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NOTE TO STAFF: DiscoNinja and I share an IP address and sometimes we send things to each other to help one another out. Please let us know if you have concerns about account sharing and we would be happy to prove to you we are two separate people with our own accounts.

  1. Note to Staff
    29th Mar 2016 01:26
    8 years, 11 months & 9 days ago
  2. Mini Plates
    26th Feb 2016 10:59
    9 years & 13 days ago
  3. Notes to myself
    7th Feb 2016 13:13
    9 years, 1 month & 1 day ago
  4. Wilby's Missing Gourmet Foods **updated 07/02/16**
    7th Feb 2016 12:47
    9 years, 1 month & 1 day ago
  5. Mara Acomplishments
    29th Jul 2014 07:50
    10 years, 7 months & 11 days ago
  6. Lending Aged Mini Avatars
    26th Jun 2014 03:14
    10 years, 8 months & 13 days ago
  7. Random Concoction Results
    6th Mar 2014 16:19
    11 years & 4 days ago
  8. My Pixels
    1st Dec 2013 05:01
    11 years, 3 months & 7 days ago
  9. Swapping photos
    5th Oct 2013 05:41
    11 years, 5 months & 3 days ago
  10. Pet Goals and Descriptions
    10th Nov 2012 08:05
    12 years, 3 months & 28 days ago
Lending Aged Mini Avatars
10 years, 8 months & 13 days ago
26th Jun 2014 03:14

Attach a Delayed to your pet for 820+ days then view the minipet.

View attached Hodge aged (more than ?? days but less than 283 days)

Attached to Delsin the Elf Mordo, 60k fees
View a Buzzy that has been attached to your pet for 36+ days.

Attached to Gammet the Bee Echlin, 86k fees
View a Fluffy that has been attached to your pet for 201+ days.

Attached to Temmis the Chibi Rusty, 58k fees
View a Myer that has been attached to your pet for 107+ days.

View attached Zorg aged (more than 226 days but less than 649 days)

Both are attached to Siyla the Ice Cream Yuni, 61k fees
View a Pixel that has been attached to your pet for 560+ days.

View a Nesasio that is attached to your pet.

Both attached to Tamey the Pixie Snookle, 70k fees
View a Heart that is attached to your love pet.

View attached Damaged aged 37 days

Both are attached to Amis the Love Lati, 64k fees
View attached Drenched aged (less than 64 days - amount unknown)

Attached to Loves the Valentine Lati, 62k fees
View a Float that has been attached to your pet for 191+ days.

Attached to Barrez the Angel Sindi, 64k fees
View a Princess that has been attached to your pet for 240+ days.

Attached to Miolene the Breeze Mordo, 60k fees
View a Sixth that has been attached to your pet for 180+ days.

Attached to Farine the Furry Yuni, 60k fees
View a Snoween that has been attached to your pet for 300+ days.

View a Wax that has been attached to your pet for 226+ days.

Attach a Lucky to your Christmas pet for 99 days then view the minipet.

All are attached to Cariboo the Christmas Viotto, 60k fees
View a Twittle that has been attached to your pet for 350+ days.

Attached to Kemsa the Love Snookle, 64k fees
View a Witchlet that has been attached to your pet for 180+ days.

View a Buckaroo that has been attached to your pet for 190+ days.

Both attached to Valmai the Witch Lati, 60k fees
View a Doomed that has been attached to your pet for 50+ days.

View a Bugsy minipet attached to your minipet pet.

Both attached to Jacine my Minipet Ercuw, 58k fees
View a Floof minipet attached to your hairy pet.

Attach a Flobberbat to your pet for 1100+ days then view the minipet.

Both are attached to Riz the Hairy Chibs, 62k fees
View attached Drowsy aged 195? days

Attached to Khirsty the Chibi Dakota, 62k fees
Other avatars I can lend (I charge a fee of 25k for these, double if the mini is 300k+)

Make a Chickle Plate

I can lend this mini to make the plate

Make a Clover Plate

I can lend this mini to make the plate

Make a Cremul Plate

I can lend this mini to make the plate

RANDOM when making a Harmoni Plate

I can lend this mini to make the plate

Make a Hearty plate

I can lend this mini to make the plate

Attach a dna minipet to your pet and let it watch tv in your marahome until it is 100% happy.

I have several DNA minis I can lend with a TV

Make a Rejected plate

I can lend this mini to make the plate

Have Rudolph Plate in your Plate Collection and view it.

I can lend this mini to make the plate

Have Scorpi Plate in your Plate Collection and view it.

I can lend this mini to make the plate

RANDOM when making a Sunny Plate.

I can lend this mini to make the plate

Have Twindly Plate in your Plate Collection and view it.

