Spiz has sent you the pet Srixia. <3

10 years, 11 months & 21 days ago
14th Mar 2014 07:11Thank you so very much

I won her for my story plot The Carnival of Screams

I shell also post it here if you wanna read. (: It is an Alton Towers attraction (a scaremaze) and so that is where I came up with my idea. Only Jack Nife and HIS plot belongs to Alton Towers along with the name 'Carnival of Screams' Everything else is of my doing. So Leo Pride and Axel Judy are my OCs. I may eventually make something out of this (:
There once was a place of dreams which now is a place of screams. It started out with laughter and cries but now has only tears with demon lit eyes. The inhabitants inside have grown tried and worn, laughter they crave but there is no more. Their clothes are colourful but their smiles are frowns. The place they live brings old memories down. The air there is stale but the blood is fresh. Death waits for no one who enters the dread. Dare you try? Dare you enter? Because the Carnival of Dreams has become The Carnival of Screams!
The old Carnival of Dreams has claimed its latest batch of unfortunates as bodies has been found plastered in clown makeup.
Some sick kind of joke by an elaborate murder? Or is the old tent really haunted? These are the questions asked by so many of our readers and by all the terrified locals around the Carnival. Many are now to terrified to leave their houses and forbid their children playing out after sunset. There has been many reports of shadows roaming the streets and seen in some children???s bedrooms, these shadows are said to resemble that of the clowns that once lived at the Carnival. Some people say they still live there now and that they are now demons after their revenge after the series of tragic accidents that befell on their big top.
Some of which involve Jack Nife the knife thrower killing every visitor under the big top after a stunt went wrong. Another involved the lion tamer Leo Pride who lost an arm after an audience member provoked his lion, he turned the tables allowing the lion to feast upon the poor man for his insolence of disobeying his orders. Many more have fallen under the tent and many more continue to do so, it seems the blood lust has not been stopped since the murder of the puppet master Axel Judy who???s life was taken by man in distort, as he had his wife and her friend???s lives where taken by Jack.
The bodies being found are that who wander inside of their own accord, as some people do it for dares and others out of curiosity. Each body is coated with clown make-up to the face and each killed in a similar way to the fatal accidents or deaths of the old residents of the Carnival. Locals have now named the Carnival of Dreams the Carnival of Screams.
Will these murders ever stop?