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Within the DC universe Desaad is a supervillain who serves lord Darkseid (of Apokolips) as a New God alongside Steppenwolf. He possesses no notable powers but is cunning, able to withstand poisons, and has a longer than average life expectancy.

Desaad is known for his cruelty and desire to inflict as much pain as possible. His outlook on life is both nihilistic and malevolent.

As a young, impressionable boy Desaad was manipulated and corrupted by Darkseid. He grew to enjoy the cruelty he inflicted and eventually became Darkseid's chief torturer.

No one questions me, Desaad *vaporizes Desaad*.... No one.
Desaad the Villain Vlad
3 months, 26 days & 13 hrs OldBorn 24th Oct 2024 19:11