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On April 29th 2006, Reese was born. As a child, Reese was a
very curious sort and spent most of her time reading and
researching anything and everything that caught her eye.
Eventually, her thirst for knowledge grew to the point where
Reese decided it was her calling, not only to know the facts,
but to deliver the facts to the public as well. She enrolled in
University and decided to major in Journalism with a minor
in Molecular Science. Upon graduating, she got a job out in
the field as a reporter with a focus on Science and Education.
One of her assignments was to interview Marada's Teacher of
the Year, which, that year, happened to be Koala. While Reese
found his story compelling, she soon realized her attraction to
him went beyond his story. After her assignment was done,
Reese decided to get to know Koala on a more personal level.
Before long, she was spending all of her time with him, and on
January 29th 2018, Reese and Koala were married. Then, just
before midnight on October 23rd, 2019, they welcomed their first
child, Koalas, who was quickly followed by his twin sister, Reeses,
shortly after midnight on October 24th, 2019. After taking several
months off to bond with her joeys, Reese decided that it was time
to get back to work. Rather than return to Reporting, she decided it
was time to start a new career with her other love: Science. She is
currently working on her Scientist career with the hopes of one day
becoming a Molecular Scientist. Will she succeed? Time will tell...
Reese the Mad Scientist Reese
18 years, 9 months & 28 days OldBorn 3rd May 2006 14:33

4 Years 9 Months Old
White Boris
4 Years 9 Months Old
4 Years 5 Months Old
4 Years 5 Months Old
Level 20 Scientist earning 14,000MP a day