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Marapets is mobile friendly
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🌟I'm cluttered, if I don't reply, I'm really sorry! Give me a nudge if you think I might have missed a message.🌟
Staff note: I'm always swapping between computer/laptop from work and at home, sorry! Dovahblin is my girlfriend and we live together so will have the same IPs!

IMG_0254.png Obsessed with birds, bugs and spookies! Pets are usually not for trade but definitely for borrow/photos!

🌟 Some goals:
🌟Own every osafo maker
🌟Own every item on my wishlist
🌟Collect as many spider things as I can

Feel free to chat to me anytime, I promise I'm nice.
  1. Dreamies
    17th Sep 2022 17:00
    2 years, 3 months & 2 days ago
2 years, 3 months & 2 days ago
17th Sep 2022 17:00

Anime Osafo
Fancy Osafo

Anime Bolimo
Desert Bolimo
Plushie Bolimo

Bug Chibs

Halloween Daisy
Minipet Daisy

Spring Equilor

Chocolate Eyru

Galaxy Gobble

Chibi Limax
Dragon Limax
Minipet Limax
Nimbus Limax

Nimbus Lorius
Spring Lorius
Minipet Lorius

Anime Nino

Simerian Pucu
Summer Pucu

Daylight Quell
Dragon Quell
Minipet Quell

Jinn Raulf
Minipet Raulf

Fairy Rusty
Minipet Rusty

Bug Sindi
Doll Sindi
Mermaid Sindi
Minipet Sindi

Spring Straya
Bug Straya

Fancy Vixen

Bootleg Vlad
Minipet Vlad

Minipet Walee
Winter Walee

Anime Willa
Fairy Willa
Minipet Willa

Jinn Yuni

  1. Dreamies
    17th Sep 2022 17:00
    2 years, 3 months & 2 days ago