NOTE TO STAFF: DiscoNinja and I share an IP address and sometimes we send things to each other to help one another out. Please let us know if you have concerns about account sharing and we would be happy to prove to you we are two separate people with our own accounts.
My husband DiscoNinja sometimes comes online to play and we are using the same laptop at the moment as his is broken and waiting to be fixed.
Occasional gifts are fine. It's when one account seems to always be giving and the other account seems to be getting that raises an eyebrow and the ban hammer. lol
18 years, 9 months & 22 days ago 29th Mar 2016 15:59
Awesome thank you, thats a relief. He doesn't log on often and I didn't want any staff thinking we were the same person, especially since he has been eyeing up my gallery for a costume for his rofling
18 years, 9 months & 23 days ago 29th Mar 2016 05:12
Not a problem. As long as one account is not benifitting from another we have no issues with multiple users on the same device or IP.
18 years, 9 months & 23 days ago 29th Mar 2016 04:47