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Marapets is mobile friendly
Cheng is rather cold and can be very manipulative Cheng is the main doctor in her home town and a lover of Christmas. Her office and home are always decorated in a festive manner! Despite the outwardly cheerful appearance, Cheng is cold, mean spirited, and downright manipulative, though she puts a good act when she needs to. Despite how mean she is, children seem to love her, along with Elliari, but Elliari loves everyone.

Stats required for a level 20 Doctor

Level: 160
Defense: 150
Health: 140
Charisma: 65
Language: 100
Math: 150
Science: 175
CDs: 80
DVDs: 60
Books: 110
Stamina: 150
Coordination: 75
Environmental Studies: 44
Humanities: 20
Computer Science: 30
Molecular Science: 45
Cheng the Christmas Tree Quell
4 years, 11 months & 24 days OldBorn 23rd Feb 2020 17:18