Olympic Shop
5 years, 5 months & 28 days ago
16th Jun 2019 00:36 Not looking for swaps - just for my records
Learnies/PlayX Baseball Book
x Bendy Figaro Pencil
x Blizzard Blues
Book of Olympic Winners
Book of Sports
x Boot Camp (DVD)
Boot Camp Beats
Boot Camp Video Game
x Didgeridoo 10/10
x Figaro Colouring Book
x Figaro Figurine
x Figaro Skull
x Goal (DVD)
x Heavy Medal Hits
x Olympic Anthems (CD)
x Olympic History (DVD)
Olympics Video Game
x Second Place (DVD)
Winning Playlist (CD)
Collectionsx Olympic Glowing Egg
x Olympics Stamp
x Pawprint Stamp
GourmetsX Boot Camp Sugar Cube
Bowling Ball Pearl
Olympic Pancakes
Olympic Sugar Cube
xx Olympics Pearl
x Strobe Pancakes
x Sweet Figaro Tea
x Tangy Figaro Taffy
Winning Brew
Plushies???xx??? Steddy Eddy has played with AND is in plushie collection
Aqua Figaro Plushie
Beige Figaro Plushie
xx Black Figaro Plushie
xxBlue Figaro Plushie
Brown Figaro Plushie
Coral Figaro Plushie
xx Green Figaro Plushie
xx Grey Figaro Plushie
Lilac Figaro Plushie
Magenta Figaro Plushie
Maroon Figaro Plushie
Navy Figaro Plushie
Olive Figaro Plushie
xx Orange Figaro Plushie
xx Pink Figaro Plushie
xx Purple Figaro Plushie
xx Red Figaro Plushie
Teal Figaro Plushie
xx White Figaro Plushie
xx Yellow Figaro Plushie
Trading CardsCadet Trading Card
x Jim Trading Card
x Muscles Trading Card
x Olympian Trading Card
x Skipper Trading Card
Clothesx Anime Contact Lenses
x Beat It Belt
x Demon Wings
x Gothic Corset
x Gothic Dress
x Gothic Jacket
x Olympic Ceremony Dress
x Olympic Dress
x Spring Flower Costume
x Woven Branch Belt
SportsThese items are all part of play collection but are also asked for in personal trainer quests
???x??? indicates Steddy Eddy has played with that item
x Baseball
x Baseball Bat
x Basketball
x Bowling Ball
x Figure Skating
x Football
x Hockey Stick
x Rugby Ball
x Snowboard
x Soccer
x Tennis Ball
x Volleyball
Enchanted Figaro PlushiesEnchanted Aqua Figaro Plushie
Enchanted Beige Figaro Plushie
Enchanted Black Figaro Plushie
Enchanted Blue Figaro Plushie
Enchanted Brown Figaro Plushie
Enchanted Coral Figaro Plushie
Enchanted Green Figaro Plushie
Enchanted Grey Figaro Plushie
Enchanted Lilac Figaro Plushie
Enchanted Magenta Figaro Plushie
Enchanted Maroon Figaro Plushie
Enchanted Navy Figaro Plushie
Enchanted Olive Figaro Plushie
Enchanted Orange Figaro Plushie
Enchanted Pink Figaro Plushie
Enchanted Purple Figaro Plushie
Enchanted Red Figaro Plushie
Enchanted Teal Figaro Plushie
Enchanted White Figaro Plushie
Enchanted Yellow Figaro Plushie
Figaro PotionsAqua Figaro Potion
Beige Figaro Potion
Black Figaro Potion
Brown Figaro Potion
Chinese Figaro Potion
Coral Figaro Potion
Grey Figaro Potion
Lilac Figaro Potion
Magenta Figaro Potion
Maroon Figaro Potion
Mental Figaro Potion
Navy Figaro Potion
Olive Figaro Potion
Olympian Trading Card
Orange Figaro Potion
Pink Figaro Potion
Polar Figaro Potion
Purple Figaro Potion
Radioactive Figaro Potion
Red Figaro Potion
Sports Figaro Potion
Teal Figaro Potion
Valentine Figaro Potion
Yellow Figaro Potion
MiscellaneousX Figaro Helmet (armour)
xx Iggy ??? 2 in attic, multiple colours available
Sports Costume (for pets)