ATM requirements
15 years, 7 months & 21 days ago
30th Jun 2009 22:33You must meet the following qualifications to join.
1. 18 + in age
2. 100 + hidden avatars
3. 1 award trophy
4. 50 + stamps in stamp album
5. 25 + glowing eggs in nest
6. 15 + photos in album
7. 10 + clothes in wardrobe
8. 10 + trading cards in battle deck
9. 5+ items on wishlist
10. Read 10 books or more
11. Watched 10 or more DVDs
12. Listened to 10 or more CDs
13. Played 10 or more musical instruments
14. Finished 500 quests
15. Be able to log at at least once a week or more
Club rules: