Weird dummy text
12 years, 4 months & 17 days ago
1st Oct 2012 20:39It's dummy text like 'LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET'
Beep Boop Ba
Down in the land of Beepedi Boop, there was a girl named Bopedi.
In this land there was a boat that shiped her down to Bepni.
And down in Bepni was the old troll monster.
Bopedi is scared of the oldtroll monster.
Bopedi then got eaten by the old troll monster.
Everyone from Beepedi Boop came down to visit Bopedi.
But the the oldtroll monster went and ate them all.
And now to this day, Beepedi Boop is forgotten all because of the oldtroll monster.
Forgive me the queen (To understand this one you might want to read the one above me)
One day I met the queen
Her outfit quite stunning
I left the room to take a break
and have a little snack
When I came back
her eyes filled with tears
I left the ketchup stain
on my shirt
and left with disgrace
Later that night
I met with her
yet again
but with a
frightful fear in my eyes
"I have awaken the troll of bepni"
I cried out loud
water staining her dress
I shrieked as i ran outside
Laying in the dirt
The queen came back
I fainted within the ground
I found myself
in the stomach
of the old troll monster
Queen, please forgive me
The sandwich song {Not my own, found on the internet}(To understand this one you might want to read the one above me)
Sandwiches are beautiful,
Sandwiches are fine.
I like sandwiches, I eat them all the time;
I eat them for my supper and I eat them for my lunch;
If I had a hundred sandwiches, I'd eat them all at once.
Once I went to England,
I visited the Queen,
I swear she was the grandest lady
That I've ever seen.
I told her she was beautiful
And could not ask for more,
She handed me a sandwich
And she threw me out the door.