6 years, 5 months & 12 days ago

23rd Sep 2018 21:54
Queen Eleka Prize
6 years, 5 months & 18 days ago

18th Sep 2018 04:42
Congratulations! You have visited Marapets for more than 1,650 Days!
To reward you for your loyalty and playing Marapets for this long, Queen Eleka has just given you 900,000MP!
Thanks for playing Marapets!

Birthday Hunt
6 years, 5 months & 20 days ago

15th Sep 2018 18:14
Congratulations! You were in the top 100 highest Birthday Hunt Winners. You have won 1,500,000MP and a Party Monster Trading Card.
11 Years on the site
6 years, 6 months & 12 days ago

23rd Aug 2018 16:45
Got a notice of winning a 150 dukka coin from the king.not thought much of it.decided after a bit to see,how many days it is .When there.got a pop up and a avvie .Congratulations! You found the '11 Years' Hidden Avatar!
Been here 11 years .not feel like 11 years here . time fly's ,when one stop thinking of the time and just plod's on and before one knows it.the years come and goes .whats in 11 years from now ? lol
Extract Enpiah Double win
6 years, 7 months & 11 days ago

26th Jul 2018 09:12
Congratulations! You found the 'Extract Enpiah' Hidden Avatar
You dug up Magic Burnt Bean
was heading for the yellow square and ran out of moves, but then a double notice pop up .first i saw a notice for the avvie. that was a great surprise and then the second notice was about the magic burnt bean .now to complete the goal ,to dig up a magic bean .first day off from work and its a great morning

complete the goal and got a 2 AU .