Hi there. (: I don't think I've seen you around before, but my name's Emily. c:
So, a little about me?
I've played mara for about 5 years now, but I self-banned my first account about two or three months ago. Blah blah, I don't really want to go into againnn ;=;
However, I do know that self-banning was a mistake, and I don't plan on making that same mistake again.
I'm something along the lines of a forum lurker. I spend most of my lurking time in Graphics Forum, no matter how horrible that place gets to be sometimes. D; Besides Graphics forums, I basically just wander over to a topic that looks interesting. ;o
I don't really collect anything... I only play this game for my own personal goals and to pass the time. (:
Well, I'd simply love to have Chrimae because I love her name and her simple pumpkin-y orange costume. (: I'm not a pet hoarder, nor a pet trader, so Chrimae would stay with me for a veryyyy long period of time. [if not forever? ;p]
I'd love to stat and train her for missions/goals and such, if I'm ever able to get around to such things. I just might re-costume her aswell, but we'll see as the time comes.
Ahh, joy for such a sadly written app. ;=;
I've been pretty scatter-brained the past few days, so sorry about that. D;
Anyways, thank you for reading andd happy early Halloween. (: