I don't know about anyone else, but RSing yesterday for me was bad. All of the shops were really dry. . . Even when Mara had it's most players on. I didn't see a single cossie or potion even RS. =P I did as much as I could, but mostly had to rely on what was already in my shop.
The MP I found in my shop till this morning was mostly thanks to an Underwater Delicacies Scratchcard, [IMG]http://images.marapets.com/items/underwaterdelicacies_5.gif[/IMG], which I sold for 74k. I get pretty lucky with receiving good scratchcards, because I think that yesterday or the day before I sold a Goldmine Scratchcard, [IMG]http://images.marapets.com/items/scratch_8.gif[/IMG], for about 330k. Since I started playing Marapets, I've always liked Dukkas, but never had a reason to collect them. Now I collect them to use on Scratchcards, and it has been pretty rewarding.
The best Scratchcard I've ever gotten was a Dukka Caves Fortune Scratchcard, [IMG]http://images.marapets.com/items/scratch_10.gif[/IMG], which I sold in Trades for 800k!
I'm thinking that when I finish Blitzen(after this whole saving challenge is over), I might stock up like crazy on Dukkas and attempt the Mafia Missions, because I REALLY want a Pucu.
Bank- 8,355,653MP
Since yesterday, I've made 800k MP.
Since I started this Challenge, on Sunday, February 20th, I've made 2,655,000 MP.
I don't really have a Goal as of yet. . . But I'm thinking I'll just see how much I can make. . . And then maybe next time around that I do it, I'll set a Goal that's higher than what I accomplish. =D