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06:41:01 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly
I just refered my friend mwlelli and I will be helping him sending him stuff and what not we will use three different computers to get alone :) thanks!



Circus 1/30





Completed missions:

Blitzen (Blue Viotto Potion)

Theatre (Yellow Phanty Potion

Fates (insideout Yuni Potion)

Pirate Mafia (Purple Pucu Potion)

Fugunzel (Yellow Troit Potion)


  1. Poops Needed to Buy
    12th Apr 2021 00:07
    3 years, 10 months & 8 days ago
  2. Missing Buyable Clothing Swap
    1st Jul 2019 23:47
    5 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
  3. Clothing Item Swap-Socks
    1st Jul 2019 23:08
    5 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
  4. For My Record 2
    10th May 2018 21:59
    6 years, 9 months & 10 days ago
  5. Best enchanted plushie grab
    8th May 2018 17:05
    6 years, 9 months & 12 days ago
  6. All needed mini avvies
    4th May 2018 14:27
    6 years, 9 months & 16 days ago
  7. Missing CD's w/ Prices
    2nd May 2018 18:17
    6 years, 9 months & 18 days ago
  8. For my record
    1st May 2018 16:21
    6 years, 9 months & 19 days ago
  9. Pink Cry Glowing Egg Colors
    28th Apr 2018 22:35
    6 years, 9 months & 22 days ago
  10. Buying 140 Poops
    7th Apr 2018 23:40
    6 years, 10 months & 13 days ago
All needed mini avvies
6 years, 9 months & 16 days ago
4th May 2018 14:27

Aged Minipets:

Ata-Attach to pet 22 day
Bacon-Attach to pet 160 days
Batty- 170+ days
Beach- 11+ days
Blake-22 days+
Boris-31+ days
Butters-41+ days
Buzzy-51+ days bee pet
Chevron-Attach a Chevron to your pet for 220+ days then view the minipet.
Christmas- 200+ days
Chuckles-16+ days
Clovite-20+ days leprechaun pet
Crabs-26 days
Crush-50+ days Valentine pet
Daniel-780+ days
Dantiz-1000+ days
Delayed-820+ days
Delayed-820+ days
Devil-250+ days
Diamond-80+ days
Drenched-62+ days
Drowsy-176 days
drab-56 days
Eggy-590+ days
Ember-110 days
Experiment 667- Aged 40+ days
Fang-10+ days
Flobberbat-1100+ days
Floss-580+ days
Fluffy-200+ days
Frolan-10+ days frostier pet
Gingerbread:120+ days
Gobby-400+ days
High-230+ days
Hodge-251+ days
Holly-277+ days
Jacko-940+ days
Jezebel-470+ days
Jinn-7+ days
Klik-40+ days
Leprechaun-230+ days
Leto-309+ days
Lidge-950+ days
Lovebug-10+ days on love pet
Lucent-260+ days
Lucifer- 200+ days on devil pet
Lucky-Christmas Pet 99+ days
Maddox- 85+ days
Moneybag-96+ days
Myer-106+ days
Nerd-450+ days
Peiko-500+ days
Pingi-75+ days
Pinkal-270+ days
Plug-50+ days
Plynx-520+ days
Pongin- 700+ days
Prancer- 127+ days
Princess - 240+ days
Psyclone- Funky pet 30+ days
Pumkin-980+ days
Pumpkin Ed-1050+ days
Pyri-90+ days
Reaper-139+ days
Sk8er-850+ days
Snoween-300+ days
Snowman-130+ days
Sphinx-166+ days
Stitch-167+ days
Tokem-60+ days
Tres-440+ days
vampry-1020+ days
Wallet-196 days
Yule- Seasonal Pet 99+ days
Zorg-351+ days
Ember-110 days

Plate Minipets:

Chuckle-Make Plate
Chubular-Make Plate
Clover-Make Plate
Dragoth-Make Plate
Egbert-make plate
Frolic-Random from plate
Gargrunt-Make Plate
Meepo-Random Plate
Minti-Random Plate
Mr Rabbit-Plate
Neemi- Plate
Nimble-Random Plate
Nuttler-Random Plate
Poani-Random Plate
Pumpkin Wiz-Plate
Reginald-Plate Random
Rupper- Plate
Sassy- Plate
Skramp-Random Plate
Snixie-Random Plate
Snowel-Random Plate
Sunny-Random Plate
Totette-Random Plate
Toxic-Random Plate
Tubby-Random Plate
Splish- Summer Chest
Solaroo-Random Plate
Verano- Plate
Harmoni-Plate Random

Random Minipet Avatars:

