging in a net, Ryan says real quietly,"wow!"
We wait few minutes and then we start.

We turn the howling music on, watch there faces drop and look all around, wait minute longer, and run out on four legs. And sure enough they all scream, scream out of their minds. Then we go along with it by jumping and biting at the net. Then we surround the net, pretending that we are about to lunge but instead take off our hed-masks. Then Sydney, Ryan, and I all start busting up saying things like "you shoud have seen your faces" and "I've never heard a guy scream that loud". And while were busting up there sitting in the net looking pretty embarrased. So I count to three with my fingers so only Ryan and Sydney cans see, and when I get to three we all scream "!!!GOTCHA!!!"
~The End

Guest Book
15 years, 7 months & 18 days ago
1st Jul 2009 22:26

If you visited my profile please sign your name.

  1. Elijah the Hero
    31st Jul 2010 11:56
    14 years, 6 months & 21 days ago
  2. My life at Jefferson High School.
    11th Jul 2009 11:20
    15 years, 7 months & 9 days ago
  3. My Little Red Riding Hood Story
    1st Jul 2009 23:49
    15 years, 7 months & 18 days ago
  4. Guest Book
    1st Jul 2009 22:26
    15 years, 7 months & 18 days ago
  5. Graphics
    16th May 2009 19:57
    15 years, 9 months & 4 days ago