&/: About me :] -STAFF NOTE-
16 years, 1 month & 15 days ago
4th Jan 2009 04:57{{ STAFF;; 2 other accounts are on this IP}}
Q/; What is your name?
A/; My real name is undisclosed for several reasons, although I like my name sufficiently to be able to live with it for a number of years only close friends shall know of my true identity, for now, you shall call me Bear.
Q/; Why does your name keep changing?
A/; As with many things, such as buying and selling my attitude and mood at the spur of the moment is what changes my name. For example this is a "timeline" of my names:
1. Blackadder -{My black adder craze of 2007}
2. Noir -{Still related to black adder and the mighty boosh but my favourite of all my identities.}
3. Murdock -{The A-team, need I say no more?}
4. Captain -{Obsessed with the military}
5. Bear -{Bear Grylls, a man of great compassion for survivalism, my idol, search him if you don't understand why I am compelled to call myself after him}
Q/: All of these are male names, are you a male?
A/; Ahah, no I am not a male,
The world appears to be run by testosterone charged bulls especially when it comes to military selection and great forces that rule the world so generally if you wish to become a status of power the best way to do so is /adopt/ a strong attitude that some women are indifferent to.
Q/; How old are you?
A/; Again, another thing I do not disclose for several reasons, I pride myself with being literate and well spoken and quite a rambling chatterbox and many think that with my strong opinions and vibrant vocabulary that I am of a sufficient age to know better than most, which, in some terms, is correct, but I am certainly not the oldest here by far.
Q/; When's your Birthday?
A/; 16th of July.
Q/; Where do you live?
A/; Many places, in my own head most of the time. ;]
Q/; I saw your graphics topic are you taking requests?
A/; Alas, I am not, a new year calls for a break from graphics, however I shall occasionally edit my site and add new content, just to keep the ball rolling.
{ NOTE: When I am stuck for money I /shall/ be doing requests }
E)) Infact, I am currently working on improving my site, so watch out for news there.
Q/; Can I friend request you?
A/; The more the merrier.
Q/; Are you trading your chibs or troit?
A/; No, they were gifts from two dear friends who are/have leaving/left marapets. They shall never be trades, Satamar will become seasonal and Varigan will be either voodoo or wizard. Although Varigan may be given to a friend as a present.
Q/; Do you accept items overpay?
A/; Yes! I love re-selling multiple items so item offers equals a definate auto!