My Pets
15 years, 10 months & 2 days ago
17th Apr 2009 03:15Current Pets
Aimee (traded for Vivian[ice viotto] and Karissa[burnt chibs])
Alexandra (traded for vampire tasi)
Alienore (created - aim: angel mordo)
Beth (Traded with Artt for a valentine lati)
Carla (traded with ilovepuppies for Mariietta)
Diana (formerly Dalin and love_train)
Ellie (traded from Lydzstar for vortex ercuw)
Jane: (traded from Tomboy14 for Pamush[valentine lati])
Lillian (traded from GazGirl for chibs)
Normia (created)
Past Pets
Doulay [troit - traded for Karissa]
Fallzy (battle pet until Dalin becomes sufficiently statted) [given to p3dro2000]
Gep (given to claudia24)
gladiolli [gave away]
Haile (traded with Arted for Sybira) [traded to musicman (as a witch poera) for Vivian]
Jacique [given to kalles]
Karissa (traded from Timofy for Doulay the orange troit)
minds_eye (gave away to Bella3oh3)
Pamush (valentine lati) [traded with Tomboy14 for Jane]
Sally [choco sindi] (traded to Poro for Soras - chibs)
Song_Dragon (up for trade) [currently own]
Sybira (given to me by Lydzstar - turned poera and traded for 'Haile' with Arted)
Vivian (traded with musicman for Haile as a witch poera)
White_Unicorn [gave away]