Marapet quiz. Which Sindi marapet are you? -Pics-
15 years, 5 months & 13 days ago
6th Sep 2009 12:361. What accessory would you be seen with?
a. nose ring
b. crown
c. cape
d. wings
2. You see a person getting mugged. What's your thoughts?
a. "I could help, or mug the person too"
b. "I'm much too delicate to help"
c. "I better go help quick!"
d. "Who cares?"
3. What animal would you rather have as a pet?
a. lizard or dragon
b. unicorn or dolphin
c. dog or cat
d. bat or spider
4. Where would you rather live?
a. house
b. castle
c. secret superhero lair
d. a dark cave or haunted house
If you chose mostly A's, Congrads you are a Punk sindi!
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If you chose mostly B's, Congrads you are a Princess Sindi!
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If you chose mostly C's,Congrads you are a superhero Sindi!
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If you chose mostly D's, Congrads you are a goth sindi!
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If you chose 1 of each letter,Congrads you are a blue sindi
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