?????? LENDING BATTLE PET ??????.
11 years, 2 months & 10 days ago
8th Dec 2013 09:51Lending Reviera: http://www.marapets.com/pets.php?id=72528
Level : 151
Health : 311 / 313
Magic : 362
Charisma : 79
Strength : 326
Defence : 307
Speed : 318
- Borrowing time is 24 hours
- Fees are 370k each way that means its 740k in fees you'll have to spend.
- Tip is 350k
- So you have send a CE to me of 720k. (Tip + My fee) They have to be paid just right after I send the pet to you.
From previous experiences Reviera can beat all opponents, but, i'm afraid it can only win 23 battles against the mutant ones before getting in a draw (unless you have better weapons than Staff of the Fire Fairy). She needs about 50 more points of magic to fully heal while using the wands. I'll be training her while no one is borrowing.
Also gives out a few avatars:
- @: View your pets DVDs when it has watched You have Maramail DVD
- www: View your pets DVDs when it has watched Guide to Marasites DVD
- Delayed
- Sixth
- Float
- Chuckles
- Floss
- Buzy
- 22 instrument avatars
So if you want to borrow, send a MM with this paragraph filled saying which day you would like to borrow.
I, (username here), am borrowing gabyta_13's pet, Reviera (http://www.marapets.com/pets.php?id=72528) for 1 day (24 hours) and agree is just for lending purposes. I agree to return Reviera without having removed any minipets, changed his species/colour nor removed any of her weapons. I acknowledge that my failure to return the pet the way it was, or failing to return it in time, will result in a Report to a staff member. I am:
- Borrowing for 24 hours since the pet is accepted.
- Paying 720k to gabyta_13 (fees+tip) right after the pet is sent.
Signed, (username here)