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xX_Fired Up and Ready To Go_Xx

~ The Time of Man Has Come to an End ~
Blitzcrank is my experimental Marapet.
He goes through the operation portal daily to render his appearance :)

Blitzcrank is named after his ancestor Steam Golem Blitzcrank
He is also responsible for the Minipets that ride Fasoro Falls and Change Color :)

Zaun is a place where both magic and science have gone awry,
and the unchecked nature of experimentation has taken its toll.
However, Zaun's lenient restrictions allow their researchers and inventors
the leeway to push the bounds of science at an accelerated rate, for better or worse.

It was under these conditions that a team of doctoral students from Zaun's College of Techmaturgy
made a breakthrough in the field of intelligent steam automation.
Their creation, the steam golem Blitzcrank,
was developed to exercise judgment on-the-fly in order to assist with Zaun's hazardous
waste reclamation process, since often the conditions did not allow for human supervision.
However, he soon began exhibiting unforeseen behaviors.

Over time, the scientists were able to identify a demonstrated learning process,
and Blitzcrank fast became a celebrity.
As is sadly often the case though, credit for the golem's creation was scooped up by another -
Professor Stanwick Pididly - though most now know the truth.
In the wake of the ensuing legal maelstrom,
it became evident that neither party truly had the steam golem's best interests at heart,
and Blitzcrank humbly petitioned for personal autonomy.

Backed by overwhelming support from the public,
it took the liberal Council of Zaun only a few weeks to declare Blitzcrank a fully-independent,
sentient entity. A unique being, the golem left Zaun,
distressed by the controversy and feeling there was no place he could fit in.
Now he searches the lands of Valoran to find a place where he might someday belong.

Though Blitzcrank may batter anything that stands in his way,
he really has a heart of gold...
encased in a framework of iron...
in a carapace of steel.

~ The Great Steam Golem Blitzcrank ~
BlitzcrankMox the Pastel Jessup
9 years, 2 months & 5 days OldBorn 14th Dec 2015 16:24

Weight Lifting(4)