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Oliande is a professional journalist who adores a juicy scoop Oliande, for all her faults, is a professional. So what if she worries about the quell next door most days. It isn't her job to care, even if she checks in on him each morning and leaves him food twice a day. She certainly shouldn't be worrying about that old, homeless cat either, but she gives them food, too. She even sits with them some days and listens to tales about their life when they were an olympic athlete. She lives for gossip and she adores that sweet old cat and maybe she has a thing for tired, sad dorks next door.

Oliande is the eldest of four in a messy, loving home. Oliande loves spring over any other season and is the one who calls the most out of her little family.

Stats required for level 20 Journalist

Level: 100
Speed: 100
Charisma: 65
Language: 100
History: 75
Geography: 70
CDs: 55
DVDs: 50
Books: 90
Stamina: 110
Humanities: 30
Computer Science: 23
Sociology: 20
Oliande the Spring Decadal
16 years, 8 months & 10 days OldBorn 9th Jun 2008 01:42

Spring Cirroc
6 Months 24 Days Old
6 Months 24 Days Old
Spring Vikee
6 Months 24 Days Old
3 Months 13 Days Old
6 Months 26 Days Old
Spring Fifi
6 Months 24 Days Old
Spring Velox
6 Months 24 Days Old
6 Months 26 Days Old
6 Months 18 Days Old
Level 2 Journalist earning 250MP a day