Earning goals
4 years, 2 months & 24 days ago
24th Nov 2020 17:2024th November 2020
759869 MP in shop
200K spent on Haunted House quests
100K spent on Simerian Explorer quests - 3 runes, two for trades.
Runes asked for an unreasonably expensive item so I went and did Slates. Got 20 slates for 200K more along with 2 Simerian Excavator stamps worth 10K each and 2 Excavator Trading Cards which I deleted for memory points.
Spent about 100K on pet training
Total 600K spent.
Profit 1289299 in shop.
Sold a Demon Mask in Trades for 825000 (AU item from treasure chest)
Total profit 2114299 MP
25th November - 26th November 2020