Transumption Journey
12 years, 8 months & 27 days ago
22nd May 2012 11:06Going through with Gouzenko
01: [x] Black Paffint
02: [x] Red Renuw
03: [x] Pink Gordo
04: [x] Red Doyow
05: [x] Blue Wassup
06: [x] Purple Addese
07: [x] Purple Azow
08: [x] Orange Quibs
09: [x] Yellow Addimo
10: [x] Grey Chiliz
11: [x] Black Osafup
12: [x] White Murfzul, Orange Reezul
13: [x] Pink Choi, Pink Addoth
14: [x] Black Chibzul, Red Azint
15: [x] Purple Chiliz, Blue Leidow
16: [x] Grey Huthimo, Yellow Fasofin
17: [x] Pink Azlian, Red Azow
18: [x] Black Chutt, Purple Fendol
19: [x] Green Reesoro, Black Wassup
20: [x] White Fendol, White Ushundow
21: [x] Grey Quibs, Yellow Iklue
22: [x] Pink Chidow, Brown Addoth, Black Murfow
23: [x] Red Chibimo, Purple Addup, Orange Addoth
24: [x] Black Huthimo, Pink Azeido, Grey Yakuow
25: [x] Orange Ushundow, Blue Arasi, Yellow Addese
26: [x] Blue Bolisoro, Purple Doyzul, Purple Azint
27: [x] Grey Huthimo, Orange Jessutt, White Chidow
28: [x] Red Addimo, Brown Erni, Grey Murfow
29: [x] White Dusty, Yellow Doyow, Yellow Yakuth
30: [x] Black Roflow, White Roflow, Red Wassup
Congratulations! You found the 'Transumption' Hidden Avatar!
Gouzenko uses the DNA Minipets knowledge and....
Congratulations!! You have made your way through the Temple of Transumption!!!
You can now choose a Trading Card of your choice to be added to your Battle Deck
{{{finished 7/30/12}}}