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  1. :O Costume/ wig ideas
    29th May 2017 18:09
    7 years, 9 months & 6 days ago
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    30th Jun 2007 01:24
    17 years, 8 months & 5 days ago
:O Costume/ wig ideas
7 years, 9 months & 6 days ago
29th May 2017 18:09

Since my break with Marapets i've been into league of legends and a two new characters came out called xayah and rakan, i love their hoods with the ears, hair and also with each one having one side of the wing ;O i think it would be awesome to make a costume similar or even the other league character called kindred with wolf and lamb <3! it'd be my dream to see a bit of league of legends incorporated with marapets because i love both games dearly Tongue Out when i'm not in a game of league of legends i'm always on marapets (as i just recently just remembered about this site So)

What do you guys think? They look pretty cool and i reckon it'd be awesome to see some of the looks they have like;
wigs, extra holograms, wings, masks, a different curse other than the sea witch curse it could be like the lamb/ work curse or something haha i don't know but i'd love to hear what other people have to say about it So

Xayah and Rakan ->

Kindred ->

Yessss it looks so cool!!
17 years, 9 months & 6 days ago 29th May 2017 19:36
I want that to happen.
17 years, 9 months & 6 days ago 29th May 2017 19:16
  1. :O Costume/ wig ideas
    29th May 2017 18:09
    7 years, 9 months & 6 days ago
  2. You are missing 406 Stamps from your Stamp Album
    30th Jun 2007 01:24
    17 years, 8 months & 5 days ago