Pets Personalities

16 years, 9 months & 2 days ago
2nd Jun 2008 12:32 *Rensol the Blue Bolimo-pID:3788072-
Originally a Female Blue Bolimo because she was my first pet and had ties to one of my first OCs, They have under gone some redefining and still have a bit to go.
*Yohl the Ninja Knutt-pID:4045185-
Named for Sasha "Rat" Madison (shorter names) one of my main people she is a very strong psychic female who is quite and reads a considerable bit. She has a brother Dragon(given name Alex)who is 2 years older this time around. Taking the form of any rodent and even some other (mostly pest like animals) she has a wide range of animals that she can use.
*Zaddoc the Fancy Osafo-pID:4063618-
Madoc Thorbert is the Phoenix there for making him the healer as well as a Morpher that has lots of memories. He does as he's told most of the time staying out of typical trouble and is always learning something to do with medicine either ancient or modern.
*dd_alex_madison the Rainbow Zetlian-pID:4044296-
full name Defense Dragon Alex Madison. He???s is standoffish and only loves things from a distance. He is the oldest Morpher and bears the weight of that even if he does not have to. The strongest defense of the 13 he takes the forms of dragons, a chameleon(s),turtle(s), and frogs/toads (no fish or snakes).typical in greens/browns or Camouflage/army print/ army uniform you may see why I let him stay as a Rainbow Zetlian for now that and I love those,he once was a Camouflage mouse for awhile. Renamed Dangan now <3
*Daydallas the Chibs-pID:4187772-
was daydallas_thor the Halloween Tantua. Daydallas (pronounced as it looks)Thorbert is the slider of the group meaning he effects technology when he is near it or upset. He is a tiger/cat and typical wears thing with feline print but I figure he can be scary thanks to the operations portal. He uses any feline IE. tiger, house cat,and/or leopard. He was a dream pets and that is how he will stay.
*Tommal the Easter Azul-pID:4160423-
was tommie_peace the Osafo (any colour, normally white). Tommie is a very shy and quite guy who keeps the peace all the time even if it makes him unhappy. Tommie him self can not fly even though he uses to different birds, a pea foul and a dove. As well as Bear's twin hence why he is an Easter Azul at the moment.
*Orukas the Leprechaun Azul-pID:3491944-
was brownies405. She is a brute force fighter and Twin Sister to Tommie.
*Dohl the Musical Feliz-pID:3803763-
Dum dum drum tap tap tap
Drowen the Vampire Zoosh-pID:7007157-
Dragon and Owens son don't even ask how that happened. He is a punk with both of their habits.
*Garrasuke -pID:4438919-
Had another name I believe. Now named for more minor OC of Mine.
*Norhay the Winter Vixen- pID:7100624
Mix of Norvalwood and Hayden name, part of the Vixen team.
*Haynor the Fire Vixen- pID:7100624
This poor pet has been a lot of things Norhay was its name before this. Now part of the Vixen team. Again mix of Norvalwood and Hayden name.
*Norvalwood the Snow Vixen- pID:7100624
Named for the Norvalwoods of the north of my writing. Part of the Vixen team