Chamelon-Rainbow Fairy 100 away
Dino-Hector 27
Dune-Buy from spy shop
eFall- put in gallery and view it
Fiestan-Pay your Taxes for 180 days to the Sultan to Claim the Fiestan Prize.
Flayee-Get from POG
Floof-Attach floof to hairy pet
Flutterbull-Receive a Flutterbull minipet when opening a Taurus Treasure Chest.
Gazillionaire:Buy form Antique Shop
Glitch-Attach to Arcade Deca and view
Gruffle-400 Coordination
Iggy-Buy from olympics shop
Kissy-Love Chest
Kuork-Search Kuork on the slow shop search when you have one for sale in your shop for 500,000mp.
Laiyee-view attached to pet need 5
Maestro-Harmony Chest
Maeven-Maeven to midnight pet
Mina-Pisces Chest
Mistake-Sewer Struggle
Napoleons-10 in gallery
Nesasio-attach and view
Otus-200 University Stats
Pat-Pat to Leprechaun pet
Patrick-View Patrick attached to leperchaun pet
Piggy-Buy from Rapunzel
Plague- Attach to basil and view it
Polar-Attach to polar pet
Ra-Desert Goals
Rweek-Buy from usershop
Scrooge-1mp in someones shop buy
Shilpy-22 eleka goals
Silver-Buy from Slater Stalker
Slymol-City Sewers Goals
Snuggles= Attach to polar pet
Springo-attach to easter pet
Sprite-Virgo Chest
Toppy-Steampunk Chest
Turkieye- Attach to Gobble Pet
Tut-Attach to Desert Pet
Tween - King Loyalty Prizes
Twinkle- Attach to sparkle pet
Twins -Gemini Chest
Zounds- view your shop when you have 2 zounds for sale at 500k each

Tut-desert h
Turkieye-Gobble h
Springo-Easter h
Polar-Polar h
Plague-Basil h
Patrick-Leprechaun h
Maeven-Maeven to midnight pet
Glitch-Attach to Arcade Deca and view
Floof-Attach floof to hairy pet

Missing CD's w/ Prices
6 years, 9 months & 18 days ago
2nd May 2018 18:17

This is ridiculous no wonder everyone fails Trunx:

I am missing 105 CD\'s

9th Birthday Songs - 60M
Advent Tree Music - 2M
Ambient Fly Buzzing -
Balloon Beats - 2M
Basil Beats - 1M
Bee Music - 3M
Blizzard Blues
Bubbly Pop -
Bug Beats - 50k rps
Christmas Carols - 15M
Classical Melodies - 7M
Dancing Eggs - 0 in trades
Dark Dance - 35 AU
Desert Melodies - 3M/Sultan Prize
Discontinued Music - 0 in trades
Dukka Fairy Songs - 3M
Earth Fairy Sonnets - 18M
Easter Hunting Tunes - 6M
Experimental Music - 0 in trades
Fairy Bop - 0 in trades
Festival Music -4M
Fire Fairy Salsa - Fire Fairy Prize
Fire Fairy Songs - 1M (offered on trade)
Firework Sounds - 8M
Frankenstein Fusion - 0 in trades/Complete Undying Woods Stamps
Funeral Fables - 2M
Geek Remix - 6M
Gingerbread Songs - 15M
Glitched Noises - 0 in trades
Gnome Music - 18M
Gobble Love Songs - 5M
Greatest Hits by Baby MaraDolls - 50M
Greedy Fairy Music -9M (ridiculous this is a prize)
Halloween Hits -15M
Halloween Snowman Tunes -5M
Heartfelt Melodies - 0 in trades
Hot Air Instrumental - Nimbus Goals
Insideout Playlist - 1.5M
Irish Music - 7M
Jelly Tunes - 4 in trades none priced/jelly man prize
Killer Songs- 5M
Late Night Lullabies -3M in trades
Light Fairy Sonnets - 7M
Loser Blues - 0 in trades
Love Music - 5M
Lullabies - 3M
Minipet Christmas Carols - 1 in trades not priced
Monster Mash -4M
Moonlight Melodies-5M/Moonlight Fairy
Musical Vortex -3.5M
Native Music - 10M
Olde Western Hits - 3M
Olympic Anthems - None in trades 650 in olympic shop
Peaceful Serenade - 12M antique shop
Piano Hits - 0 in trades
Planet Playlist - 3M
Polar Tunes - 10M
Puchalla Hits - 2M/ Puchalla Goals
Punk Music - 1M
Radioactive Jazz -1M
Rainbow Tunes -4M
Rocket Sounds - 15M
Rockin Around the Christmas Tree - 0 in trades
Rock n Roll Classics - 0 in trades
Romantic Hits - 2M
Rotten CD - 0 in trades
Royal March - 0 in trades
Seasonal Classics - 15M
Simerian Songs - 25M
Skater Music - 1 in trades not priced (catherine)
Slater Park Hits - 3.4M/Slater Park Goals
Sleepy Songs - 200k in SS
Snowman Dance - 15M
Snowman Sing Alongs - 3M
Snowman Songs - 14M
Songs of Kamilah Desert - 2M/Kamilah Goals
Space Age Rock - 2M
Spring Songs - 3M
Spring Sonnets - 0 in trades
Spy Sounds - 40k desert spy points
Stars Volume 01 - 2M
St Patricks Day Music - 0 in trades
Straya Songs - 6000 spy points
Summer Hits 2010 - 15M
Superhero Anthems -25M
Synthetic Memory - 4M
Teatime Tunes - 1.025M in Lodge
The Best Christmas Carols - 1 in trades not priced
Thunder Noise - 4M
Tin Hearts - 1M
Transumption Tunes - temple
Transuranic Tunes - temple
Transvaluation Tunes - temple
Turkey Trot Pop - 4M
Turntables - 1 in trades not priced
Undead March - 10M
Undercover Hits - 0 in trades
Undying Fairy Songs - 5M
Undying Tunes - 10M
Vampire Attack Music - 4M
Villain Music - 5M
Villain Soundtrack - 0 in trades
Walkie Talkie Sounds - 3M/Ziranek Goals
War Music - 22M
Winter Exploring Tunes -25M

