Hi there new friends!
5 years & 16 days ago
1st Feb 2020 07:53Hi there new friends! I called Wuzzlefuzz the blue Flab. Me've been looking around my new home alot and me like! Me's favourite place in all of Marada is Nimbus. I hope to meet some friends on me blog soon and hear all about me friend's adventures! Me thinking about university, but me rather school first. Me've been working so hard to get qualified to be a jouranlist so me can report on all sorts of interesting things all over Marada. My owner has a specal fund set up for me for when she sends me to university. Me've been going to the gym becuase to be honest, me's a little big. I love when me owner gives me a book or CD.
And me can't wait to make some friends here and learn about their lives.
For now- Wuzzlefuzz (A.K.A Big Boi)