I can lend this mini to make the plate


Random Concoction Results
11 years & 4 days ago
6th Mar 2014 16:19

Trying to turn Yvanya into a baby huthiq so thought I would give these a try

1. Your pet is now no longer hungry or tired and is really happy!
2. Your pet is now no longer hungry or tired and is really happy!
3. Your pet is now no longer hungry or tired and is really happy!
4. Your pet is now no longer hungry or tired and is really happy!
5. Your pet is now no longer hungry or tired and is really happy!
6. Your pet is now no longer hungry or tired and is really happy!
7. Your pet was caught and has been arrested.
You will need to go to the City's Prison to release your pet.
8. Your pet is now no longer hungry or tired and is really happy!
9. Your pet is now no longer hungry or tired and is really happy!
10. Your pet was caught and has been arrested.
You will need to go to the City's Prison to release your pet.
11. Your pet is now no longer hungry or tired and is really happy!
12. Your pet is now no longer hungry or tired and is really happy!
13. Your pet is now no longer hungry or tired and is really happy!
14. Your pet is now no longer hungry or tired and is really happy!
15. Your pet is now no longer hungry or tired and is really happy!
16. Your pet is now no longer hungry or tired and is really happy!
17.Your pet is now no longer hungry or tired and is really happy!

Then I used a colour concoction

1. Your pet is now no longer hungry or tired and is really happy!

Great Sad

Swapping photos
11 years, 5 months & 3 days ago
5th Oct 2013 05:41

For ones I dont have. Please see my trades.

Pet Goals and Descriptions
12 years, 3 months & 28 days ago
10th Nov 2012 08:05

[img][/img] Amis the Love Lati - Pronounced A-miss

I have just renamed her to Amis, her name was Madison20, but I spent 2,000,000mp to change it on the 24th April 2009. Amis is french for the word "Friends" but I pronounce it A-miss. She was one of the first pets on my account and I got her through an ??8 upgrade, first time. She will never be leaving my account.
[img][/img] Barrez the Angel Sindi - Pronounced Ba-res

I traded him for Hoss my cowboy lati. I costumed him chocolate to replace Zackii who I gave to BaileyXIII. He used to be a chocolate sindi and I do still love that costume and the way they look like their melting, however since the new sindi costumes have come out I saw the angel one and couldnt resist, he went through the temple to turn angel.
[img][/img] Cariboo the Christmas Viotto - Pronounced Kari-boo

This pet was confiscated from someone trying to sell his pets for mp. I was given her in a giveaway on AF. Her name is a real place in Canada. On the 3/05/10 I changed her costume to christmas which I spent 1.5 million on, Now she looks beautiful and will likely never be leaving my account.
[img][/img] Cassion the Earth Fairy Viotto - Pronounced Kass-e-en

I did manage my dream of finishing Blitzen and a lovely man (DiscoNinja) gave me the costume, although I suspect he may have had some help from another lovely man (Alcyone). Cassion is a name I made up, and it reminds me of a character that might have been in Narnia. I worked hard for this pet and this was the result of completing Blitzen only once, he wont be leaving my account.
[img][/img] Delsin the Elf Mordo - Pronounced Dell-sin

He will always be a member of the family, and is happy in the costume he is in. I spent over 10 million getting him to be a devil mordo first, then purchased the elf costume. He recently changed his name from Hayden20 to Delsin, which is a real name and means "he is so". I first obtained him when mordos were very desirable and hard to get hold of which is why he is so special to me.
[img][/img] Elvie the Baby Mordo - Pronounced El-vee

Was given to me by ZoeGomez after I posted how I was trying to portal Kemsa into a pixie jessup, but the operation portal wasn't keeping his end of the bargain. I planned to keep her a Pixie Jessup until Baby Mordos arrived, I decided I must have one and put her into the temple at once.
[img][/img] Emarey the Hairy Kujo - Pronounced Emma-re

Created on the 24/02/13, sweetangeleyes came up with this name when I created a board to help me find a great name for a female Hairy Kujo. I am also very fond of the underwater kujo, I didnt used to be a huge fan of this particular pet but I do love some of these new costumes and revamps of the old costumes.
Enira who will eventually be a Spring Chibs - Pronounced E-near-a

A while ago sweetangeleyes messaged me with a list of names to use for my new kujo and she also sent me this name, I really liked it so I vowed to use it on another pet as soon as I saw something I liked. I dont often like chibs, its only recently with some of the newer costumes that I decided I liked them enough to add to my collection. Recently I got another chibs in the form of a hairy chibs and now I have decided I like the spring costume so much I will have another.
[img][/img] Farine the Furry Yuni - Pronounced Fa-rean

