Lending kickass 1.5k Statted pet ~ approx 1.6M fee
6 years, 9 months & 11 days ago
19th Apr 2018 05:28 First, can you please give the topic a boost?
I just dont have the time to battle that much anymore, but if I could, I would. Lightning TC sells on wanted ads for 20M, probably could get a little more for it since it's so rare.
To borrow:
1,567,600MP Fee (2 ways)
Tip is: 3M per 24hrs. (or if you're willing to tip more that's cool too haha. statting Viorra is not cheap =P)
Would be willing to negotiate, take AU's etc etc.
Mail for inquires/interests!
P.s. i work during the day so im not on mara, so if you're keen to battle let's organise something quick haha