My pets ARE NOT up for trade, unless I state otherwise.
Click for more pictures of my pets and me.
They are so cute! Freya, Eden and me.
Sophitia a.k.a Sonja
3 of my 6 rat girls, all passed sadly.
Selja, my heart rat RIP
Pihla and me, rip little girl.
One happy rat. Kirppu <3
Note to staff, I might rarely log in on my mom's ip (Tarzana) and my ex-boyfriend has an account as well (Deltamon), he isn't active at the moment but that can always change. My little sister also plays here again (Ullakkopeikko) as well as my other little sister (Amaterasu5).
It's been a long while since I've updated my furbaby situation here. I had to put Nemesis to sleep in December 2022 and I've been struggling with health issues so haven't really had the energy to update anything here.
Nemesis taught me that I could be loved, and she was my best friend. Losing her so suddenly really was hard. She had cancer and nothing could be done. I will always have her in my heart.
Right after Nemesis passed I got two button quails (had already agreed getting them before I knew Nemesis was sick), Tiitus and Taateli, both males.
After a while Tiitus started attacking Taateli, so I traded him for a hen, Tiuku Tiituli.
Here is Tiitus and Taateli
Here is Taateli with Tiuku
And this is them when I got them a big terrarium to live in
They are adorable little things. ^^ Their eggs are tiny and they love salad more than anything. If I haven't given them salad, they start pecking at the glass to let me know they want it.
Here is a picture of their first egg. You basically need 7 of them in a recipe for one chicken egg. Perfect size for dwarf rats tho!
After Nemesis had to be put to sleep, I needed to make a decision. I had Sonja and she was not ok being the only cat. She cried for Nemesis and she is super cat social. People social too. I considered letting her go, but I couldn't. She is so imprinted on me and I honestly don't know if I could live without cats. However my financial situation is terrible, so it would have been smarter not to have cats as they cost quite much to keep, specially since mine eat raw food.
So first Nemi came to visit and keep Sonja company. Nemi had been living with my ex as at the time it was the right decision for her to move in with him due to some cat drama. But now she and Sonja bonded right away and when I brought home Piisku who is a rescue cat as well, they all were such a great little pack that I started thinking maybe Nemi should move in with me again for good. My ex didn't agree and Nemi went back to him.
But some months later he changed his mind. I have a balcony and more room and the three girls just went together so great. And now I have three cats.
Here is Piisku. She is talkative, affectionate, always playful and has the longest tail I've ever seen on a cat. She rips my rugs apart, tears fake and real plants and is way too smart, but I love her to bits.
This is all three
Piisku and Sonja
And since that was not enough... I went with friends to see a fancy rat show. I've had rats before and I have pictures of them here, but it's been a few years since last of them died. While we were at the show I saw my first ever dwarf rats. And fell in love.
Dwarf rats are really small, but they still have rats personality. They also seem to live longer than regular fancy rats.
I met two breeders who happen to live in same city as me, and they are the first breeders to breed dwarf rats here in Finland.
I clicked with one of them really well and we started planning co-owning dwarf rat girls. I'd get to have them as pets, she gets to breed them and I get to see the whole life cycle up close. Breeding rats has crossed my mind few times before and this might be the gateway for me to do so in the future, we will see.
So a week ago, I got my first two girls. And I love them so much already.
Meet Brenna and Freya
This is Freya
She is more social of the two and reminds me so much of my heart rat Selja. Brave and easily excited.
Brenna is the darker colored one, she warms to me slower and she loves a good nap more than anything. She is also the one who likes to decorate around the cage. ^^
So that's a long update for whomever might be interested.
Eden is the black one, she was supposed to be a handful, but we bonded right away and now she is my new heart rat. She actually screams at me if I don't spend enough time with her, she is brave and smart and very talkative and has taken my heart so completely.
Lykke is smallest and youngest of the bunch but that doesn't stop her from thinking she is the Empress of Everything. She is small but fiesty and tries to boss everyone around. She also likes to decorate and if someone else touches same paper as she, she starts screaming. Such dramalama this one. She is odd eyed, one black and one red eye.
All four of them in a tiny hut and on their second day of bonding in a small abode. Don't worry, their actual cage is a huge double critter nation.
I will update this when I get a better picture of Lykke. I mostly have million videos of them since they are not easy to take pictures of specially when I'm alone with them.
Bad quality, but in that you can see the eyes.
[img][/img] @Snot Quick pic of them in the cage
11 year, 3 months & 23 days ago 31st Oct 2023 12:21
They are still in just on upper part of the critter nation double cage, but I will soon take the middle grid out and double their space. I will take some pictures of the new setup when I do it. They also have "a day cage" next to my computer where I bring them occasionally if I have to do something and can't focus on them but want them near. Since I have cats and these are very mouselike, I have to be careful and have full attention on them when they aren't in cage. In their room when they freeroam cats aren't allowed in of course.
11 year, 3 months & 23 days ago 31st Oct 2023 12:09
@Snot Rats are really good at destroying things for sure. When I had just Freya and Brenna it was insane how they didn't destroy anything or made a mess. They instantly started using litter boxes and it took weeks (!) before I had to clean up/wash anything more than just quick spot cleaning. Now that I have 4, they have started to shred things to little pieces. But still they pee so much less than standard rats that I don't have to do so much laundry as I used to do with my previous girls. And as they use litter boxes, bedding lasts for month/month a half without a problem.
11 year, 3 months & 23 days ago 31st Oct 2023 12:06
@Jhennya ooh I didn't know that was a thing - that's good cos they're so sensitive to things like that. I feel like I'm always cleaning mine so they don't get damp as well. I had a house just like that but they ate it >_>
The house I have right now has little hamster head shaped holes but they're destructive and keep pulling it apart lol. I have to fix it like every day. Good thing they're lovable >_>
11 year, 3 months & 23 days ago 31st Oct 2023 11:51
@Snot I use paper pellets as well in their cage. That is mörttiröpö, it's wood but it doesn't have dust in it, it's very popular bedding in here. I've been using those two mixed but I might be allergic to the mörttiröpö so I am switching to only paper pellets soon. And yes, cat litter one, Toa-Lätt.
11 year, 3 months & 23 days ago 31st Oct 2023 11:46
Are they on sawdust or wood shavings? I tend to use paper pellets to avoid respiratory issues. Legit use a cat litter because it's cheaper than the exact same with a rat face stuck on it lol
11 year, 3 months & 23 days ago 31st Oct 2023 11:40
Your rats are soooo cute
11 year, 5 months & 24 days ago 30th Aug 2023 15:25