I made up this name, and it was the first one I thought of. Strangely enough it wasn't taken and I thought it was meant to be. After over a year of trying to complete the Fates mission I finally managed it first time around and won a witch yuni potion. I used this on Siyla and then immediately used my furry costume I had stored for so long.
[img][/img] Gammet the Bee Echlin - Pronounced Gam-et

I made up this name too and it didnt take too long to think of. This is really the only bee pet and echlin that I like. I completed the temple to create Gammet and I don't think after all that effort, that he will be leaving my account.
Henie the Minipet Figaro - Ponounced Hen-ee

I heard we were able to create new pets, I had been wanting a new pet for a while to help even out the rows of pets and I was just typing in some names in the search bar when I came across this relatively small word that looked so cute I just had to create it. I loved the minipet figaros ever since they came out and it didnt take me as long to save as the last time, I paid 17 mil this time around for a yellow figaro potion and Henie changed on the 8th September 2013. He put on his minipet costume on the 29th Septmber which cost 11 mil.
[img][/img] Iralene the Blitzen Lati- Pronounced Eye-ra-lean

I just finished reading the second in a trilogy of books called Pure and Fuse and Iralene is one of the characters in this book. As soon as I heard the movie rights to the book had been bought I created her and main character Pressia in November 2013. I saw this lati as soon as it came out and knew I just had to have one, Iralene seemed like the perfect fit.
[img][/img] Jacine the Minipet Ercuw - Pronounced Jay-seen

I created Jacine not knowing what I wanted to do with her, just that I liked this name. Then she turned into a Green Daisy during the Undying Festival. When the Minipet Ercuw was first released in the news it took me no time at all to purchase the underwater AU, get lucky and turn him into a cute little dragon. This is the only Ercuw I actually like.
[img][/img] Kemsa the Love Snookle - Pronounced Kem-sa

I made up her name quite easily and loved it straight away. After purchasing a snookle potion she briefly became ice, then purple after using two colour concoctions on her. I then put her into the temple and went through this quite slowly. After much time had passed she finally emerged Love.
[img][/img] Khirsty the Chibi Dakota - Pronounced Kirsty

I was given her by Bratcat and when she arrived she was a witch poera. I decided there and then I would put her through the temple to become a Baby Dakota. After sourcing a potion she was dispatched into the temple and after a speedy journey she emerged as a Baby. She will never be for trade as I adore her name. I own no other Dakotas as this is the only one I like.
EDIT - A new costume came out which I decided I liked even more, and as I plan to own no other Dakotas I changed Khirsty from baby, to chibi.
[img][/img] Loves the Valentine Lati - Pronounced Loves

I did not create her but was given her by Indygo. Loves was on a banned account along with many other well named pets, and indy gave out these pets on the adult forum. I purchased a Valentine Lati potion with my winnings of 5,333,000mp from the slot machine on 12th March 2009. The costume suits her name perfectly and she will stay this way unless another costume comes along.
[img][/img] Miolene the Breeze Mordo - Pronounced My-o-lean

I made up this name and it is pronounced Mi-o-lean. I purchased a mordo with the ??3 credit I earned round the site and turned Miolene into a purple mordo. Then I purchased an emo costume for 600k. For a short while she was emo until Riz came along and I suddenly had two. I decided emo didn't suit Miolene's name and purchased a light fairy costume for 750k. Then the Breeze pets came out, I look one look at that cute little mordo and once again she changed from light fairy to breeze.
[img][/img] Niaima the Furry Chibs - Pronounced Nia-ma

I got the idea for her name from America's next top model. I changed the spelling and came up with Niaima, pronounced Ni-ee-mah. I purchased 3 ??8 toddler upgrades to get a chibs and finally on the 3rd I got one. I changed Niaima to a chibs, then purchased a furry costume off the shop search for 200k.
[img][/img] Pressia the Chibi Chibs- Pronounced Pre-sigh-ah

This is the name of the main character in a trilogy of books (the third being published in feb 2014) with film rights purchased by Fox. She is a strong female lead who is a 'wretch'. I am not sure what I am going to potion/ costume her yet but it should be something fitting to her character in the book.
EDIT - I'm not sure how fitting it is, but I adore this chibs and went a tad mad when this costume was released.
[img][/img Riz the Hairy Chibs - Pronounced Riz

I did not create Riz but traded her and Hoss (Cowboy Lati) for a badly named cotton candy chibs called kitteekittee I was given on the adult forum. So really I got Hoss and Riz for free. I adore her name as it is a real and also a short one. She was an Emo Mordo but as soon as this Chibs was released I used a potion I had in my attic and turned her Hairy.
[img][/img] Sasmi the Splatter Figaro - Pronounced Sass-me

