The pet chain project. COMPLETED!
15 years, 11 months & 21 days ago
26th Feb 2009 13:11Hello, this is just a small list to myself. I've been trying to get another Ercuw, Dakota, or maybe a Lightning Snookle, but I want to see if I can get one purely through trading.. So... I'm starting off with one pet, I'm putting it in trades asking for a pet with stats just a little higher, then trading that one for another.
Project Report from start to finish:
Green Daisy ->
Angel Murfin (well statted) ->
Purple Kronk (turned Prison)->
Undying Fairy Nino ->
Green Poera
Black Oglue
Orange Zoosh
Enpiah Daisy ->
(only Daisy and Zoosh are for trade)
Traded Black Oglue, Orange Zoosh, and Enpiah Daisy for a Prison Dakota. I like Dakotas, so I declare this one, over!
Ended: Wednesday September 16, 2009. 22:35 MST