Marapocalypse Losses
7 years, 11 months & 5 days ago
14th Mar 2017 22:10I am on Dukka Goal Level 48 of 50
To get there I had to do many things.
However ALL of my prizes are gone
as though I never done this
Further more I lost all of the
Pirate Mafia mission Prizes also
including the Enchanted Burnt Pucu
I am on Level 49 of 50 Nimbus Goals
To get there I had to do many things.
However ALL of my prizes are gone
as though I never done this
Further more I lost all of the
Greedy Gertrude Prizes mission Prizes also
including the Enchanted Leprechaun Lorius Plushie
Thank you Ian for the accomplishments
in handling this awful crash
I sent a support ticket.This was their response.
Staff have replied with the following message:
Can you please send a list of the items you are missing. We will do our best to help you but we need a list of items missing.
MaraPets Team.
I like said before "I am still hopeful"
Today I went to Marada Heaven !!!
Staff have replied with the following message:
Your items have been replaced.
MaraPets Team.