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  1. Faith
    21st Jul 2009 16:39
    15 years, 6 months & 28 days ago
  2. She was only 13
    21st Jul 2009 09:06
    15 years, 6 months & 29 days ago
  3. Emotional Test! DON'T CHEAT!
    18th Jul 2009 14:17
    15 years & 7 months ago
    18th Jul 2009 10:53
    15 years & 7 months ago
  5. 1 scary way to break up this is REALLY sad
    18th Jul 2009 10:48
    15 years & 7 months ago
  6. Find I love you.
    18th Jul 2009 10:04
    15 years, 7 months & 1 day ago
  7. Read this!!!!
    22nd Jan 2008 13:40
    17 years & 25 days ago
  8. Try this!!
    13th Jan 2008 16:30
    17 years, 1 month & 6 days ago
  9. Try This!!!
    26th Dec 2007 12:33
    17 years, 1 month & 24 days ago
  10. My Sister!
    17th Nov 2007 07:40
    17 years, 3 months & 3 days ago
15 years, 6 months & 28 days ago
21st Jul 2009 16:39

A girl went to a party and she ended up staying longer than planned, and had to walk home alone. She wasn't afraid because it was a small town and she lived only a few blocks away. As she walked along under the tall elm trees, She asked God to keep her safe from harm and danger. When she reached the alley, which was a short cut to her house, she decided to take it. However, halfway down the alley she noticed a man standing at the end as though he were waiting for her. She became uneasy and began to pray, asking for God's protection. Instantly a comforting feeling of quietness and security wrapped round her, she felt as though someone was walking with her. When she reached the end of the alley, she walked right past the man and arrived home safely. The following day, she read in the newspaper that a young girl had been beaten in the same alley just twenty minutes after she had been there. Feeling overwhelmed by this tragedy and the fact that it could have been her, she began to weep. Thanking the Lord for her safety and to help this young woman, she decided to go to the police station. She felt she could recognize the man, so she told them her story. The police asked her if she would be willing to look at a lineup to see if she could identify him. She agreed and immediately pointed out the man she had seen in the alley the night before. When the man was told he had been identified, he immediately broke down and confessed. The officer thanked her for her bravery and asked if there was anything they could do for her. She asked if they would ask the man one question. She was curious as to why he had not attacked her. When the policeman asked him, he answered, Because she wasn't alone. She had two tall men walking on both sides of her. Amazingly, whether you believe or not, you're never alone. Did you know that 98% of teenagers will not stand up for God? Repost this if you truly believe in God.. PS: God is always there in your heart and loves you no matter what If you deny me in front of your friends, I shall deny you in front of my Father STAND UP FOR HIM 98% wont post this are you part of the 2% that will????????

She was only 13
15 years, 6 months & 29 days ago
21st Jul 2009 09:06

Her dad was a drunk

Her mom was an addict

Her parents kept her

Locked in an attic

Her only friend

was a little toy bear

It was old and worn out

And had patches of hair

She always talked to it

When no one's around

She lays there and hugs it

Not a peep of sound

Until her parents

unlock the door

Some more and more pain

She'll have to endure

A bruise on her leg

A scar on her face

Why would she be

In such a horrible place?

But she grabs her bear

And softly crys

She loves her parents

But they want her to die

She sits in the corner

Quiet but thinking,

"Please God, why is

My life always sinking?"

Such a bad life

For a sad little kid

She'd get beaten and beaten

For anything she did

Then one night

Her mom came home high

And the poor child was beaten

As hours went by

Then her mom suddenly

Grabbed for a blade

It was sharp and pointy

One that she made

She thrusted the blade

Right in her chest,

"You deserve to die

You worthless piece of CRAP!

The mom walked out

Leaving the girl slowly dying

She grabbed her bear

And again started crying

Police showed up

At the small little house

Then quickly barged in

Everything quiet as a mouse

One officer slowly

Opened a door

To find the little girl

Lying dead on the floor

It must have been bad

To go through so much harm

But at least she died

With her best friend in her arms

A child dies every day from child abuse

And if you have an ounce of pity in you for Auroura (the little girl),

and you hate child abuse with a passion,

just repost this

if you don't repost this you're a lazy, cold hearted person
repost this saying: she was only 13

Emotional Test! DON'T CHEAT!
15 years & 7 months ago
18th Jul 2009 14:17

Emotional test! DON'T CHEAT

i want my wish to come true so here it is:

Copy, Paste, Don???t look at
the bottom
before you do the thing or it won???t
This is scary but pretty accurate.

good luck:thumbes up:

1. Which color is better red,
black,green,blue or yellow?

2. What???s your middle initial?

3. What month is your birthday?

4. Which color do you like more, black
or white?

5. Name one of your friends.

6. Your favorite number?

7. Do you like flying or driving more?

8. Do you like a lake or the ocean

9. Think of a wish, but don???t write it


1. If you chose:
Red: You are alert and your life is
full of love.

Black: You are conservative and

Green: Your soul is relaxed and you
are laid back.

