Easy Creole Shrimp or Tofu for Vegetarian.
11 years, 11 months & 24 days ago
22nd Feb 2013 13:223 tbs oil 1/2 diced celery (optional)
3/4 cup diced onion( I use a pack of frozen)
3/4 cup diced pepper(frozen for this too)
1 clove garlic(optional)
1 TBS corn starch (or any sauce thickener)
1/8 Teas cyanne pepper (this depends on how hot you want it)
1/2 teas Chili powder
1 teas sugar
1 15oz canned tomatoes (mushed up)
1Tbs Worchestershire sauce
2 Tbs parsley (optional if you don't like grass
1 tsp salt (to taste)
1 bay leaf (don't forget to fish it out later)
1 Lb cooked shrimp (cut up firm tofu for vegetarian. Vegans will need a sugar substitute as it has to have the sweetness)
Combine first 5 ingredients in microwave casserole
Microwave high 5 minutes
combine water and corn starch mix until blended add to casserole then add everything except shrimp (or tofu) mix all together Microwave on high 3 1/2 min. Stir micro 3 1/2 min. add shrimp and microwave 5 minutes.
You almost cannot mess this up unless you add too much salt or Cyanne. It is literally dump frozen and canned stuff in with spices and mix. I've made it with steps missing and ingredients missing and it still tastes Wonderful. Just add it to rice for the full effect.