Alt Numbers
17 years, 5 months & 8 days ago
13th Sep 2007 12:42Hey whats up im alyajforever my friend jonasborthers963
showed me how to make these
1- ???
2- ???
3- ???
4- ???
5- ???
6- ???
7- ???
8- ???
9- ???
10- ???
11- ???
12- ???
13- ???
14- ???
15- ???
16- ???
17- ???
18- ???
19- ???
20- ??
21- ??
22- ???
23- ???
24- ???
25- ???
26- ???
27- ???
28- ???
29- ???
30- ???
31- ???
33- !
34- "
35- Y
36- $
37- %
38- &
39- '
40- (
41- )
42- *
43- +
44- ,
45- -
If u need any help on them plz maramail me alyajforever I will be happy to show u.Bye ???