I created the names Sasmi and Sasperelle at the same time and I spent many months saving for a figaro potion. I spent 27 mil to turn Sasmi into a Pink Figaro, then I used my Splatter costume on her immediately. She will never leave my account after all the hard work I put in to making her.
[img][/img] Sasperelle the Spring Viotto - Pronounced Sass-per-el

I traded my valentine snookle Rilene for a spring viotto called Tuvei. I was unhappy with the line up of pets and had a new name I wanted to use so I bought two female name certificates and renamed Sasperelle to Iralene, then renamed Tuvei to Sasperelle. I plan to turn Enira into a spring chibs so I didn't want two spring pets right under each other. I am much happier with this line up as spring viottos are so cute.
[img][/img] Siyla the Ice Cream Yuni - Pronounced S-eye-la

I made Siyla back when I was on holiday in Malta 19/04/09, my boyfriend came up with the name. I always wanted her to become a zombie Yuni and finally I bought the potion from my graphic forum earnings on 14/05/11 then I purchased enough RP to turn her zombie the next day. I wanted her to look evil as her name is a female take on the male character Syler on Heros, it is pronounced Si-la.
EDIT - I changed her to the ice cream ccostume as I felt the zombie one didnt fit in with my other pets.
[img][/img] Tallue the Toy Sindi - Pronounced Ta-lew

Tallue was named Banked, this was a pet I traded my Seasonal Chibs Zanthien for. I changed her name as the name Banked just didnt go with her outfit, and I prefer made up names, to real words. When the toy costume came out I decided I liked this look even more than the cupid sindi which I previously adored.
[img][/img] Tamey the Pixie Snookle - Pronounced Ta-may

Renamed Tamay, she was originally called Nymphadora20 until a the lovely BayleyXIII gave me a new female certificate out of the goodness of her heart. She was renamed on the 24/04/09. She was the first ??8 account upgrade I purchased and I got the pixie snookle one the first time. She was in fact my first limited edition pet.
[img][/img] Temmis the Chibi Rusty - Pronounced Tem-iss

I never liked Rustys until the Hairy one came out. I completed the mission spending quite a bit of money and received a green rusty potion. I had the costume in my attic. He is my only Rusty and I don't think he will be changing.
EDIT - An even better Rusty came out and I changed him immediatly to Chibi.
[img][/img] Valmai the Witch Lati - Pronounced Vall-may

She was created on the 11/04/09 and her name is pronounced Val-may. It is a take on two named joined together, Vallery and May. I purchased a cowboy account upgrade for ??8 and got a lati potion first time. I then searched for a name to suit a Witch pet, as Valmai was destined to become a Witch Lati. I worked hard and made many graphics and finally got her the witch costume she was hankering for.
[img][/img] Wilby the Fairy Sindi - Pronounced Will-bee

She is the first pet on my account, named after my cat at home, Willow. Wilby is her nickname, pronounced Wil-bee. She trains at the gym, has earned many avatars at school and is well learnied. She also aims to have many CD's, musical instruments, Gourmet Foods and Univertsity stats. She has a job as a scientist and is my everything pet. She will NEVER leave this account and is the pet most special to me. She went through the temple to become Fairy but then sadly I accidently changed her into a non LE by putting the wrong potion/plushie on her. I was very upset until the most wonderful man asked me to send my pet to him and he not only changed her into a cottoncandy sindi (which I was thrilled about) but then he used his own fairy costume from his gallery to change her back. In thanks I gave him all the costumes I had from my gallery.

  1. Note to Staff
    29th Mar 2016 01:26
    8 years, 11 months & 9 days ago
  2. Mini Plates
    26th Feb 2016 10:59
    9 years & 13 days ago
  3. Notes to myself
    7th Feb 2016 13:13
    9 years, 1 month & 1 day ago
  4. Wilby's Missing Gourmet Foods **updated 07/02/16**
    7th Feb 2016 12:47
    9 years, 1 month & 1 day ago
  5. Mara Acomplishments
    29th Jul 2014 07:50
    10 years, 7 months & 11 days ago
  6. Lending Aged Mini Avatars
    26th Jun 2014 03:14
    10 years, 8 months & 13 days ago
  7. Random Concoction Results
    6th Mar 2014 16:19
    11 years & 4 days ago
  8. My Pixels
    1st Dec 2013 05:01
    11 years, 3 months & 7 days ago
  9. Swapping photos
    5th Oct 2013 05:41
    11 years, 5 months & 3 days ago
  10. Pet Goals and Descriptions
    10th Nov 2012 08:05
    12 years, 3 months & 28 days ago