Blue: You are spontaneous and love
kisses and affection from the ones you
love and give good advice to those who
are down.

Yellow - you are a very happy person..

2. If you???re initial is:

A-K: You have a lot of love and
friendships in your life.

L-R: You try to enjoy your life to the
maximum & your love life is soon to

S-Z: You like to help others and your
future love life looks very good.

3. If you were born in:

Jan-Mar: The year will go very well
for you and you will discover that you
fall in love with someone totally

April-June: You will have a strong
love relationship that will last

July-Sept: You will have a great year
and will experience a major life-
changing experience for the good.

Oct-Dec: Your love life will be great,
and eventually you will find your soul

4. If you chose:

Black: Your life will take you on a
different direction, it will seem hard
at times but will be the best thing
for you, and you will be glad for the

White: You will have a friend who
completely confides in you and would
do anything for you, but you may not
realize it.

5. This person is your best friend:

6. If it is:

1-50 you are a very lovable person and
you have a great life*

more than 50 is nothing

7. If you chose:

Flying - You like adventure.

Driving - You are a laid back person.

8. If you chose:

Lake - You are loyal to your friends,
your lover, and yourself. You are very
reserved and not emotional.

Ocean - You are spontaneous and like
to please people sometimes.

9. This wish will come true only if
you repost this with the title:
Emotional test. Dont Cheat!

15 years & 7 months ago
18th Jul 2009 10:53

It's funny you opened this because in the next 7 days you will....
Have someone fall in love with you
Find a 10 dollor bill
Find out that that person likes you back
Find a 50 dollar bill
Get 10 new friends
Now,you have to repost this using these topices only:
Repost this exact blog now!You only have 3 days to repost it on your blog!

1 scary way to break up this is REALLY sad
15 years & 7 months ago
18th Jul 2009 10:48

A SCARY WAY TO BREAK UP!!!!! DO NOT stop reading this or something bad will happen!!!!!!!! One day, Sarah was walking home from school when her boyfriend drove by and honked at her to get in. She got in his car and he drove her to the lake. Her boyfriend said he was going to tell her something very important. Sarah could have sworn he was going to propose. However, he flicked her off, pushed her in the lake and yelled, "I am breaking up with you, you awful .......!! I hate you and I think that maybe you should just end your .............. life! DUMB ....................!!!" He laughed and drove off. It was a very cold day. Sarah climbed out of the lake, freezing cold, and feeling the worst she had in her entire life. She got home went in a hot bath, and slit her wrists and died in the bathtub. Her parents yelled and screamed at her to get out until they finally broke the door down. They saw no body, but the entire bathroom was dripping with her blood. Her mom went insane and killed herself three days later, her dad is in prison, accused of murder. Later that week, Sarah's exboyfriend was taking a shower when she came from the drain, rotting and bloody, with a razor in her hand and said "Goodbye Jason." She cut his throat before he could scream. If you do not repost this with the title "1 scary way to break up", you are a heartless ..............and Sarah come to you in the shower from the drain, and will kill you the same way she killed her boyfriend. 24 ppl have broken this chain and died you have 13 minutes!

  1. Faith
    21st Jul 2009 16:39
    15 years, 6 months & 28 days ago
  2. She was only 13
    21st Jul 2009 09:06
    15 years, 6 months & 29 days ago
  3. Emotional Test! DON'T CHEAT!
    18th Jul 2009 14:17
    15 years & 7 months ago
    18th Jul 2009 10:53
    15 years & 7 months ago
  5. 1 scary way to break up this is REALLY sad
    18th Jul 2009 10:48
    15 years & 7 months ago
  6. Find I love you.
    18th Jul 2009 10:04
    15 years, 7 months & 1 day ago
  7. Read this!!!!
    22nd Jan 2008 13:40
    17 years & 25 days ago
  8. Try this!!
    13th Jan 2008 16:30
    17 years, 1 month & 6 days ago
  9. Try This!!!
    26th Dec 2007 12:33
    17 years, 1 month & 24 days ago
  10. My Sister!
    17th Nov 2007 07:40
    17 years, 3 months & 3 days ago