TOTAL: 603M not including the 23 missing

For my record
6 years, 9 months & 19 days ago
1st May 2018 16:21

mutant, scout

Buying 140 Poops
6 years, 10 months & 13 days ago
7th Apr 2018 23:40

I need the ones below and I am offering 100k each Smile

Alen Poop
Applex Poop
Azlian Poop
Baline Poop
Blissaur Poop
Bonbon Poop
Bubbles Poop
Cactus Poop
Candipeed Poop
Capone Poop
Charley Poop
Check Price
Chevron Poop
Chidder Poop
Choi Poop
Christmas Poop
Chubular Poop
Clovite Poop
Coddle Poop
Crafly Poop
Crush Poop
Daniel Poop
Dazmo Poop
Decadonk Poop
Deci Poop
Delayed Poop
Doomed Poop
Doyow Poop
Doyzul Poop
Dracone Poop
Drenched Poop
Dusty Poop
Earwig Poop
Elf Poop
Erto Poop
Experiment 667 Poop
Fasorul Poop
Flub Poop
Flutterbull Poop
Frolan Poop
Fropa Poop
Gargrunt Poop
Gazillionaire Poop
Gingerbread Poop
Gladie Poop
Gobby Poop
Googlag Poop
Grinido Poop
Grinow Poop
Harmoni Poop
Hauntling Poop
Helloth Poop
Hick Poop
Hodge Poop
Holly Poop
Horus Poop
Hund Poop
Iggy Poop
Iklue Poop
Jacko Poop
James Poop
Jessido Poop
Kade Poop
Kitto Poop
Knoro Poop
Krampling Poop
Legendary Poop
Leidow Poop
Liam Poop
Limoose Poop
Lost Poop
Lovebird Poop
Lovebug Poop
Lucifer Poop
Lunash Poop
Lustress Poop
Maeven Poop
Marguerite Poop
Marney Poop
Mato Poop
Miort Poop
Mistake Poop
Mr Rabbit Poop
Murfzul Poop
Nebbi Poop
Neil Poop
Nerd Poop
Noot Poop
Nuttler Poop
Ottra Poop
Pixel Poop
Plague Poop
Plake Poop
Pliger Poop
Poani Poop
Pocano Poop
Poco Poop
Prancer Poop
Pumpkin Wiz Poop
Purtle Poop
Quiln Poop
Roflow Poop
Scavange Poop
Serri Poop
Shaggy Poop
Shamrock Poop
Shilpy Poop
Shroom Poop
Skelebat Poop
Skullington Poop
Snoodi Poop
Soleo Poop
Splish Poop
Spoopy Poop
Stoolie Poop
Strawbri Poop
Strawbun Poop
Succubus Poop
Sue Poop
Sunny Poop
Swoop Poop
Sycamore Poop
Syotto Poop
Tepee Poop
Toppy Poop
Torall Poop
Tut Poop
Tween Poop
Twinkle Poop
Tyras Poop
Vamps Poop
Volum Poop
Wassup Poop
Weep Poop
Wiik Poop
Wisp Poop
Witchlet Poop
Yakuth Poop
Zarplet Poop
Zetoro Poop
Zointy Poop
Zombear Poop

  1. Poops Needed to Buy
    12th Apr 2021 00:07
    3 years, 10 months & 8 days ago
  2. Missing Buyable Clothing Swap
    1st Jul 2019 23:47
    5 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
  3. Clothing Item Swap-Socks
    1st Jul 2019 23:08
    5 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
  4. For My Record 2
    10th May 2018 21:59
    6 years, 9 months & 10 days ago
  5. Best enchanted plushie grab
    8th May 2018 17:05
    6 years, 9 months & 12 days ago
  6. All needed mini avvies
    4th May 2018 14:27
    6 years, 9 months & 16 days ago
  7. Missing CD's w/ Prices
    2nd May 2018 18:17
    6 years, 9 months & 18 days ago
  8. For my record
    1st May 2018 16:21
    6 years, 9 months & 19 days ago
  9. Pink Cry Glowing Egg Colors
    28th Apr 2018 22:35
    6 years, 9 months & 22 days ago
  10. Buying 140 Poops
    7th Apr 2018 23:40
    6 years, 10 months & 13 days ago