Simerian Explorer 100 Quest Run 3+
5 years, 6 months & 3 days ago
31st Jul 2019 04:04 Starting Mp: 1,000,000 mp
Ending Mp:548,021
Mp used(includes rsing lol):451979
Starting Quest:900
Ending Quest:1000
Items Gained:
Quest 902 - Rune Z and 5,531MP
Quest 903 - Rune C and 6,872MP
Quest 954 - Rune M and 7,976MP
Quest 956 - Rune D and 7,074MP
Quest 979 - Rune T and 7,147MP(ub)
Quest Run 4
Starting quest:1000
Starting mp:1mil
Ending Mp: 656,944
Items Gained:
Rune P x 2
Rune U
Rune G
Rune Z
Quest Run 5
Starting Quest:1100
Ending Quest1200
Starting Mp: 500K
Ending Mp: 83,621mp
Items Gained:
Quest 1105 - Rune D and Marapoints 4,349MP
Quest 1114 - Rune A and Marapoints 5,049MP
Quest 1123 - Rune R and Marapoints 4,890MP
Quest 1158 - Rune B and Marapoints 4,193MP
Quest 1165 - Rune M and Marapoints 6,635MP
Quest 1189 -Rune P and MP5,600MP